How to update the C++ sources of gRPC:

  1. Update the gRPC definitions in WORKSPACE file, currently we use
  2. Update the gRPC patch file if necessary, it mostly helps avoid unnecessary dependencies.
  3. Update third_party/grpc/BUILD to redirect targets to @com_github_grpc_grpc if necessary.

How to update the BUILD/bzl sources of gRPC:

  1. git clone in a convenient directory
  2. git checkout <tag> (current is v1.41.0, commithash fc662b7964384b701af5bd3ce6994d2180080eb4)
  3. mkdir -p third_party/grpc/bazel
  4. cp <gRPC git tree>/bazel/{BUILD,cc_grpc_library.bzl,generate_cc.bzl,protobuf.bzl} third_party/grpc/bazel
  5. In the third_party/grpc directory, apply local patches: patch -p3 < bazel_1.41.0.patch

How to update the Java plugin:

  1. Checkout tag v1.41.0 from
  2. cp -R <grpc-java git tree>/compiler/src/java_plugin third_party/grpc/compiler/src

How to update the Java code:

Download the necessary jars at version 1.41.0 from maven central.

Submitting the change needs 3 pull requests

  1. Update third_party/grpc to include files from new version
  2. Switch distdir_deps.bzl, scripts/bootstrap/ and any other references to new version
  3. Remove older version from third_party/grpc