Project: /_project.yaml Book: /_book.yaml

Community updates

Join Bazel developer relations engineers for the monthly community update livestream, or catch up on past ones.

Roadmap Introduction5/19/2022The inaugural Bazel Community Update, introducing the community to some of Google's Bazel leadership to talk about the general state of the project and its upcoming roadmapSven Tiffe, Tony Aiuto, Radhika Advani
Hands-On with Bzlmod6/23/2022This month, we‘re joined by Google engineers Yun Peng and Xudong Yang to talk about Bzlmod, the new dependency system that is expected to go GA later this year. We’ll cover the motivation behind the change, the new capabilities it brings to the table, and walk through some examples of it in action.Yun Peng, Xudong Yang
Extending Gazelle to generate BUILD files7/21/2022This month we‘re joined by Son Luong Ngoc who will be showing the Gazelle language extension system. We’ll briefly touch on how it works under the covers, existing extensions, and how to go about writing your own extensions to ease the migration to Bazel.Son Luong Ngoc