layout: contribute title: Parameterized Skylark Aspects

Design Document: Parameterized Skylark Aspects

Design documents are not descriptions of the current functionality of Skylark. Always go to the documentation for current information.

Status: Approved (Proposal #2), Stage 1 implemented.

Author: Dmitry Lomov, Lindley French

Design document published: 2016-04-18

Proposal #2 is approved


When rules apply aspects to their dependencies, they often need to parameterize these aspects with certain values that depend on rule instances. Typical example:

  • python_proto_library rule (just like other *_proto_library rules) need to generate code for different API versions depending on the attribute py_api_version in the rule instance

In general, a different set of parameters for aspects means not only different actions that aspects generate, but also a different set of extra dependencies that aspects introduce (for example, depending on the value of py_api_version, python proto aspect will depend on different versions of python protobuf runtime library).

This functionality is already available for native implementations of aspects. Native aspects can be parameterized with AspectParameters: (key,value)-dictionaries, where keys and values are simple strings:

  1. AspectParameters are produced by parameter extractor: a function that works on rule instance and produces an aspect parameter dictionary based on rule instance attribute values

  2. AspectParameters affect both the aspect definitions (aspect definition of a particular aspect class depends on AspectParameters) and aspect implementations (AspectParameters are available to ConfiguredAspectFactory.create)

This document describes how to expose this functionality to Skylark in safe and powerful way.

Non-solutions and concerns

Too much parameterization is bad. Consider the following strawman: why cannot we make the entire originating rule instance available to the propagating aspect? This is very powerful, but it introduces a M*N work problem: every rule instance originating an aspect will generate a completely different aspect! Effectively, every rule originating an aspect will generate an entirely new graph of transitive dependencies.

In the same vein, it is desirable to always limit the parameter space across which the aspect parameters might vary. The good design of Skylark aspect parameterization needs to account for that.

Using different instances of aspects/rules instead of parameters is unworkable. It could be argued that, for example, instead of having a api_version on python_proto_library, we should have several different rule classes, py_proto_library_. This is quite unergonomic. It is barely bearable for *_proto_library case, and completely impossible for ndk_cc_library where the potential parameter space is large (for every parameter combination, a new rule class needs to be introduced; Skylark macros cannot help here, as Skylark macros cannot introduce new names into global namespace).

Increased potential of action conflict. As it stands now, aspects output their artifacts to the output directories of the targets they apply to. This is fragile as unrelated aspects can generate conflicting actions, and with introduction of parameters the possibility of that increases (we now have the possibility of the same aspect with different parameters being applied to a target; aspect author might forget to disambiguate carefully, leading to subtle and hard to find bugs).


The primary idea for solving the M*N problem is forcing the aspect author to limit the parameter space and prohibit its accidental expansion. Instead of having a direct function RI -> AI (where RI is a rule instance, AI is an aspect instance), we will have (possibly indirectly) two functions, RI -> P and P -> AI, where P is a finite set of possible parameter values defined in advance.

Proposal #1

We introduce the proposal by example (the discussion is below):


def _py_aspect_attrs(api_version):
    if api_version = "1":
        return { '_protoc' : attr.label(default = "//tools/protoc:v1") }
    else if api_version == "2":

def _py_aspect_impl(target, ctx, params):
    if params.api_version == "1": ….
py_proto_aspect = aspect(implementation = _py_aspect_impl,
    # params declare all aspect parameters with all possible values
    params = { 'api_version' : set(SUPPORTED_API_VERSIONS) },
    attr_aspects = ['deps'],
    # rhs of attrs can still be dictionary if no dependencies on params
    attrs = _py_aspect_attrs,
# Can be omitted, see below.
def _py_proto_library_parameter_extractor(py_api_version, some_other_attr):
    return { 'api_version' : str(py_api_version), }
py_proto_library = rule(implementation = _py_proto_library_impl,
    attrs = {
        'py_api_version' :
        'deps': attr.label_list(aspect = py_proto_aspect,
                # Can be omitted: the default extractor
                # just strs all rule attributes with the same
                # names as aspect parameters.
                aspect_parameter_extractor = _py_proto_library_parameter_extractor,
        'some_other_attr' : attr.string(),

Here are the elements we introduce:

  1. Aspects declare their parameters by means of params argument to aspect function. The value of that argument is a dictionary from parameter name to the set of possible values for that parameter. We require that the parameter space for an aspect is defined upfront. We reject any parameter values that are not declared in advance. In this way we address the M*N work problem: we force the aspect author to limit the parameter space and prohibit its accidental expansion. Note: the better expression for this would have been to require params to always be of certain enumeration type, but we do not have enumeration types in Skylark.

  2. We allow aspect attributes (essentially the extra dependencies that aspects introduce) to depend on aspect parameters. To this end, we allow functions as values of attrs argument for aspect function. If the attrs argument is a function it is called with aspect parameters to obtain the attributes dictionary (the parameters are guaranteed to be within their specified range i.e. set of values). If attrs argument is a dictionary, it is used as is (compatible with current behavior). Note: it is possible to extend attr_aspects argument in the same way as well, if needed.

