activate new script
diff --git a/buildkite/pipelines/ b/buildkite/pipelines/
index 34fb04b..9005167 100644
--- a/buildkite/pipelines/
+++ b/buildkite/pipelines/
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+from __future__ import print_function
 import argparse
 import codecs
 import json
@@ -5,95 +6,251 @@
 import shutil
 import subprocess
 import sys
+import stat
 import tempfile
 import urllib.request
 from shutil import copyfile
 from urllib.parse import urlparse
+def downstream_projects():
+    return {
+        "BUILD_file_generator" : {
+            "git_repository" : "",
+            "http_config" : ""
+        },
+        "buildtools" : {
+            "git_repository" : "",
+            "http_config" : ""
+        },
+        "examples" : {
+            "git_repository" : "",
+            "http_config" : ""
+        },
+        "migration-tooling" : {
+            "git_repository" : "",
+            "http_config" : ""
+        },
+        "protobuf" : {
+            "git_repository" : "",
+            "http_config" : ""
+        },
+        "re2" : {
+            "git_repository" : "",
+            "http_config" : ""
+        },
+        "rules_appengine" : {
+            "git_repository" : "",
+            "http_config" : ""
+        },
+        "rules_closure" : {
+            "git_repository" : "",
+            "http_config" : ""
+        },
+        "rules_go" : {
+            "git_repository" : "",
+            "http_config" : ""
+        },
+        "rules_groovy" : {
+            "git_repository" : "",
+            "http_config" : ""
+        },
+        "rules_gwt" : {
+            "git_repository" : "",
+            "http_config" : ""
+        },
+        "rules_jsonnet" : {
+            "git_repository" : "",
+            "http_config" : ""
+        },
+        "rules_k8s" : {
+            "git_repository" : "",
+            "http_config" : ""
+        },
+        "rules_nodejs" : {
+            "git_repository" : "",
+            "http_config" : ""
+        },
+        "rules_perl" : {
+            "git_repository" : "",
+            "http_config" : ""
+        },
+        "rules_python" : {
+            "git_repository" : "",
+            "http_config" : ""
+        },
+        "rules_scala" : {
+            "git_repository" : "",
+            "http_config" : ""
+        },
+        "rules_typescript" : {
+            "git_repository" : "",
+            "http_config" : ""
+        },
+        "skydoc" : {
+            "git_repository" : "",
+            "http_config" : ""
+        },
+        "subpar" : {
+            "git_repository" : "",
+            "http_config" : ""
+        }
+    }
+def python_binary():
+    return "python3.6"
+def bazelcipy_url():
+    '''
+    URL to the latest version of this script.
+    '''
+    return ""
+def eprint(*args, **kwargs):
+    '''
+    Print to stderr and exit the process.
+    '''
+    print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs)
+    exit(1)
 def supported_platforms():
+    '''
+    Returns a map containing all supported platform names as keys, with the
+    values being the platform name in a human readable format.
+    '''
     return {
         "ubuntu1404" : "Ubuntu 14.04",
         "ubuntu1604" : "Ubuntu 16.04",
         "macos" : "macOS"
-def fetch_configs(http_config):
-    if http_config is None:
+def git_clone_path():
+    return "project-under-test"
+def fetch_configs(http_url):
+    '''
+    If specified fetches the build configuration from http_url, else tries to
+    read it from .bazelci/config.json.
+    Returns the json configuration as a python data structure.
