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Contribution policy

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This page covers Bazel's governance model and contribution policy.

Governance model

The Bazel project{: .external} is led and managed by Google and has a large community of contributors outside of Google. Some Bazel components (such as specific rules repositories under the bazelbuild{: .external} organization) are led, maintained, and managed by members of the community. The Google Bazel team reviews suggestions to add community-owned repositories (such as rules) to the bazelbuild{: .external} GitHub organization.

Contributor roles

Here are outlines of the roles in the Bazel project, including their responsibilities:

  • Owners: The Google Bazel team. Owners are responsible for:
    • Strategy, maintenance, and leadership of the Bazel project.
    • Building and maintaining Bazel's core functionality.
    • Appointing Maintainers and approving new repositories.
  • Maintainers: The Google Bazel team and designated GitHub users. Maintainers are responsible for:
    • Building and maintaining the primary functionality of their repository.
    • Reviewing and approving contributions to areas of the Bazel code base.
    • Supporting users and contributors with timely and transparent issue management, PR review, and documentation.
    • Releasing, testing and collaborating with Bazel Owners.
  • Contributors: All users who contribute code or documentation to the Bazel project.
    • Creating well-written PRs to contribute to Bazel's codebase and documentation.
    • Using standard channels, such as GitHub Issues, to propose changes and report issues.

Becoming a Maintainer

Bazel Owners may appoint Maintainers to lead well-defined areas of code, such as rule sets. Contributors with a record of consistent, responsible past contributions who are planning major contributions in the future could be considered to become qualified Maintainers.

Contribution policy {:#contribution-policy}

The Bazel project accepts contributions from external contributors. Here are the contribution policies for Google-managed and Community-managed areas of code.

  • Licensing. All Maintainers and Contributors must sign the Google’s Contributor License Agreement{: .external}.
  • Contributions. Owners and Maintainers should make every effort to accept worthwhile contributions. All contributions must be:
    • Well written and well tested
    • Discussed and approved by the Maintainers of the relevant area of code. Discussions and approvals happen on GitHub Issues and in GitHub PRs. Larger contributions require a design review.
    • Added to Bazel's Continuous Integration system if not already present.
    • Supportable and aligned with Bazel product direction
  • Code review. All changes in all bazelbuild repositories require review:
    • All PRs must be approved by an Owner or Maintainer.
    • Only Owners and Maintainers can merge PRs.
  • Compatibility. Owners may need to reject or request modifications to PRs in the unlikely event that the change requires substantial modifications to internal Google systems.
  • Documentation. Where relevant, feature contributions should include documentation updates.

For more details on contributing to Bazel, see our contribution guidelines.