name: ‘Release issue (For release managers only)’ about: Communicate the progress of a release title: ‘Release X.Y - $MONTH $YEAR’ labels: [‘release’,‘team-OSS’,‘P1’,‘type: process’]

Status of Bazel X.Y

To report a release-blocking bug, please add a comment with the text @bazel-io flag to the issue. A release manager will triage it and add it to the milestone.

To cherry-pick a mainline commit into X.Y, simply send a PR against the release-X.Y.0 branch.

Task list:

  • [ ] Pick release baseline:
  • [ ] Create release candidate:
  • [ ] Check downstream projects:
  • [ ] Create draft release announcement
  • [ ] Send for review the release announcement PR:
  • [ ] Push the release, notify package maintainers:
  • [ ] Update the documentation
  • [ ] Push the blog post
  • [ ] Update the release page