layout: posts title: IntelliJ and Android Studio support

We've recently open-sourced Bazel plugins for IntelliJ and Android Studio.

Key Features

  • Import a project directly from a BUILD file.
  • BUILD file integration: syntax highlighting, refactoring, find usages, code completion, etc. Skylark extensions are fully supported.
  • Compile your project and get navigatable Bazel compile errors in the IDE.
  • Buildifier integration
  • Support for Bazel run configurations for certain rule classes.
  • Run/debug tests directly through Bazel by right-clicking on methods/classes/BUILD targets.

How do I get started?

To try them out, you can install them directly from within the IDE (Settings > Plugins > Browse repositories), download them from the JetBrains plugin repository, or build directly from source.

Detailed docs are available here.

The plugins are currently Linux-only, with plans for Mac support in the future.