Project: /_project.yaml Book: /_book.yaml

Contributing to Bazel

There are many ways to help the Bazel project and ecosystem.

Provide feedback {:#feedback}

As you use Bazel, you may find things that can be improved. You can help by reporting issues{: .external} when:

  • Bazel crashes or you encounter a bug that can only be resolved using bazel clean.
  • The documentation is incomplete or unclear. You can also report issues from the page you are viewing by using the “Create issue” link at the top right corner of the page.
  • An error message could be improved.

Participate in the community {:#community}

You can engage with the Bazel community by:

  • Answering questions on Stack Overflow{: .external}.
  • Helping other users on Slack{: .external}.
  • Improving documentation or contributing examples{: .external}.
  • Sharing your experience or your tips, for example, on a blog or social media.

Contribute code {:#contribute-code}

You can contribute to the Bazel ecosystem by:

  • Helping rules maintainers by contributing pull requests.
  • Creating new rules and open-sourcing them.
  • Contributing to Bazel-related tools, for example, migration tools.
  • Improving Bazel integration with other IDEs and tools.

To learn how to work on the Bazel code base, see getting started.