Configurable attributes, commonly known as [select()
] (be/functions.html#select), is a Bazel feature that lets users toggle the values of BUILD rule attributes at the command line.
This can be used, for example, for a multiplatform library that automatically chooses the appropriate implementation for the architecture, or for a feature-configurable binary that can be customized at build time.
# myapp/BUILD cc_binary( name = "mybinary", srcs = [""], deps = select({ ":arm_build": [":arm_lib"], ":x86_debug_build": [":x86_dev_lib"], "//conditions:default": [":generic_lib"], }), ) config_setting( name = "arm_build", values = {"cpu": "arm"}, ) config_setting( name = "x86_debug_build", values = { "cpu": "x86", "compilation_mode": "dbg", }, )
This declares a cc_binary
that “chooses” its deps based on the flags at the command line. Specficially, deps
Matches must be unambiguous: either exactly one condition must match or, if multiple conditions match, one‘s values
must be a strict superset of all others’. For example, values = {"cpu": "x86", "compilation_mode": "dbg"}
is an unambiguous specialization of values = {"cpu": "x86"}
. The built-in condition //conditions:default
automatically matches when nothing else does.
This example uses deps
. But select()
works just as well on srcs
, resources
, cmd
, or practically any other attribute. Only a small number of attributes are non-configurable, and those are clearly annotated; for instance, config_setting
's own values
attribute is non-configurable.
Certain attributes, like the tools
of a genrule
, have the effect of changing the build parameters (such as the cpu) for all targets that transitively appear beneath them. This will affect how conditions are matched within those targets but not within the attribute that causes the change. That is, a select
in the tools
attribute of a genrule
will work the same as a select
in the srcs
Each key in a configurable attribute is a label reference to a config_setting
target. This is just a collection of expected command line flag settings. By encapsulating these in a target, it's easy to maintain “standard” conditions that can be referenced across targets and BUILD files.
The core config_setting
syntax is:
config_setting( name = "meaningful_condition_name", values = { "flag1": "expected_value1", "flag2": "expected_value2", ... }, )
is an arbitrary Bazel command line flag. value
is the expected value for that flag. A config_setting
matches when all of its flags match (order is irrelevant).
entries use the same parsing logic as at the actual command line. This means:
values = { "compilation_mode": "opt" }
matches bazel build -c opt ...
values = { "java_header_compilation": "true" }
matches bazel build --java_header_compilation=1 ...
values = { "java_header_compilation": "0" }
matches bazel build --nojava_header_compilation ...
only works with flags that affect build rule output. For example, --show_progress
isn't allowed because this only affects how Bazel reports progress to the user.
semantics are intentionally simple. For example, there's no direct support for OR
chaining (although a convenience function provides this). Consider writing macros for complicated flag logic.
The built-in condition //conditions:default
matches when no other condition matches.
Because of the “exactly one match” rule, a configurable attribute with no match and no default condition triggers a "no matching conditions"
error. This can protect against silent failures from unexpected build flags:
# foo/BUILD config_setting( name = "foobar", values = {"define": "foo=bar"}, ) cc_library( name = "my_lib", srcs = select({ ":foobar": [""], }), )
$ bazel build //foo:my_lib --define foo=baz ERROR: Configurable attribute "srcs" doesn't match this configuration (would a default condition help?). Conditions checked: //foo:foobar
can include a no_match_error
for custom failure messages.
Since config_setting
currently only supports built-in Bazel flags, the level of custom conditioning it can support is limited. For example, there's no Bazel flag for IncludeSpecialProjectFeatureX
Plans for [truly custom flags] ( are underway. In the meantime, --define
is the best approach for these purposes. --define
is a bit awkward to use and wasn‘t originally designed for this purpose. We recommend using it sparingly until true custom flags are available. For example, don’t use --define
to specify multiple variants of top-level binary. Just use multiple targets instead.
To trigger an arbitrary condition with --define
, write
config_setting( name = "bar", values = {"define": "foo=bar"}, ) config_setting( name = "baz", values = {"define": "foo=baz"}, )
and run $ bazel build //my:target --define foo=baz
The values
attribute can't contain multiple define
s. This is because each instance has the same dictionary key. To solve this, use define_values
config_setting( name = "bar_and_baz", define_values = { "foo": "bar", # matches --define foo=bar "baz": "bat", # matches --define baz=bat }, )
When define
s appear in both values
and define_values
, all must match for the config_setting
to match.
While the ability to specify multiple flags on the command line provides flexibility, it can also be burdensome to individually set each one every time you want to build a target. Platforms allow you to consolidate these into simple bundles.
