layout: documentation title: Windows Chocolatey maintenance

Installing Bazel on Windows

You can install the unofficial package using the chocolatey package manager:

choco install bazel

This will install the latest available version of bazel, and dependencies.

This package is experimental; please provide feedback (@petemounce in issue tracker).

Maintaining Bazel Chocolatey package on Windows


You need:

  • chocolatey package manager installed
  • (to publish) a chocolatey API key granting you permission to publish the bazel package
    • @petemounce currently maintains this unofficial package.
  • (to publish) to have set up that API key for the chocolatey source locally via choco apikey -k <your key here> -s


Compile bazel with msys2 shell and

pushd scripts/packages/chocolatey
  ./build.ps1 -version 0.3.1 -isRelease

Should result in scripts/packages/chocolatey/bazel.<version>.nupkg being created.


  1. Build the package (without isRelease)
  • run a webserver (python -m SimpleHTTPServer in scripts/packages/chocolatey is convenient and starts one on http://localhost:8000)
  • adjust chocolateyinstall.ps1 so that the $url and $url64 parameters point to http://localhost:8000/
  1. Test the install

    The test.ps1 should install the package cleanly (and error if it did not install cleanly), then tell you what to do next.

    In a new (msys2) shell

    bazel version

    should result in that version, with executable from PATH.

  2. Test the uninstall

    choco uninstall bazel
    # should remove bazel from the system - c:/tools/bazel should be deleted

Chocolatey's moderation process automates checks here.


choco push bazel.x.y.z.nupkg --source will then run automated checks and respond to the push via email to the maintainers.