
Skylark is the code name of the extension mechanism. It lets you write custom build rules as well as compose existing ones into macros.

Loading a Skylark module

Use the load statement to import a symbol from a Skylark module.

load("/build_tools/rules/maprule", "maprule")

This code will load the file build_tools/rules/maprule.bzl and add the maprule symbol to the environment. This can be used to load new rules, functions or constants (e.g. a string, a list, etc.). Multiple symbols can be imported by using additional arguments to the call to load. Arguments must be string literals (no variable) and load statements must appear at top-level, i.e. they cannot be in a function body.

load also supports aliases, i.e. you can assign different names to the imported symbols.

load("/build_tools/rules/maprule", maprule_alias = "maprule")

You define multiple aliases within one load statement. Moreover, the argument list can contain both aliases and regular symbol names. The following example is perfectly legal (please note when to use quotation marks).

load("/path/to/my_rules", "some_rule", nice_alias = "some_other_rule", additional_alias = "one_more_rule")

Visibility doesn‘t affect loading. You don’t need to use exports_files to make a Skylark file visible.

Symbols starting with _ are private and cannot be loaded from other files.

Macros and rules

A macro in Skylark is a function that instantiates rules. The function is evaluated as soon as the BUILD file is read. Bazel has little information about macros: if your macro generates a genrule, Bazel will behave as if you wrote the genrule. As a result, bazel query will only list the generated genrule.

A rule in Skylark is more powerful than a macro, as it can access Bazel internals and have full control over what is going on. It may for example pass information to other rules. A rule defined in Skylark will behave in a similar way as a native rule.

If a macro becomes complex, it is often a good idea to make it a rule.

Evaluation model

A build consists of three phases.

  • Loading phase. First, we load and evaluate all Skylark modules and all BUILD files that are needed for the build. The execution of the BUILD files simply instantiates rules. This is where macros are evaluated.

  • Analysis phase. The code of the rules is executed (their implementation function), and actions are instantiated. An action describes how to generate a set of outputs from a set of inputs, e.g. “run gcc on hello.c and get hello.o”. It is important to note that we have to list explicitly which files will be generated before executing the actual commands.

  • Execution phase. Actions are executed, when at least one of their outputs is required. If a file is missing or if a command fails to generate one output, the build fails. Tests are run during this phase, as they are actions.


Skylark is a superset of the core build language and its syntax is a subset of Python. The following constructs have been added to the core build language: if statements, for loops, and function definitions. It is designed to be simple, thread-safe and integrated with the BUILD language. It is not a general-purpose language and most Python features are not included.

Some differences with Python should be noted:

  • All data structures are immutable. This is temporary, lists and dicts will be made mutable in the future.

  • All global values are constant (they cannot be reassigned).

  • Heterogeneous lists are forbidden. This is temporary and will be allowed in the future.

  • x += y is syntactic sugar for x = x + y. Even if x and y are lists, dicts or sets, the original value is not mutated, so references to x that were assigned before the operation will see the old value.

  • The + operator is defined for dictionaries, returning an immutable concatenated dictionary created from the entries of the original dictionaries. In case of duplicate keys, we use values from the second operand.

  • Dictionary assignment has slightly different semantics: d["x"] = y is syntactic sugar for d = d + {"x": y} or d += {"x": y}.

  • Dictionaries have deterministic order when iterating (sorted by key).

  • Sets use a custom order when iterating (see documentation).

  • Recursion is not allowed.

The following Python features are not supported:

  • class (see struct function)
  • import (see load statement)
  • while, yield
  • lambda
  • try, raise, except, finally (see fail for fatal errors).
  • most builtin functions, most methods