# myapp/BUILD sh_binary( name = "my_rocks", srcs = select({ ":basalt": [""], ":marble": [""], "//conditions:default": [""], }), ) config_setting( name = "basalt", constraint_values = [ ":black", ":igneous", ], ) config_setting( name = "marble", constraint_values = [ ":white", ":metamorphic", ], ) # constraint_setting acts as an enum type, and constraint_value as an enum value. constraint_setting(name = "color") constraint_value(name = "black", constraint_setting = "color") constraint_value(name = "white", constraint_setting = "color") constraint_setting(name = "texture") constraint_value(name = "smooth", constraint_setting = "texture") constraint_setting(name = "type") constraint_value(name = "igneous", constraint_setting = "type") constraint_value(name = "metamorphic", constraint_setting = "type") platform( name = "basalt_platform", constraint_values = [ ":black", ":igneous", ], ) platform( name = "marble_platform", constraint_values = [ ":white", ":smooth", ":metamorphic", ], )
The platform can be specified on the command line. It activates the config_setting
s that contain a subset of the platform's constraint_values
, allowing those config_setting
s to match in select()
For example, in order to set the srcs
attribute of my_rocks
, we can simply run
bazel build //my_app:my_rocks --platforms=//myapp:marble_platform
Without platforms, this might look something like
bazel build //my_app:my_rocks --define color=white --define texture=smooth --define type=metamorphic
Platforms are still under development. See the [documentation] ( and [roadmap] ( for details.
Since configuration keys are target labels, their names can get long and unwieldy. This can be mitigated with local variable definitions:
sh_binary( name = "my_target", srcs = select({ "//my/project/my/team/configs:config1": [""], "//my/project/my/team/configs:config2": [""], }), )
CONFIG1="//my/project/my/team/configs:config1" CONFIG2="//my/project/my/team/configs:config2" sh_binary( name = "my_target", srcs = select({ CONFIG1: [""], CONFIG2: [""], }) )
For more complex expressions, you can use macros:
# foo/BUILD genrule( name = "my_target", srcs = [], outs = ["my_target.out"], cmd = select({ "//my/project/my/team/configs/config1": "echo custom val: this > $@", "//my/project/my/team/configs/config2": "echo custom val: that > $@", "//conditions:default": "echo default output > $@", }), )
# foo/genrule_select.bzl def select_echo(input_dict): echo_cmd = "echo %s > $@" out_dict = {"//conditions:default": echo_cmd % "default output"} for (key, val) in input_dict.items(): cmd = echo_cmd % ("custom val: " + val) out_dict["//my/project/my/team/configs/config" + key] = cmd return select(out_dict)
# foo/BUILD load("//foo:genrule_select.bzl", "select_echo") genrule( name = "my_target", srcs = [], outs = ["my_target.out"], cmd = select_echo({ "1": "this", "2": "that", }), )
can appear multiple times in the same attribute:
sh_binary( name = "my_target", srcs = [""] + select({ ":armeabi_mode": [""], ":x86_mode": [""], }) + select({ ":opt_mode": [""], ":dbg_mode": [""], }), )
cannot appear inside another select
(i.e. AND
chaining). If you need to AND
selects together, either use an intermediate target:
sh_binary( name = "my_target", srcs = [""], deps = select({ ":armeabi_mode": [":armeabi_lib"], ... }), ) sh_library( name = "armeabi_lib", srcs = select({ ":opt_mode": [""], ... }), )
or write a macro to do the same thing automatically.
This approach doesn't work for non-deps attributes (like genrule:cmd). For these, extra config_settings
may be necessary:
config_setting( name = "armeabi_and_opt", values = { "cpu": "armeabi", "compilation_mode": "opt", }, )
Consider the following:
sh_binary( name = "my_target", srcs = [""], deps = select({ ":config1": [":standard_lib"], ":config2": [":standard_lib"], ":config3": [":standard_lib"], ":config4": [":special_lib"], }), )
Most conditions evaluate to the same dep. But this syntax is verbose, hard to maintain, and refactoring-unfriendly. It would be nice to not have to repeat [":standard_lib"]
over and over.
