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Installing Bazel on openSUSE Tumbleweed & Leap

This page describes how to install Bazel on openSUSE Tumbleweed and Leap.

NOTE: The Bazel team does not officially maintain openSUSE support. For issues using Bazel on openSUSE please file a ticket at{: .external}.

Packages are provided for openSUSE Tumbleweed and Leap. You can find all available Bazel versions via openSUSE's software search{: .external}.

The commands below must be run either via sudo or while logged in as root.

Installing Bazel on openSUSE {:#install-opensuse}

Run the following commands to install the package. If you need a specific version, you can install it via the specific bazelXXX package, otherwise, just bazel is enough:

To install the latest version of Bazel, run:

zypper install bazel

You can also install a specific version of Bazel by specifying the package version with bazel{{ '<var>' }}version{{ '</var>' }}. For example, to install Bazel 4.2, run:

zypper install bazel4.2