Project: /_project.yaml Book: /_book.yaml

Contribution policy

This page covers Bazel's governance model and contribution policy.

Governance model {:#governance-model}

The Bazel project is led by a core group of contributors and managed by the community. At this time, all core contributors work for Google. The group of core contributors is self-managing - core contributors are added by two supporting votes from core contributors on the mailing list and no veto within four business days. We expect that new contributors will submit a number of patches before they become core contributors.

Contact the core team at

Contribution policy {:#contribution-policy}

The Bazel project also accepts individual contributions from external contributors that are not actively supporting the project.

The Bazel team uses the following rules for accepting code contributions.

  1. We require all contributors to sign Google's Contributor License Agreement{: .external}.

  2. We accept well-written, well-tested bug fixes to built-in rules.

  3. We accept well-written, well-tested feature contributions if a core contributor assumes support responsibilities (for example, readily answers support questions and works on bugs). This includes feature contributions from external contributors. If there is no core contributor to support a feature, then we will deprecate and subsequently delete the feature - we will give three months' notice in such cases.

  4. We will not accept untested changes, except in very rare cases.

  5. We require a pre-commit code review from a core contributor for all changes. For the time being, we will have to continue making changes across the internal and external code bases, which will be reviewed internal to Google.

  6. We will roll back changes if they break the internal development processes of any of the core contributors.

  7. We will move towards an open governance model where multiple parties have commit access, roll-back rights, and can provide explicit support for features or rules.

  8. We will work with interested parties to improve existing extension points and to establish new extension points if they do not run counter to the internal requirements of any of the core contributors.

For more details on contributing to Bazel, see our contribution guidelines.