One option is to predefine the declaration as a BUILD variable:
STANDARD_DEP = [":standard_lib"] sh_binary( name = "my_target", srcs = [""], deps = select({ ":config1": STANDARD_DEP, ":config2": STANDARD_DEP, ":config3": STANDARD_DEP, ":config4": [":special_lib"], }), )
This makes it easier to manage the dependency. But it still adds unnecessary duplication.
doesn't support native syntax for OR
ed conditions. For this, use the Skylib utility [selects
] (
load("@bazel_skylib//:lib.bzl", "selects")
sh_binary( name = "my_target", srcs = [""], deps = selects.with_or({ (":config1", ":config2", ":config3"): [":standard_lib"], ":config4": [":special_lib"], }), )
This automatically expands the select
to the original syntax above.
chaining, see here.
By default, when no condition matches, the owning target fails with the error:
ERROR: Configurable attribute "deps" doesn't match this configuration (would a default condition help?). Conditions checked: //tools/cc_target_os:darwin //tools/cc_target_os:android
This can be customized with no_match_error
cc_library( name = "my_lib", deps = select( { "//tools/cc_target_os:android": [":android_deps"], "//tools/cc_target_os:windows": [":windows_deps"], }, no_match_error = "Please build with an Android or Windows toolchain", ), )
$ bazel build //foo:my_lib ERROR: Configurable attribute "deps" doesn't match this configuration: Please build with an Android or Windows toolchain
Starlark is compatible with configurable attributes in limited form.
Rule implementations receive the resolved values of configurable attributes. For example, given:
# myproject/BUILD some_rule( name = "my_target", some_attr = select({ ":foo_mode": [":foo"], ":bar_mode": [":bar"], }), )
$ bazel build //myproject/my_target --define mode=foo
Rule implementation code sees ctx.attr.some_attr
as [":foo"]
Macros can accept select()
clauses and pass them through to native rules. But they cannot directly manipulate them. For example, there's no way for a macro to convert
select({"foo": "val"}, ...)
select({"foo": "val_with_suffix"}, ...)
This is for two reasons.
First, macros that need to know which path a select
will choose cannot work because macros are evaluated in Bazel‘s [loading phase] (user-manual.html#loading-phase), which occurs before flag values are known. This is a core Bazel design restriction that’s unlikely to change any time soon.
Second, macros that just need to iterate over all select
paths, while technically feasible, lack a coherent UI. Further design is necessary to change this.
Bazel query
operates over Bazel‘s [loading phase] (user-manual.html#loading-phase). This means it doesn’t know what command line flags will be applied to a target since those flags aren‘t evaluated until later in the build (during the analysis phase). So the query
command can’t accurately determine which path a configurable attribute will follow.
Bazel cquery
has the advantage of being able to parse build flags and operating post-analysis phase so it correctly resolves configurable attributes. It doesn't have full feature parity with query but supports most major functionality and is actively being worked on. Querying the following build file...
# myproject/BUILD cc_library( name = "my_lib", deps = select({ ":long": [":foo_dep"], ":short": [":bar_dep"], }), ) config_setting( name = "long", values = {"define": "dog=dachshund"}, ) config_setting( name = "short", values = {"define": "dog=pug"}, )
...would return the following results.
$ bazel query 'deps(//myproject:my_lib)' //myproject:my_lib //myproject:foo_dep //myproject:bar_dep $ bazel cquery 'deps(//myproject:my_lib)' --define dog=pug //myproject:my_lib //myproject:bar_dep
select() does work in rules! See Starlark compatibility for details.
The key issue this question usually means is that select() doesn‘t work in macros. These are different than rules. See the documentation on rules and macros to understand the difference. Here’s an end-to-end example:
Define a rule and macro:
# myproject/defs.bzl # Rule implementation: when an attribute is read, all select()s have already # been resolved. So it looks like a plain old attribute just like any other. def _impl(ctx): name = allcaps = ctx.attr.my_config_string.upper() # This works fine on all values. print("My name is " + name + " with custom message: " + allcaps) # Rule declaration: my_custom_bazel_rule = rule( implementation = _impl, attrs = {"my_config_string": attr.string()}, ) # Macro declaration: def my_custom_bazel_macro(name, my_config_string): allcaps = my_config_string.upper() # This line won't work with select(s). print("My name is " + name + " with custom message: " + allcaps)
Instantiate the rule and macro:
# myproject/BUILD load("//myproject:defx.bzl", "my_custom_bazel_rule") load("//myproject:defs.bzl", "my_custom_bazel_macro") my_custom_bazel_rule( name = "happy_rule", my_config_string = select({ "//tools/target_cpu:x86": "first string", "//tools/target_cpu:ppc": "second string", }), ) my_custom_bazel_macro( name = "happy_macro", my_config_string = "fixed string", ) my_custom_bazel_macro( name = "sad_macro", my_config_string = select({ "//tools/target_cpu:x86": "first string", "//tools/target_cpu:ppc": "other string", }), )
Building fails because sad_macro
can't process the select()
$ bazel build //myproject:all ERROR: /myworkspace/myproject/BUILD:17:1: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/myworkspace/myproject/BUILD", line 17 my_custom_bazel_macro(name = "sad_macro", my_config_stri..."})) File "/myworkspace/myproject/defs.bzl", line 4, in my_custom_bazel_macro my_config_string.upper() type 'select' has no method upper(). ERROR: error loading package 'myproject': Package 'myproject' contains errors.
