layout: contribute title: Label-keyed String Dictionary Type for Build Attributes

Label-keyed String Dictionary Type for Build Attributes

Status: Implemented in 5e9e194

Author: Michael Staib


For future work in the realm of allowing Bazel users to define configuration flags, the config_setting rule will need to be able to test configuration values defined by labels rather than strings. The current solution uses a dictionary from string (the flag to check the value of) to string (the value to check against). It makes sense, then, to use a dictionary from label (the flag to check the value of) to string (the value to check against) for user-defined configuration which is defined by a label.

Additionally, for work which relates to setting such user-defined configuration, rules should be able to declare similar dictionaries for the purposes of setting those same flags.

An example incorporating both testing and setting such flags:

    name = "beep",
    values = ["boop", "bop", "bump"],
    default = "bump"

    name = "beep#boop",
    flag_values = {
        ":beep": "boop"

    name = "configuration",
    deps = [
    sets_flags = {
      ":beep": "boop"

    name = "lib"
    deps = select({
      ":beep#boop": [":boop_dep"],
      "//conditions:default": [":other_dep"]

New attribute type: LABEL_KEYED_STRING_DICT

In order to handle these flag values, the BUILD language will need the ability to express a mapping from a label (a flag‘s label, to be precise) to a string (the flag’s value). This will be added as BuildType.LABEL_KEYED_STRING_DICT in native rules, and as attr.label_keyed_string_dict() in Skylark (taking the same parameters as attr.label_list()). This will have to be serializable to query --output=proto format.

Native rule representation

Native rules will be able to take the attribute's value using an AttributeMapper, as normal. In this case, the type returned will be Map<Label, String>. In conjunction with RuleContext.getPrerequisites, this can be used to get both the target and the string value associated with it by iterating over the return value from getPrerequisites and looking up the labels of the TransitiveInfoCollections in the map.

Skylark representation

Skylark rules must render some representation of this structure in ctx.attr.<attrname>. The only restriction on Skylark dictionary keys is that they must be immutable, which the various ConfiguredTargets are (although they must be annotated as such). Accordingly, the value of ctx.attr.<attrname> is a dictionary mapping Target to string. This will have to be changed to be another special case in the SkylarkRuleContext.

Because each target in an attribute will undergo the same transition - if any - and the transition of the target itself will always be the same, the keys of this dict will be unique - i.e., there will be no collisions - as long as the labels used to construct it were unique.

Handling collisions when converting attribute values from Skylark

Labels are special in that there are multiple ways (and possibly multiple encodings!) to represent them in a BUILD or Skylark file which are not the same from Skylark‘s point of view. In the package //label, the strings "label", ":label", "//label", and "//label:label" all evaluate to the same Label when they are picked up by Bazel, but they will be different keys in the dict created by Skylark, where they are merely strings. Skylark does have a label type (constructed with Label("//label"), yet another way of representing the same label), and Bazel does accept it for LABEL attributes, but most uses of label-type attributes take advantage of Bazel’s automatic conversion of strings in label-type attributes. That conversion does not happen until the Skylark value enters the build system at a rule attribute, at which point the value may have been mutated, read, and passed around in Skylark several times.

In Skylark, it is an error for a dictionary literal to contain multiple items with the same key. For consistency and simplicity, LABEL_KEYED_STRING_DICT will throw a ConversionException in its convert method if two of the Skylark dict's keys evaluate to the same label, even if they also have the same value. This only covers the case where the two keys are distinct strings; if two identical keys are used in a dictionary literal, there will be an error in Skylark before this logic ever sees it. Mutations of a key (i.e., dictionary[key] = value for a key which is already in the dictionary) will continue to be allowed as normal.

Testing Plan

  • Conversion exception for non-dict values
  • Conversion exception for dicts other than string-to-string
  • Conversion exception for dicts with multiple keys evaluating to the same label
  • Conversion exception for dicts with invalid labels as keys
  • Successfully converts to Map<Label, String>
  • Successfully converts to query proto
  • Successfully converts to query XML
  • Successfully outputs in build format from query
  • visitLabels visits the labels in the keys
  • Skylark can define label_keyed_string_dict attributes and receive them as a dict of Target to string
  • Skylark can define label_keyed_string_dict attributes with provider requirements and have them be respected
  • Skylark can define label_keyed_string_dict attributes with filetype requirements and have them be respected
  • Skylark can define label_keyed_string_dict attributes and require they not be empty
  • Skylark can define label_keyed_string_dict attributes and make them mandatory
  • Skylark can define label_keyed_string_dict attributes and set the default value
  • Skylark can define label_keyed_string_dict attributes and have Aspects follow them