+    '''
+    if http_url is None:
         with open(".bazelci/config.json", "r") as fd:
             return json.load(fd)
-    with urllib.request.urlopen(http_config) as resp:
+    with urllib.request.urlopen(http_url) as resp:
         reader = codecs.getreader("utf-8")
         return json.load(reader(resp))
-def run(config, platform, bazel_binary, git_repository):
-    exit_code = 0
+def execute_commands(config, platform, git_repository, use_but, save_but,
+    build_only, test_only):
+    exit_code = -1
     tmpdir = None
+    bazel_binary = "bazel"
         tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+        if use_but:
+            source_step = create_label(supported_platforms()[platform], "Bazel",
+                build_only=True, test_only=False)
+            bazel_binary = download_bazel_binary(tmpdir, source_step)
         if git_repository:
-            if os.path.exists("downstream-repo"):
-                shutil.rmtree("downstream-repo")
-            clone_repository(git_repository)
+            clone_git_repository(git_repository)
+            os.chdir(git_clone_path())
-        shell_commands(config.get("shell_commands", None))
-        bazel_run(bazel_binary, config.get("run_targets", None))
-        bazel_build(bazel_binary, config.get("build_flags", []), config.get("build_targets", None))
-        bep_file = os.path.join(tmpdir, "build_event_json_file.json")
-        exit_code = bazel_test(bazel_binary, config.get("test_flags", []), config.get("test_targets", None), bep_file)
-        upload_failed_test_logs(bep_file, tmpdir)
-        if git_repository:
-            delete_repository(git_repository)
+        execute_shell_commands(config.get("shell_commands", None))
+        execute_bazel_run(bazel_binary, config.get("run_targets", None))
+        if not test_only:
+            execute_bazel_build(bazel_binary, config.get("build_flags", []),
+                config.get("build_targets", None))
+            if save_but:
+                upload_bazel_binary()
+        if not build_only:
+            bep_file = os.path.join(tmpdir, "build_event_json_file.json")
+            exit_code = execute_bazel_test(bazel_binary, config.get("test_flags", []),
+                config.get("test_targets", None), bep_file)
+            upload_failed_test_logs(bep_file, tmpdir)
+        if git_repository:
+            os.chdir("..")
+            delete_git_checkout()
         if tmpdir:
-        cleanup(bazel_binary)
-        exit(exit_code)
+        if exit_code > -1:
+            exit(exit_code)
-def clone_repository(git_repository):
-    fail_if_nonzero(run_command(["git", "clone", git_repository, "downstream-repo"]))
-    os.chdir("downstream-repo")
+def upload_bazel_binary():
+    print("\n--- Uploading Bazel under test")
+    fail_if_nonzero(execute_command(["buildkite-agent", "artifact", "upload",
+        "bazel-bin/src/bazel"]))
-def delete_repository(git_repository):
+def download_bazel_binary(dest_dir, source_step):
+    print("\n--- Downloading Bazel under test")
+    fail_if_nonzero(execute_command(["buildkite-agent", "artifact", "download",
+        "bazel-bin/src/bazel", dest_dir, "--step", source_step]))
+    bazel_binary_path = os.path.join(dest_dir, "bazel-bin/src/bazel")
+    st = os.stat(bazel_binary_path)
+    os.chmod(bazel_binary_path, st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC)
+    return bazel_binary_path
+def clone_git_repository(git_repository):
+    delete_git_checkout()
+    fail_if_nonzero(execute_command(["git", "clone", git_repository,
+        git_clone_path()]))
+def delete_git_checkout():
+    if os.path.exists(git_clone_path()):
+        shutil.rmtree(git_clone_path())
+def cleanup(bazel_binary):
+    print("\n--- Cleanup")
+    if os.path.exists("WORKSPACE"):
+        fail_if_nonzero(execute_command([bazel_binary, "clean", "--expunge"]))
+    delete_git_checkout()
+def delete_git_repository(git_repository):
-    shutil.rmtree("downstream-repo")
+    shutil.rmtree(git_clone_path())
-def shell_commands(commands):
+def execute_shell_commands(commands):
     if not commands:
     print("\n--- Shell Commands")
     shell_command = "\n".join(commands)
-    fail_if_nonzero(run_command([shell_command], shell=True))
+    fail_if_nonzero(execute_command([shell_command], shell=True))
