layout: documentation title: Installing Bazel on Windows

Installing Bazel on Windows


Getting Bazel

Download Bazel for Windows from our GitHub releases page. Look for bazel-<version>-windows-x86_64.exe, e.g. bazel-0.13.0-windows-x86_64.exe.

Tip: For convenience, rename the downloaded binary to bazel.exe and move it to a directory that's on your %PATH% or add its directory to your %PATH%. This way you can run Bazel by typing bazel in any directory, without typing out the full path.

Other ways to get Bazel

You can also get Bazel by:

Install using Chocolatey

You can install the Bazel package using the Chocolatey package manager:

choco install bazel

This command will install the latest available version of Bazel and its dependencies, such as the MSYS2 shell. This will not install Visual C++ though.

See Chocolatey installation and package maintenance guide for more information about the Chocolatey package.