Bazel Continuous Integration

Bazel uses Buildkite for continuous integration. The buildkite foldercontains all the scripts and configuration files necessary to setup Bazel's CI on Buildkite.

Bazel on Buildkite 101

Buildkite currently does not support anonymous viewing of build results and requires one to be logged in before being able to trigger builds, view build and test results. If you don‘t have access to Bazel’s Buildkite organisation but you think that you should please message either @buchgr, @philwo or @fweikert and we will get you access. Please note that as a contributor to Bazel you typically don't need access to Buildkite as we have set up a separate way to view build and test results from pull requests. Please refer to the pull requests section for more information.

When you first log into Buildkite you are presented with a list of pipelines. A pipeline consists of steps that are executed either in sequence or in parallel and that all need to succeed in order for the pipeline to succeed. The Bazel organisation has dozens of pipelines. Here are a selected few:


  • The bazel postsubmit pipeline builds and tests each commit to Bazel's repository on all supported platforms.
  • The bazel presubmit pipeline is triggered on every pull request to Bazel.
  • The rules_go postsubmit pipeline is triggered on every commit to the rules_go repository.
  • The TensorFlow pipeline builds and tests TensorFlow at HEAD every 4 hours.

failed build step

flaky test

flaky test log

Pull Requests