-def bazel_run(bazel_binary, targets):
+def execute_bazel_run(bazel_binary, targets):
     if not targets:
     print("\n--- Run Targets")
     for target in targets:
-        fail_if_nonzero(run_command([bazel_binary, "run", target]))
+        fail_if_nonzero(execute_command([bazel_binary, "run", target]))
-def bazel_build(bazel_binary, flags, targets):
+def execute_bazel_build(bazel_binary, flags, targets):
     if not targets:
     print("\n+++ Build")
-    fail_if_nonzero(run_command([bazel_binary, "build", "--color=yes", "--keep_going"] + flags + targets))
+    fail_if_nonzero(execute_command([bazel_binary, "build", "--color=yes",
+        "--keep_going"] + flags + targets))
-def bazel_test(bazel_binary, flags, targets, bep_file):
+def execute_bazel_test(bazel_binary, flags, targets, bep_file):
     if not targets:
-        return
+        return 0
     print("\n+++ Test")
-    return run_command([bazel_binary, "test", "--color=yes", "--keep_going", "--build_tests_only", "--build_event_json_file=" + bep_file] + flags + targets)
+    return execute_command([bazel_binary, "test", "--color=yes", "--keep_going",
+        "--build_tests_only", "--build_event_json_file=" + bep_file] + flags +
+        targets)
 def fail_if_nonzero(exitcode):
     if exitcode is not 0:
 def upload_failed_test_logs(bep_file, tmpdir):
-    for logfile in failed_test_logs(bep_file, tmpdir):
-        fail_if_nonzero(run_command(["buildkite-agent", "artifact", "upload", logfile]))
+    if not os.path.exists(bep_file):
+        return
+    for logfile in failed_logs_from_bep(bep_file, tmpdir):
+        fail_if_nonzero(execute_command(["buildkite-agent", "artifact", "upload",
+            logfile]))
-def failed_test_logs(bep_file, tmpdir):
+def failed_logs_from_bep(bep_file, tmpdir):
     test_logs = []
     raw_data = ""
     with open(bep_file) as f:
@@ -122,74 +279,173 @@
   path = path.replace(":", "/")
   return os.path.join(tmpdir, path + ".log")
-def cleanup(bazel_binary):
-    print("\n--- Cleanup")
-    if os.path.exists("WORKSPACE"):
-        fail_if_nonzero(run_command([bazel_binary, "clean", "--expunge"]))
-    if os.path.exists("downstream-repo"):
-        shutil.rmtree("downstream-repo")
-def run_command(args, shell=False):
+def execute_command(args, shell=False):
     print(" ".join(args))
     res =, shell=shell)
     return res.returncode
-def generate_pipeline(configs, http_config):
-    if not configs:
-        print("The CI config is empty.")
-        exit(1)
+def print_project_pipeline(platform_configs, project_name, http_config,
+    git_repository, use_but):
     pipeline_steps = []
-    for platform, config in configs.items():
-        if platform not in supported_platforms():
-            print("'{0}' is not a supported platform on Bazel CI".format(platform))
-            exit(1)
-        pipeline_steps.append(command_step(supported_platforms()[platform], platform, http_config))
-    if not pipeline_steps:
-        print("The CI config is empty.")
-        exit(1)
-    write_pipeline_file(pipeline_steps)
+    for platform, config in platform_configs.items():
+        step = runner_step(platform, project_name, http_config, git_repository,
+            use_but)
+        pipeline_steps.append(step)
-def write_pipeline_file(steps):
+    print_pipeline(pipeline_steps)
+def runner_step(platform, project_name=None, http_config=None,
+    git_repository=None, use_but=False, save_but=False, build_only=False,
+    test_only=False):
+    command = python_binary() + " runner --platform=" + platform
+    if http_config:
+        command = command + " --http_config=" + http_config
+    if git_repository:
+        command = command + " --git_repository=" + git_repository
+    if use_but:
+        command = command + " --use_but"
+    if save_but:
+        command = command + " --save_but"
+    if build_only:
+        command = command + " --build_only"
+    if test_only:
+        command = command + " --test_only"
+    platform_name = supported_platforms()[platform]
+    label = create_label(platform_name, project_name, build_only, test_only)
+    return """
+  - label: \"{0}\"
+    command: \"{1}\\n{2}\"
+    agents:
+      - \"os={3}\"""".format(label, fetch_bazelcipy_command(), command, platform)
+def print_pipeline(steps):
     for step in steps:
-def command_step(label, platform, http_config):
