How to run a standalone Hazelcast server for testing distributed cache.

  • First you need to run a standalone Hazelcast server with default configuration. If you already have a separate Hazelcast cluster you can skip this step.

    java -cp third_party/hazelcast/hazelcast-3.6.4.jar

  • Then you run Bazel pointing to the Hazelcast server.

    bazel --host_jvm_args=-Dbazel.DigestFunction=SHA1 build
    --hazelcast_node=localhost:5701 --spawn_strategy=remote

Above command will build generate_workspace with remote spawn strategy that uses Hazelcast as the distributed caching backend.

How to run a remote worker for testing remote execution.

  • First run the remote worker. This will start a standalone Hazelcast server with default configuration.

    --work_path=/tmp/remote --listen_port 8080

  • Then run Bazel pointing to the Hazelcast server and remote worker.

      bazel --host_jvm_args=-Dbazel.DigestFunction=SHA1 build \
          --hazelcast_node=localhost:5701 \
          --remote_worker=localhost:8080 \
          --spawn_strategy=remote src/tools/generate_workspace:all

How to run a remote worker with a remote cache server.

  • First you need to run a standalone Hazelcast server with default configuration. If you already have a separate Hazelcast cluster you can skip this step.

    java -cp third_party/hazelcast/hazelcast-3.6.4.jar

  • Then run the remote cache server:

    bazel-bin/src/tools/remote_worker/remote_cache --listen_port 8081

  • The run the remote worker:

    --work_path=/tmp/remote --listen_port 8080

  • Then run Bazel pointing to the cache server and remote worker.

      bazel --host_jvm_args=-Dbazel.DigestFunction=SHA1 build \
          --hazelcast_node=localhost:5701 \
          --remote_worker=localhost:8080 \
          --remote_cache=localhost:8081 \
          --spawn_strategy=remote src/tools/generate_workspace:all