blob: a6a56eb91c223596c7f1ff3e89e542061e248ad1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Queue;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* Traverses the Java object graph.
* <p>When given a Java object, it walks the objects reachable from it. Returns each object only
* once, regardless of the number of edges it is reachable through.
* <p>For each object and reference edge found, the appropriate method of {@link ObjectReceiver} is
* called.
* <p>The traversal is customizable by passing in {@link DomainSpecificTraverser} instances. Each
* object can choose to handle any given object instance; in that case, it should return the
* user-friendly "context" the object is encountered in and the outgoing edges in the object graph
* it has.
* <p>If an object is not handled by any domain-specific traverser, Java reflection is used to
* discover its outgoing references. In this case, domain-specific traversers are still consulted to
* learn whether any of the fields should be ignored.
* <p>The traversal stops at objects that:
* <ul>
* <li>Are in the {@code seenObjects} set passed into the constructor
* <li>For which at least one {@link DomainSpecificTraverser} returns false in {@link
* DomainSpecificTraverser#admit(Object)}
* </ul>
* <p>A traversal currently operates on a single thread. It's not an inherent limitation, it's just
* that it was found to be much faster than spawning a new Executor task for each Java object.
public class ObjectGraphTraverser {
private static final GoogleLogger logger = GoogleLogger.forEnclosingClass();
* Cache for traversal data by object type.
* <p>Not a static field because it depends on what domain-specific traversers there are.
public static class FieldCache {
private final Map<Class<?>, List<Field>> fieldCache;
private final ImmutableList<DomainSpecificTraverser> domainSpecificTraversers;
public FieldCache(ImmutableList<DomainSpecificTraverser> domainSpecificTraversers) {
this.fieldCache = Maps.newConcurrentMap();
this.domainSpecificTraversers = domainSpecificTraversers;
/** Domain-specific knowledge about classes to traverse. */
public interface DomainSpecificTraverser {
* Called for each object to be traversed.
* <p>In order for the traversal of an object to be attempted, the {@link #admit(Object)} admit
* method of all domain-specific traversals must return true.
* <p>If the implementation knows how to traverse this object, it should return true and call
* methods on {@link Traversal} accordingly.
* <p>If not domain-specific traversal handles an object, its fields will be visited by Java
* reflection.
* @return true if the object is handled.
boolean maybeTraverse(Object o, Traversal traversal);
* Called on each object to be traversed.
* <p>If the implementation thinks this instance should <b>not</b> be traversed, it should
* return false. An implementation may well allow traversing an object and yet decline to handle
* it in {@link #maybeTraverse(Object, Traversal)}; in that case, the default traversal will be
* applied to the object.
* @return false if the implementation wants to prohibit the traversal of this object.
boolean admit(Object o);
* Compute the user-friendly context for an array item.
* <p>This is used to describe what an object is in a way that's more meaningful to the user
* than its raw class. Only called of {@code collectContext} is true. If multiple
* domain-specific traversals provide a context, the first one takes priority.
* <p>This method is not called for references reported by domain-specific traversers.
* @param from the array the reference originates from
* @param fromContext the context of the array the reference originates from
* @param to the referenced object
* @return the context of {@code to}, or null, if its class is enough
String contextForArrayItem(Object from, String fromContext, Object to);
* Compute the user-friendly context for a field.
* <p>This is used to describe what an object is in a way that's more meaningful to the user
* than its raw class. Only called of {@code collectContext} is true. If multiple
* domain-specific traversals provide a context, the first one takes priority.
* <p>This method is not called for references reported by domain-specific traversers.
* @param from the object the reference originates from
* @param fromContext the context of the object the reference originates from
* @param field the field the reference is through
* @param to the referenced object
* @return the context of {@code to}, or null, if its class is enough
String contextForField(Object from, String fromContext, Field field, Object to);
* Return the set of fields of a class that should be ignored.
* @return the set of ignored fields or null if the implementation doesn't know about the given
* class.
