Project: /_project.yaml Book: /_book.yaml

Best Practices

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This page assumes you are familiar with Bazel and provides guidelines and advice on structuring your projects to take full advantage of Bazel's features.

The overall goals are:

  • To use fine-grained dependencies to allow parallelism and incrementality.
  • To keep dependencies well-encapsulated.
  • To make code well-structured and testable.
  • To create a build configuration that is easy to understand and maintain.

These guidelines are not requirements: few projects will be able to adhere to all of them. As the man page for lint says, “A special reward will be presented to the first person to produce a real program that produces no errors with strict checking.” However, incorporating as many of these principles as possible should make a project more readable, less error-prone, and faster to build.

This page uses the requirement levels described in this RFC{: .external}.

Running builds and tests {:#running-builds-tests}

A project should always be able to run bazel build //... and bazel test //... successfully on its stable branch. Targets that are necessary but do not build under certain circumstances (such as,require specific build flags, don‘t build on a certain platform, require license agreements) should be tagged as specifically as possible (for example, “requires-osx”). This tagging allows targets to be filtered at a more fine-grained level than the “manual” tag and allows someone inspecting the BUILD file to understand what a target’s restrictions are.

Third-party dependencies {:#third-party-dependencies}

You may declare third-party dependencies:

  • Either declare them as remote repositories in the WORKSPACE file.
  • Or put them in a directory called third_party/ under your workspace directory.

Depending on binaries {:#binaries}

Everything should be built from source whenever possible. Generally this means that, instead of depending on a library, you'd create a BUILD file and build from its sources, then depend on that target.

Always building from source ensures that a build is not using a library that was built with incompatible flags or a different architecture. There are also some features like coverage, static analysis, or dynamic analysis that only work on the source.

Versioning {:#versioning}

Prefer building all code from head whenever possible. When versions must be used, avoid including the version in the target name (for example, //guava, not //guava-20.0). This naming makes the library easier to update (only one target needs to be updated). It's also more resilient to diamond dependency issues: if one library depends on guava-19.0 and one depends on guava-20.0, you could end up with a library that tries to depend on two different versions. If you created a misleading alias to point both targets to one guava library, then the BUILD files are misleading.

Using the .bazelrc file {:#bazelrc-file}

For project-specific options, use the configuration file your {{ '<var>' }}workspace{{ '</var>' }}/.bazelrc (see bazelrc format).

If you want to support per-user options for your project that you do not want to check into source control, include the line:

try-import %workspace%/user.bazelrc

(or any other file name) in your {{ '<var>' }}workspace{{ '</var>' }}/.bazelrc and add user.bazelrc to your .gitignore.

Packages {:#packages}

Every directory that contains buildable files should be a package. If a BUILD file refers to files in subdirectories (such as, srcs = ["a/b/"]) it‘s a sign that a BUILD file should be added to that subdirectory. The longer this structure exists, the more likely circular dependencies will be inadvertently created, a target’s scope will creep, and an increasing number of reverse dependencies will have to be updated.