Building succeeds when we comment out sad_macro
# Comment out sad_macro so it doesn't mess up the build. $ bazel build //myproject:all DEBUG: /myworkspace/myproject/defs.bzl:5:3: My name is happy_macro with custom message: FIXED STRING. DEBUG: /myworkspace/myproject/hi.bzl:15:3: My name is happy_rule with custom message: FIRST STRING.
This is impossible to change because by definition macros are evaluated before Bazel reads the build‘s command line flags. That means there isn’t enough information to evaluate select()s.
Macros can, however, pass select()
s as opaque blobs to rules:
# myproject/defs.bzl def my_custom_bazel_macro(name, my_config_string): print("Invoking macro " + name) my_custom_bazel_rule( name = name + "_as_target", my_config_string = my_config_string, )
$ bazel build //myproject:sad_macro_less_sad DEBUG: /myworkspace/myproject/defs.bzl:23:3: Invoking macro sad_macro_less_sad. DEBUG: /myworkspace/myproject/defs.bzl:15:3: My name is sad_macro_less_sad with custom message: FIRST STRING.
Because macros (but not rules) by definition can't evaluate select(s), any attempt to do so usually produces a an error:
ERROR: /myworkspace/myproject/BUILD:17:1: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/myworkspace/myproject/BUILD", line 17 my_custom_bazel_macro(name = "sad_macro", my_config_stri..."})) File "/myworkspace/myproject/defs.bzl", line 4, in my_custom_bazel_macro my_config_string.upper() type 'select' has no method upper().
Booleans are a special case that fail silently, so you should be particularly vigilant with them:
$ cat myproject/defs.bzl def my_boolean_macro(boolval): print("TRUE" if boolval else "FALSE") $ cat myproject/BUILD load("//myproject:defx.bzl", "my_boolean_macro") my_boolean_macro( boolval = select({ "//tools/target_cpu:x86": True, "//tools/target_cpu:ppc": False, }), ) $ bazel build //myproject:all --cpu=x86 DEBUG: /myworkspace/myproject/defs.bzl:4:3: TRUE. $ bazel build //myproject:all --cpu=ppc DEBUG: /myworkspace/myproject/defs.bzl:4:3: TRUE.
This happens because macros don‘t understand the contents of select()
. So what they’re really evaluting is the select()
object itself. According to Pythonic design standards, all objects aside from a very small number of exceptions automatically return true.
Fine. Macros can't evaluate select(s) because macros are evaluated before Bazel knows what the command line flags are.
Can macros at least read the select()
's dictionary, say, to add an extra suffix to each branch?
Conceptually this is possible. But this isn't yet implemented and is not currently prioritized. What you can do today is prepare a straight dictionary, then feed it into a select()
$ cat myproject/defs.bzl def selecty_genrule(name, select_cmd): for key in select_cmd.keys(): select_cmd[key] += " WITH SUFFIX" native.genrule( name = name, outs = [name + ".out"], srcs = [], cmd = "echo " + select(select_cmd + {"//conditions:default": "default"}) + " > $@" ) $ cat myproject/BUILD selecty_genrule( name = "selecty", select_cmd = { "//tools/target_cpu:x86": "x86 mode", }, ) $ bazel build //testapp:selecty --cpu=x86 && cat bazel-genfiles/testapp/selecty.out x86 mode WITH SUFFIX
If you'd like to support both select()
and native types, you can do this:
$ cat myproject/defs.bzl def selecty_genrule(name, select_cmd): cmd_suffix = "" if type(select_cmd) == "string": cmd_suffix = select_cmd + " WITH SUFFIX" elif type(select_cmd) == "dict": for key in select_cmd.keys(): select_cmd[key] += " WITH SUFFIX" cmd_suffix = select(select_cmd + {"//conditions:default": "default"}) native.genrule( name = name, outs = [name + ".out"], srcs = [], cmd = "echo " + cmd_suffix + "> $@", )