Disallow certain APIs within symbolic macros

Symbolic macros are not permitted to call APIs that depend upon the order in which they are invoked relative to the rest of the package's evaluation. This rules out mutations to package-level state (other than declarations of targets), such as the `package()` callable, as well as accessors like `native.existing_rules()`. This restriction is to enable future lazy evaluation of symbolic macros, as well as general build health.

The disallowed APIs are:
- package(), licenses()
- environment_group()
- glob(), subpackages(),
- existing_rule(), existing_rules()

`glob()` and `subpackages()` aren't really side-effectful, but stylistically their result should be passed in as arguments, to reduce implicit entanglement between a macro definition and the package.

Repo machinery APIs are also disallowed since they make no sense in the context of symbolic macros. These include: `workspace()`, `register_toolchains()`, `register_execution_platforms()`, `bind()`, and repository rule instantiation.

Some of the disallowed APIs are not even currently reachable from symbolic macro implementations, because they are not available under `native` and symbolic macros can't take arbitrary arguments. We don't add tests for these situations but they are still disallowed nonetheless.

Note that this CL only bans `native.existing_rules()` within symbolic macros, not legacy macros. Targets declared in a symbolic macro are visible to legacy macros via `existing_rules()`, but we intend to either change those semantics or deprecate `existing_rules()` entirely in the future.

Code changes:
- PackageFactory#getContext is replaced by Package.Builder#fromOrFail and a new variant, Package.Builder#fromOrFailNoSymbolicMacros. The latter is used by the disallowed APIs to produce a clean error when called inside a symbolic macro.
- MacroClass#executeMacroImplementation now maintains a stack in the Package.Builder of currently executing symbolic macros. This is used by fromOrFailNoSymbolicMacros to determine whether we are inside a symbolic macro.
- Deleted some unused static helpers in TargetDefinitionContext. That class is kind of unnecessary at the moment but may be useful when we move to a lazy macro evaluation implementation.
- Checking for an expected error in SymbolicMacroTest is factored to a helper. Created a new helper specifically for checking errors when accessing a restricted API.

Work toward #19922

PiperOrigin-RevId: 630437890
Change-Id: I010dc5f1cc47866956acc11191a5d0c81aba8a7d
14 files changed
tree: 1fd0996e746cfc83435c701c63a2262fc133aa49
  1. .bazelci/
  2. .github/
  3. examples/
  4. scripts/
  5. site/
  6. src/
  7. third_party/
  8. tools/
  9. .bazelrc
  10. .bazelversion
  11. .gitattributes
  12. .gitignore
  14. bazel_downloader.cfg
  15. BUILD
  16. CHANGELOG.md
  19. combine_distfiles.py
  20. combine_distfiles_to_tar.sh
  21. compile.sh
  24. distdir.bzl
  25. extensions.bzl
  27. maven_install.json
  28. MODULE.bazel
  29. MODULE.bazel.lock
  30. rbe_extension.bzl
  31. README.md
  32. repositories.bzl
  33. requirements.txt
  34. SECURITY.md
  36. WORKSPACE.bzlmod
  37. workspace_deps.bzl


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