By now, we've invested an enormous amount of time in ProGuard. You can help by providing feedback! If you have problems, bugs, bug fixes, ideas, encouragements, etc., please let us know:

  • At Guardsquare, we develop ProGuard and its professional siblings DexGuard (for Android) and iXGuard (for iOS). If you find ProGuard useful and you are interested in more features or professional support, this is the place to go.
  • The help forum (at SourceForge) and Stack Overflow are common places to ask questions about any problems you might have configuring and running ProGuard.
  • The open discussion forum (at SourceForge) offers a place to share your thoughts and discuss new ideas.
  • The bug tracking page (at SourceForge) allows you to submit and consult bug reports. Please make sure the reports are complete and concise. If we can‘t reproduce the problem, we most likely can’t fix it either.
  • The feature request page (at SourceForge) allows you to submit and consult feature requests. We generally have our own road map in mind, but this is the place express your interest in new and existing ideas.
  • The download section at SourceForge may offer the possibility to subscribe to the announcements of new releases. They are the most efficient way to stay abreast of the latest developments.