layout: documentation title: Rules Tutorial

Rules Tutorial

The empty rule

To create your first rule, create the file foo.bzl:

def _foo_binary_impl(ctx):

foo_binary = rule(
    implementation = _foo_binary_impl,

As you can see, when you call the rule function, you must define a callback function. The logic will go there, but we can leave the function empty for now. The ctx argument provides information about the target.

You can load the rule and use it from a BUILD file. Create a BUILD file in the same directory:

load(":foo.bzl", "foo_binary")

foo_binary(name = "bin")

Now, the target can be built:

$ bazel build bin
INFO: Analyzed target //:bin (2 packages loaded, 17 targets configured).
INFO: Found 1 target...
Target //:bin up-to-date (nothing to build)

Even though the rule does nothing, it already behaves like other rules: it has a mandatory name, it supports common attributes like visibility, testonly, and tags.

Evaluation model

Before going further, it‘s important to understand how the code is evaluated. Let’s update foo.bzl with some print statements:

def _foo_binary_impl(ctx):
    print("analyzing", ctx.label)

foo_binary = rule(
    implementation = _foo_binary_impl,

print("bzl file evaluation")

and BUILD:

load(":foo.bzl", "foo_binary")

print("BUILD file")
foo_binary(name = "bin1")
foo_binary(name = "bin2")

ctx.label corresponds to the label of the target being analyzed. The ctx object has many useful fields and methods; you can find an exhaustive list in the API reference.

Let's query the code:

$ bazel query :all
DEBUG: /usr/home/laurentlb/bazel-codelab/foo.bzl:8:1: bzl file evaluation
DEBUG: /usr/home/laurentlb/bazel-codelab/BUILD:2:1: BUILD file

We can make a few observations:

  • “bzl evaluation” is printed first. Before evaluating the BUILD file, Bazel evaluates all the files it loads. If multiple BUILD files are loading foo.bzl, we would see only one occurrence of “bzl evaluation” because Bazel caches the result of the evaluation.
  • The callback function _foo_binary_impl is not called. Bazel query loads BUILD files, but doesn't analyze targets.

To analyze the targets, we can use the cquery (“configured query”) or the build command:

$ bazel build :all
DEBUG: /usr/home/laurentlb/bazel-codelab/foo.bzl:8:1: bzl file evaluation
DEBUG: /usr/home/laurentlb/bazel-codelab/BUILD:2:1: BUILD file
DEBUG: /usr/home/laurentlb/bazel-codelab/foo.bzl:2:5: analyzing //:bin1
DEBUG: /usr/home/laurentlb/bazel-codelab/foo.bzl:2:5: analyzing //:bin2
INFO: Analyzed 2 targets (0 packages loaded, 0 targets configured).
INFO: Found 2 targets...

As you can see, _foo_binary_impl is now called twice - once for each target.

Some readers will notice that “bzl evaluation” is printed again, although the evaluation of foo.bzl is cached after the call to bazel query. Bazel doesn't reevaluate the code, it only replays the print events. Regardless of the cache state, you get the same output.

Creating a file

To make our rule more useful, we will update it to generate a file. We first need to declare the file and give it a name. In this example, we create a file with the same name as the target:


If you run bazel build :all now, you will get an error:

The following files have no generating action:

Whenever you declare a file, you have to tell Bazel how to generate it. You must create an action for that. Let's use ctx.actions.write, which will create a file with the given content.

def _foo_binary_impl(ctx):
    out = ctx.actions.declare_file(
        output = out,
        content = "Hello\n",

The code is valid, but it won't do anything:

$ bazel build bin1
Target //:bin1 up-to-date (nothing to build)

We registered an action. This means that we taught Bazel how to generate the file. But Bazel won't create the file until it is actually requested. So the last thing to do is tell Bazel that the file is an output of the rule, and not a temporary file used within the rule implementation.

def _foo_binary_impl(ctx):
    out = ctx.actions.declare_file(
        output = out,
        content = "Hello!\n",
    return [DefaultInfo(files = depset([out]))]

We‘ll look at the DefaultInfo and depset functions later. For now, just assume that the last line is the way to choose the outputs of a rule. Let’s run Bazel:

$ bazel build bin1
INFO: Found 1 target...
Target //:bin1 up-to-date:

$ cat bazel-bin/bin1

We've successfully generated a file!


To make the rule more useful, we can add new attributes using the attr module and update the rule definition. Here, we add a string attribute called username:

foo_binary = rule(
    implementation = _foo_binary_impl,
    attrs = {
        "username": attr.string(),

and we can set it in the BUILD file:

    name = "bin",
    username = "Alice",

To access the value in the callback function, we use ctx.attr.username. For example:

def _foo_binary_impl(ctx):
    out = ctx.actions.declare_file(
        output = out,
        content = "Hello {}!\n".format(ctx.attr.username),
    return [DefaultInfo(files = depset([out]))]

Note that you can make the attribute mandatory or set a default value. Look at the documentation of attr.string. You may also use other types of attributes, such as boolean or list of integers.


Dependency attributes, such as attr.label and attr.label_list, declare a dependency from the target that owns the attribute to the target whose label appears in the attribute's value. This kind of attribute forms the basis of the target graph.

In the BUILD file, the target label appears as a string object, such as //pkg:name. In the implementation function, the target will be accessible as a Target object. For example you can view the files returned by the target using Target.files.

Multiple files

By default, only targets created by rules may appear as dependencies (e.g. a foo_library() target). If you want the attribute to accept targets that are input files (e.g. source files in the repository), you can do it with allow_files and specify the list of accepted file extensions (or True to allow any file extension):

"srcs": attr.label_list(allow_files = [".java"]),

The list of files can be accessed with ctx.files.<attribute name>. For example, the list of files in the srcs attribute can be accessed through


Single file

If you need only one file, use allow_single_file:

"src": attr.label(allow_single_file = [".java"])

This file is then accessible under ctx.file.<attribute name>:


Create a file with a template

Let's create a rule that generates a .cc file based on a template. We could use ctx.actions.write to output a string constructed in the rule implementation function, but this has two problems. First, as the template gets bigger, it becomes more memory efficient to put it in a separate file and avoid constructing large strings during the analysis phase. Second, using a separate file is more convenient for the user. Instead, we use ctx.actions.expand_template, which performs substitutions on a template file.

We create a template attribute to declare a dependency on the template file:

def _hello_world_impl(ctx):
    out = ctx.actions.declare_file( + ".cc")
        output = out,
        template = ctx.file.template,
        substitutions = {"{NAME}": ctx.attr.username},
    return [DefaultInfo(files = depset([out]))]

hello_world = rule(
    implementation = _hello_world_impl,
    attrs = {
        "username": attr.string(default = "unknown person"),
        "template": attr.label(
            allow_single_file = [".cc.tpl"],
            mandatory = True,

Users can use the rule like this:

    name = "hello",
    username = "Alice",
    template = "",

    name = "hello_bin",
    srcs = [":hello"],

If we don't want to expose the template to the end-user and always use the same, we can set a default value and make the attribute private:

    "_template": attr.label(
        allow_single_file = True,
        default = "",

Attributes that start with an underscore are private and cannot be set in a BUILD file. The template is now an implicit dependency: Every hello_world target has a dependency on this file. Don't forget to make this file visible to other packages by updating the BUILD file and using exports_files:


Going further