  3. Parameter dictionary is passed as a third parameter to aspect implementation function.

  4. When rules specify an aspect to apply to their attribute, they can optionally specify a parameter extractor - a Skylark function that produces a parameter dictionary based on values of rule attributes. It is an error when a value of parameter produced by a parameter extractor is not within its specified range. The default parameter extractor just stores the values of rule attributes with the same name as parameters of an aspect in question.

Implementation stages for proposal #1

Stage 1. Make the params available to aspect implementation function. This includes:

  1. Adding params argument to aspect function. Declared parameters and their ranges become a part of SkylarkAspect.

  2. Adding appropriate parameter extractor (just the default one, str-ing all the relevant attribute values) and introduce the validation when creating an aspect in Attribute.SkylarkRuleAspect

  3. Passing parameter dictionary to aspect implementation function: see SkylarkAspectFactory.

Stage 2. Parameterize Skylark aspect attributes with aspect parameters. This involves straightforward changes to aspect Skylark function and to Attribute.SkylarkRuleAspect. The only tricky thing there is handling evaluation exceptions from Skylark.

Stage 3. Implement custom parameter extractors: a straightforward change to Attribute.SkylarkRuleAspect (most of error handling should be in place by that stage).

Proposal #2 (alternative to #1)

In this proposal, aspect parameters are just aspect’s explicit attributes. We restrict the parameter space by requiring all aspect explicit attributes to have values declaration.

Here is how the pervious example will look like in this proposal:


# For rules, configured default function has access to cfg as well, we
# do not support it in aspects
def _py_aspect_protoc(attr_map):
    if attr_map.api_version = "1":
        return Label("//tools/protoc:v1")
      else if attr_map.api_version "2":

def _py_aspect_impl(target, ctx):
    if ctx.attrs.api_version == "1": ….

py_proto_aspect = aspect(implementation = _py_aspect_impl,
    attr_aspects = ['deps'],
    attrs = {
        # For aspect implicit attributes, we allow computed defaults.
        # We still require defaults for all implicit attributes
        '_protoc' : attr.label(default = _py_aspect_protoc)
        # We allow non-implicit attributes. They MUST declare a range of
        # possible values, and they MUST be of a limited set of types
        # (initially just strings)
        'api_version' : attr.string(values = SUPPORTED_API_VERSIONS)

# Can be omitted, see below.
def _py_proto_library_parameter_extractor(py_api_version, some_other_attr):
    return { 'api_version' : str(py_api_version), }
py_proto_library = rule(implementation = _py_proto_library_impl,
    attrs = {
        'py_api_version' :
        'deps': attr.label_list(aspect = py_proto_aspect,
                # Can be omitted: the default extractor
                # just passes all rule attributes with the same
                # names as aspect non-implicit attributes
                # (aka "parameters").
                aspect_parameter_extractor = _py_proto_library_parameter_extractor,
        'some_other_attr' : attr.string(),

Here are the elements we introduce:

  1. We limit the types of explicit aspect attributes to “primitive” values (strings, ints, booleans). Note: initially those attributes should just be strings in line with AspectParameters; if we want more types here, we can extend AspectParameters to support more types.

  2. To facilitate parameterizing aspect dependencies, we allow implicit aspect attributes to have computed defaults, exposed in the same way computed defaults are exposed to Skylark rules: “default value” of an attribute can be a function that computes the value given an attribute map. Note: computed default functions for Skylark rules have access to configuration information as well. We cannot support this for aspects at the moment; we need to clarify the relationship between aspects and configurations, so this is TBD.

  3. When rules specify an aspect to apply to their attribute, they can optionally specify a parameter extractor - a Skylark function that produces a parameter dictionary based on values of rule attributes. The keys of the computed dictionary must match the names of all non-explicit attributes on the aspect. It is an error when a value of parameter produced by a parameter extractor is not within its specified range. The default parameter extractor just passes values of rule attributes with the same name as explicit attributes of an aspect in question.

Implementation stages for proposal #2

(Those stages correspond to implementation stages for proposal #1: at their completion, the same functionality becomes available)

Stage 1. Allow explicit attributes with values restriction on aspects:

  1. Modify aspect value.

  2. Add appropriate parameter extractor (just the default one, passing through all the relevant attribute values) and introduce the validation when creating an aspect in Attribute.SkylarkRuleAspect.

  3. Ensure that explicit attribute values are passed through to aspect implementation function: see SkylarkAspectFactory

Stage 1 is impemented.

Stage 2. Allow computed defaults for aspect’s implicit attributes. This involves changes to aspect Skylark function and to Attribute.SkylarkRuleAspect. There are two non-obvious parts:

  1. we should not allow computed defaults to be default values of attributes after AspectDefintion is computed (i.e. SkylarkAspect.getDefinition)

  2. proper error handling is needed here.

Stage 3. Implement custom parameter extractors: a straightforward change to Attribute.SkylarkRuleAspect (most of error handling should be in place by that stage).