layout: community

Corporate users of Bazel


Braintree, a PayPal subsidiary, develops payment solutions for websites and applications. They use Bazel for parts of their internal build and Paul Gross even posted a nice piece about how their switch to Bazel went.


Makani, now a Google subsidiary, develops energy kites and uses Bazel to build their software (including their embedded C++ software).

Open-source projects using Bazel

If you'd like your project listed here, please [let us know]( project uses Bazel)!


A language-and-platform-neutral remote procedure call system. (Bazel is a supported, although not primary, build system.)

Error Prone

Catches common Java mistakes as compile-time errors. (Migration to Bazel is in progress.)


A Java code generator that allows you to create a builder by writing one function.


An ecosystem for building tools that work with code.


An elegant, formally-specified config generation language for JSON. (Bazel is a supported build system.)

PetitParser for Java

Grammars for programming languages are traditionally specified statically. They are hard to compose and reuse due to ambiguities that inevitably arise. PetitParser combines ideas from scannnerless parsing, parser combinators, parsing expression grammars and packrat parsers to model grammars and parsers as objects that can be reconfigured dynamically.


A collection of C++/Java opensource projects with BUILD files so they can be built with Bazel with out of box support for protobuf and grpc (maybe thrift).

Turbo Santa

A platform-independent GameBoy emulator.