Analysis Producers

Analysis is driven by StateMachine[^documentation] implementations that memoize computations across Skyframe restarts, and enable extremely efficient concurrency. Concurrency is crucial in this context, as analysis involves applying a series of processing steps to multiple dependencies. By employing concurrency, these steps can proceed independently rather than being delayed by stragglers.

StateMachines serve as composable building blocks, and this document illustrates how the analysis producers fit together.


The DependencyContextProducer is used by AspectFunction. It first computes the unloaded toolchain contexts, which as a side effect, computes PlatformInfo, a prerequisite of ConfigConditionsProducer.

                   |    DependencyContextProducer    |
                                  ^         ^
                                  |         |
                                  |         |
+-----------------------------------+     +---------------------------------+
| UnloadedToolchainContextsProducer |     |    ConfigConditionsProducer     |
+-----------------------------------+     +---------------------------------+
                                          | ConfiguredTargetAndDataProducer |


The DependencyContextProducerWithCompatibilityCheck is used by the ConfiguredTargetFunction. Here, a check for incompatibility needs to happen before the unloaded toolchain contexts are computed to avoid failing the build due to incompatibility. So instead of obtaining PlatformInfo as a side effect of computing the unloaded toolchain contexts, it is first computed directly using PlatformInfoProducer. The PlatformInfo is then used to compute ConfigConditions via the ConfigConditionsProducer and the resulting ConfigConditions are used in the compatibility check. Only after the check passes does it finally compute the unloaded toolchain contexts.

| UnloadedToolchainContextsProducer || IncompatibleTargetProducer |
  |                                    |
  |                                    |
  v                                    v
+-----------------------------------------------------------------+     +----------------------+
|         DependencyContextProducerWithCompatibilityCheck         | <-- | PlatformInfoProducer |
+-----------------------------------------------------------------+     +----------------------+
|     ConfigConditionsProducer      |
|  ConfiguredTargetAndDataProducer  |

[^documentation]: TODO(b/261521010): add link when documentation has been checked in.