ImmutableSet<String> ignoredFields(Class<?> clazz);
* Callback through which {@link DomainSpecificTraverser} returns what objects and edges it found.
public interface Traversal {
* Should be called when the domain-specific traverser finds an object. It should be called for
* every object for which {@link DomainSpecificTraverser#maybeTraverse(Object, Traversal)}
* returns true.
* @param o the object found
* @param context the context the object is in or null of its class is enough
void objectFound(Object o, String context);
* Should be called for each outgoing reference in an object handled by the {@link
* DomainSpecificTraverser} implementation.
* <p>Objects reported through this method are subject to two kinds of filtering: each object is
* only processed once and domain-specific traversers can prohibit the traversal of any object
* by returning false from {@link DomainSpecificTraverser#admit(Object)}.
* @param to the object referenced
* @param context the context of the referenced object or null if its class is enough
void edgeFound(Object to, String context);
/** The type of an object graph edge. */
public enum EdgeType {
/** An edge to an object discovered during this traversal. */
/** An edge to an object already seen in previous traversals. */
/** A callback where {@link ObjectGraphTraverser} reports the objects and edges encountered. */
public interface ObjectReceiver {
/** Reports an object in a given context. */
void objectFound(Object o, String context);
/** Reports an edge in the object graph. */
void edgeFound(Object from, Object to, String toContext, EdgeType edgeType);
public static final ObjectReceiver NOOP_OBJECT_RECEIVER =
new ObjectReceiver() {
public void objectFound(Object o, String context) {}
public void edgeFound(Object from, Object to, String toContext, EdgeType edgeType) {}
/** An object to be traversed in the queue. */
private record WorkItem(Object object, String context, WorkItem parent) {}
private final FieldCache fieldCache;
private final boolean reportTransientFields;
private final boolean collectContext;
private final Traversal traversal;
private final ObjectReceiver receiver;
private final Object instanceId;
private WorkItem currentWorkItem;
private final Queue<WorkItem> queue = new ArrayDeque<>();
private final ConcurrentIdentitySet localObjects;
private final ConcurrentIdentitySet seenObjects;
public ObjectGraphTraverser(
FieldCache fieldCache,
boolean reportTransientFields,
ConcurrentIdentitySet seenObjects,
boolean collectContext,
ObjectReceiver receiver,
Object instanceId) {
fieldCache, reportTransientFields, seenObjects, collectContext, receiver, instanceId, null);
* Creates a new traverser.
* @param fieldCache the cache for reflection results.
* @param reportTransientFields whether to recurse into transient fields
* @param seenObjects the set of objects already seen. These are not traversed and references to
* them are reported as {@link EdgeType#ALREADY_SEEN} .
* @param collectContext whether to collect context for each object. Costs some CPU.
* @param receiver the object to report found objects and edges to.
* @param instanceId an object identifying this traversal.
public ObjectGraphTraverser(
FieldCache fieldCache,
boolean reportTransientFields,
ConcurrentIdentitySet seenObjects,
boolean collectContext,
ObjectReceiver receiver,
Object instanceId,
String needle) {
this.needle = needle;
this.fieldCache = fieldCache;
this.reportTransientFields = reportTransientFields;
this.seenObjects = seenObjects;
this.collectContext = collectContext;
this.receiver = receiver;
this.instanceId = instanceId;
this.traversal =
new Traversal() {
public void objectFound(Object o, String context) {
receiver.objectFound(o, context);
public void edgeFound(Object to, String context) {
enqueueMaybe(to, context);
this.localObjects = new ConcurrentIdentitySet(64);
* Traverses a given object.
