Release 9.0.0-pre.20241016.1 (2024-10-22)
Baseline: 253fedc5d5adbb6015735b31103be584e2125d5b
Incompatible changes:
- With the default Unix toolchain on macOS, binaries now use
`@rpath` to find their `.dylib` dependencies. This is required to
fix issues where tools run during the build couldn't find their
dynamic dependencies.
- The flag `--incompatible_disallow_empty_glob` now defaults to
Important changes:
- Native android_sdk is no longer available within Bazel. Use
- Add the
option to simplify configurable rule attributes which contain
only unconditional selects; for example, if ["a"] +
select("//conditions:default", ["b"]) is assigned to a rule
attribute, it is stored as ["a", "b"].
- `--incompatible_disallow_unsound_directory_outputs` is deleted.
- `--incompatible_remote_symlinks` and
`--incompatible_remote_dangling_symlinks` are deleted.
- The default value of
`--experimental_remote_cache_eviction_retries` is changed to `5`.
- If --proto:rule_classes flag is enabled, query proto output will
contain rule class definitions in Stardoc proto format.
- Non-singleton target visibility lists can now contain
"//visibility:public" and "//visibility:private" elements; the
result is appropriately simplified when assigned to an attribute:
["//foo:__subpackages__", "//visibility:public"] is saved as
["//visibility:public"], ["//foo:__subpackages__",
"//visibility:private"] is saved as ["//foo:__subpackages__"],
and for consistency's sake, an empty target visibility list [] is
saved as ["//visibility:private"].
- Symbolic Macros -- and with them, Finalizers and the new
Macro-Aware Visibility model -- are now generally available
(`--experimental_enable_first_class_macros` now defaults to
true). Trivial `select()` values are automatically unwrapped
now defaults to true).
- Moved all Bazel Android tool and action code to rules_android.
- Add conlyopts and cxxopts attributes to cc rules
- `@bazel_tools//tools/android` no longer exists. Use instead.
- Bazel now supports all characters in the rlocation and target
paths of runfiles and can be run from workspaces with a space in
their full path.
- The Python six library is no longer part of @external_tools.
This release contains contributions from many people at Google, as well as Alessandro Patti, Benjamin Peterson, CaerusKaru, Dennis van den Berg, dependabot[bot], Fabian Meumertzheim, Fredrik Medley, hvd, Keith Smiley, Maria, Mislav Mandaric, Tomasz Pasternak, Xavier Bonaventura, Xdng Yng, Xùdōng Yáng.
diff --git a/ b/
index b41d670..810e490 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,3 +1,60 @@
+## Release 9.0.0-pre.20241016.1 (2024-10-22)
+Baseline: 253fedc5d5adbb6015735b31103be584e2125d5b
+Incompatible changes:
+ - With the default Unix toolchain on macOS, binaries now use
+ `@rpath` to find their `.dylib` dependencies. This is required to
+ fix issues where tools run during the build couldn't find their
+ dynamic dependencies.
+ - The flag `--incompatible_disallow_empty_glob` now defaults to
+ true.
+Important changes:
+ - Native android_sdk is no longer available within Bazel. Use
+ - Add the
+ --incompatible_simplify_unconditional_selects_in_rule_attrs
+ option to simplify configurable rule attributes which contain
+ only unconditional selects; for example, if ["a"] +
+ select("//conditions:default", ["b"]) is assigned to a rule
+ attribute, it is stored as ["a", "b"].
+ - `--incompatible_disallow_unsound_directory_outputs` is deleted.
+ - `--incompatible_remote_symlinks` and
+ `--incompatible_remote_dangling_symlinks` are deleted.
+ - The default value of
+ `--experimental_remote_cache_eviction_retries` is changed to `5`.
+ - If --proto:rule_classes flag is enabled, query proto output will
+ contain rule class definitions in Stardoc proto format.
+ - Non-singleton target visibility lists can now contain
+ "//visibility:public" and "//visibility:private" elements; the
+ result is appropriately simplified when assigned to an attribute:
+ ["//foo:__subpackages__", "//visibility:public"] is saved as
+ ["//visibility:public"], ["//foo:__subpackages__",
+ "//visibility:private"] is saved as ["//foo:__subpackages__"],
+ and for consistency's sake, an empty target visibility list [] is
+ saved as ["//visibility:private"].
+ - Symbolic Macros -- and with them, Finalizers and the new
+ Macro-Aware Visibility model -- are now generally available
+ (`--experimental_enable_first_class_macros` now defaults to
+ true). Trivial `select()` values are automatically unwrapped
+ (`--incompatible_simplify_unconditional_selects_in_rule_attrs`
+ now defaults to true).
+ - Moved all Bazel Android tool and action code to rules_android.
+ - Add conlyopts and cxxopts attributes to cc rules
+ - `@bazel_tools//tools/android` no longer exists. Use
+ instead.
+ - Bazel now supports all characters in the rlocation and target
+ paths of runfiles and can be run from workspaces with a space in
+ their full path.
+ - The Python six library is no longer part of @external_tools.
+This release contains contributions from many people at Google, as well as Alessandro Patti, Benjamin Peterson, CaerusKaru, Dennis van den Berg, dependabot[bot], Fabian Meumertzheim, Fredrik Medley, hvd, Keith Smiley, Maria, Mislav Mandaric, Tomasz Pasternak, Xavier Bonaventura, Xdng Yng, Xùdōng Yáng.
## Release 8.0.0-pre.20240925.4 (2024-10-03)