A mapping file contains the original names and the obfuscated names of classes, fields, and methods. ProGuard can write out such a file while obfuscating an application or a library, with the option -printmapping. ReTrace requires the mapping file to restore obfuscated stack traces to more readable versions. It is a readable file with UTF-8 encoding, so you can also look up names in an ordinary text viewer. The format is pretty self-explanatory, but we describe its details here.


A mapping file contains a sequence of records of the following form:

    fieldline *
    methodline *

A classline, with a trailing colon, specifies a class and its obfuscated name:

originalclassname -> obfuscatedclassname:

A fieldline, with 4 leading spaces, specifies a field and its obfuscated name:

    originalfieldtype originalfieldname -> obfuscatedfieldname

A methodline, with 4 leading spaces, specifies a method and its obfuscated name:

    [startline:endline:]originalreturntype [originalclassname.]originalmethodname(originalargumenttype,...)[:originalstartline[:originalendline]] -> obfuscatedmethodname

An asterisk “*” means the line may occur any number of times. Square brackets “[]” mean that their contents are optional. Ellipsis dots “...” mean that any number of the preceding items may be specified. The colon “:”, the separator “.”, and the arrow “->” are literal tokens.


The following snippet gives an impression of the structure of a mapping file:

com example.application.ArgumentWordReader -> com.example.a.a:
    java.lang.String[] arguments -> a
    int index -> a
    36:57:void <init>(java.lang.String[],java.io.File) -> <init>
    64:64:java.lang.String nextLine() -> a
    72:72:java.lang.String lineLocationDescription() -> b
com.example.application.Main -> com.example.application.Main:
    com.example.application.Configuration configuration -> a
    50:66:void <init>(com.example.application.Configuration) -> <init>
    74:228:void execute() -> a
    2039:2056:void com.example.application.GPL.check():39:56 -> a
    2039:2056:void execute():76 -> a
    2236:2252:void printConfiguration():236:252 -> a
    2236:2252:void execute():80 -> a
    3040:3042:java.io.PrintWriter com.example.application.util.PrintWriterUtil.createPrintWriterOut(java.io.File):40:42 -> a
    3040:3042:void printConfiguration():243 -> a
    3040:3042:void execute():80 -> a
    3260:3268:void readInput():260:268 -> a
    3260:3268:void execute():97 -> a

You can see the names of classes and their fields and methods:

  • The fields and methods are listed in ProGuard configuration format (javap format), with descriptors that have return types and argument types but no argument names. In the above example:

      void <init>(java.lang.String[],java.io.File)

    refers to a constructor with a String array argument and a File argument.

  • A method may have a leading line number range, if it is known from the original source code (see Producing useful obfuscated stack traces in the Examples section). Unlike method names, line numbers are unique within a class, so ReTrace can resolve lines in a stack trace without ambiguities. For example:

      74:228:void execute()

    refers to a method execute, defined on lines 74 to 228.

  • The obfuscated method name follows the arrow. For example:

      74:228:void execute() -> a

    shows that method execute has been renamed to a. Multiple fields and methods can get the same obfuscated names, as long as their descriptors are different.

Inlined methods

The mapping file accounts for the added complexity of inlined methods (as of ProGuard/ReTrace version 5.2). The optimization step may inline methods into other methods — recursively even. A single line in an obfuscated stack trace can then correspond to multiple lines in the original stack trace: the line that throws the exception followed by one or more nested method calls. In such cases, the mapping file repeats the leading line number range on subsequent lines. For example:

3040:3042:java.io.PrintWriter com.example.application.util.PrintWriterUtil.createPrintWriterOut(java.io.File):40:42 -> a
3040:3042:void printConfiguration():243 -> a
3040:3042:void execute():80 -> a
  • The subsequent lines correspond to the subsequent lines of the original stack trace. For example:

      3040:3042:java.io.PrintWriter com.example.application.util.PrintWriterUtil.createPrintWriterOut(java.io.File):40:42 -> a
      3040:3042:void printConfiguration():243 -> a
      3040:3042:void execute():80 -> a

    refers to method createPrintWriterOut called from and inlined in printConfiguration, in turn called from and inlined in method execute.

  • An original method name may have a preceding class name, if the method originates from a different class. For example:

      3040:3042:java.io.PrintWriter com.example.application.util.PrintWriterUtil.createPrintWriterOut(java.io.File):40:42 -> a

    shows that method createPrintWriterOut was originally defined in class PrintWriterUtil.

  • A single trailing line number corresponds to an inlined method call. For example:

      3040:3042:java.io.PrintWriter com.example.application.util.PrintWriterUtil.createPrintWriterOut(java.io.File):40:42 -> a
      3040:3042:void printConfiguration():243 -> a
      3040:3042:void execute():80 -> a

    specifies that method execute called printConfiguration on line 80, and printconfiguration called createPrintWriterOut on line 243.

  • A traling line number range corresponds to the final inlined method body. For example:

      3040:3042:java.io.PrintWriter com.example.application.util.PrintWriterUtil.createPrintWriterOut(java.io.File):40:42 -> a

    shows that method createPrintWriterOut covered lines 40 to 42.

  • The leading line number range is synthetic, to avoid ambiguities with other code in the same class. ProGuard makes up the range, but tries to make it similar-looking to the original code (by adding offsets that are multiples of 1000), for convenience. For example:

      3040:3042:java.io.PrintWriter com.example.application.util.PrintWriterUtil.createPrintWriterOut(java.io.File):40:42 -> a

    created synthetic range 3040:3042 in the bytecode of class Main to be unique but still resemble source code range 40:42 in class PrintWriterUtil.

Tools that don't account for these repeated line number ranges, like older versions of ReTrace, may still degrade gracefully by outputting the subsequent lines without interpreting them.