* <p>Can be called multiple times, but no two traversals should be active at the same time in a
* given {@link ObjectGraphTraverser} instance.
public void traverse(Object o) {
queue.offer(new WorkItem(o, null, null));
while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
WorkItem workItem = queue.remove();
try {
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
logger.atSevere().withCause(e).log("While walking object graph for key %s:", instanceId);
private void enqueueMaybe(Object to, String toContext) {
if (to == null) {
if (to instanceof Integer
|| to instanceof Long
|| to instanceof Short
|| to instanceof Byte
|| to instanceof Float
|| to instanceof Double
|| to instanceof Character
|| to instanceof Boolean) {
// Boxed primitive type
for (DomainSpecificTraverser traverser : fieldCache.domainSpecificTraversers) {
if (!traverser.admit(to)) {
if (!localObjects.add(to)) {
// A reference to an object visited during this traversal.
receiver.edgeFound(currentWorkItem.object, to, toContext, EdgeType.CURRENT_TRAVERSAL);
if (!seenObjects.add(to)) {
// A reference to an object already seen, but not during this traversal.
receiver.edgeFound(currentWorkItem.object, to, toContext, EdgeType.ALREADY_SEEN);
// A new object.
receiver.edgeFound(currentWorkItem.object, to, toContext, EdgeType.CURRENT_TRAVERSAL);
queue.offer(new WorkItem(to, toContext, currentWorkItem));
private String contextOrNull(String context, String defaultContext) {
if (!collectContext) {
return null;
if (context != null) {
return context;
return defaultContext;
private final String needle;
private void dumpTrace(WorkItem workItem) {
System.err.println("Needle reached by path:");
while (workItem != null) {
System.err.println(" " + workItem.object.getClass().getName());
workItem = workItem.parent;
private void process(WorkItem workItem) {
Object o = workItem.object;
String context = workItem.context;
currentWorkItem = workItem;
if (needle != null && o.getClass().getName().equals(needle)) {
if (o instanceof String) {
traversal.objectFound(o, contextOrNull(context, "STRING"));
for (DomainSpecificTraverser traverser : fieldCache.domainSpecificTraversers) {
if (traverser.maybeTraverse(o, traversal)) {
if (o instanceof Class<?>) {
traversal.objectFound(o, contextOrNull(context, "CLASS"));
Class<?> clazz = o.getClass();
if (clazz.isArray()) {
traversal.objectFound(o, contextOrNull(context, "[] " + clazz.getComponentType().getName()));
// We only care about objects
if (!clazz.getComponentType().isPrimitive()) {
for (int i = 0; i < Array.getLength(o); i++) {
Object to = Array.get(o, i);
String toContext = null;
if (collectContext) {
for (DomainSpecificTraverser traverser : fieldCache.domainSpecificTraversers) {
String candidate = traverser.contextForArrayItem(o, context, to);
if (candidate != null) {
toContext = candidate;
enqueueMaybe(to, toContext);
} else {
traversal.objectFound(o, context);
List<Field> fields = fieldCache.fieldCache.computeIfAbsent(clazz, this::getFields);
for (Field field : fields) {
try {
Object to = field.get(o);
String toContext = null;
if (collectContext) {
for (DomainSpecificTraverser traverser : fieldCache.domainSpecificTraversers) {
String candidate = traverser.contextForField(o, context, field, to);
if (candidate != null) {
toContext = candidate;
enqueueMaybe(to, toContext);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
private ImmutableList<Field> getFields(Class<?> clazz) {
ArrayList<Field> fields = new ArrayList<>();
for (Class<?> next = clazz; next != null; next = next.getSuperclass()) {
ImmutableSet<String> ignoreSet = ImmutableSet.of();
for (DomainSpecificTraverser traverser : fieldCache.domainSpecificTraversers) {
ImmutableSet<String> candidate = traverser.ignoredFields(next);
if (candidate != null) {
ignoreSet = candidate;
for (Field field : next.getDeclaredFields()) {
if (!reportTransientFields && (field.getModifiers() & Modifier.TRANSIENT) != 0) {
// Skip static fields
if ((field.getModifiers() & Modifier.STATIC) != 0) {
if (ignoreSet.contains(field.getName())) {
if (field.getType().isPrimitive()) {
// We only care about the object graph
if (field.getType().isEnum()) {
// Enum instances are not interesting, they are always known at compile time
try {
} catch (InaccessibleObjectException e) {
// Ignore this field then, dunno why this happens.
return ImmutableList.copyOf(fields);