+def wait_step():
   return """
- - label: \"{0}\"
-   command: \"curl -s >\\n{1}\"
-   agents:
-     - \"os={2}\"""".format(label, "{0} --platform={1} {2} ".format(runner_command(platform), platform, http_config_flag(http_config)), platform)
-def runner_command(platform):
-    return "python3.6 --runner=true"
+  - wait"""
 def http_config_flag(http_config):
     if http_config is not None:
         return "--http_config=" + http_config
     return ""
+def fetch_bazelcipy_command():
+    return "curl -s {0} >".format(bazelcipy_url())
+def upload_project_pipeline_step(project_name, git_repository, http_config):
+    pipeline_command = ("{0} project_pipeline --project_name=\\\"{1}\\\" " + 
+        "--use_but --git_repository={2}").format(python_binary(), project_name,
+        git_repository)        
+    if http_config:
+        pipeline_command = pipeline_command + " --http_config=" + http_config
+    pipeline_command = pipeline_command + " | buildkite-agent pipeline upload"
+    return """
+  - label: \"Setup {0}\"
+    command: \"{1}\\n{2}\"
+    agents:
+      - \"pipeline=true\"""".format(project_name, fetch_bazelcipy_command(),
+        pipeline_command)
+def create_label(platform_name, project_name=None, build_only=False,
+    test_only=False):
+    label = ""
+    if build_only:
+        label = "Build "
+    if test_only:
+        label = "Test "
+    if project_name:
+        label = label + "{0} ({1})".format(project_name, platform_name)
+    else:
+        label = label + platform_name
+    return label
+def bazel_build_step(platform_name, platform, project_name, http_config=None,
+    build_only=False, test_only=False):
+    pipeline_command = python_binary() + " runner"
+    if build_only:
+        pipeline_command = pipeline_command + " --build_only --save_but"
+    if test_only:
+        pipeline_command = pipeline_command + " --test_only"
+    if http_config:
+        pipeline_command = pipeline_command + " --http_config=" + http_config
+    label = create_label(platform_name, project_name, build_only=build_only,
+        test_only=test_only)
+    pipeline_command = pipeline_command + " --platform=" + platform
+    return """
+  - label: \"{0}\"
+    command: \"{1}\\n{2}\"
+    agents:
+      - \"os={3}\"""".format(label, fetch_bazelcipy_command(),
+        pipeline_command, platform)
+def print_bazel_postsubmit_pipeline(configs, http_config):
+    if not configs:
+        eprint("Bazel postsubmit pipeline configuration is empty.")
+    if set(configs.keys()) != set(supported_platforms().keys()):
+        eprint("Bazel postsubmit pipeline needs to build Bazel on all " +
+            "supported platforms.")
+    pipeline_steps = []
+    for platform, config in configs.items():
+        platform_name = supported_platforms()[platform]
+        pipeline_steps.append(bazel_build_step(platform_name, platform, "Bazel",
+            http_config, build_only=True))
+    pipeline_steps.append(wait_step())
+    for platform, config in configs.items():
+        platform_name = supported_platforms()[platform]
+        pipeline_steps.append(bazel_build_step(platform_name, platform, "Bazel",
+            http_config, test_only=True))
+    for project, config in downstream_projects().items():
+        git_repository = config["git_repository"]
+        http_config = config.get("http_config", None)
+        pipeline_steps.append(upload_project_pipeline_step(project,
+            git_repository, http_config))
+    print_pipeline(pipeline_steps)
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Bazel Continous Integration Runner')
-    parser.add_argument("--generate_pipeline", type=bool)
-    parser.add_argument("--runner", type=bool)
-    parser.add_argument("--platform", type=str, help="The platform the script is running on. Required.")
-    parser.add_argument("--bazel_binary", type=str, help="The path to the Bazel binary. Optional.")
-    parser.add_argument("--http_config", type=str, help="The URL of the config file. Optional.")
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Bazel Continuous Integration Script')
+    subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest="subparsers_name")
+    bazel_postsubmit_pipeline = subparsers.add_parser("bazel_postsubmit_pipeline")
+    bazel_postsubmit_pipeline.add_argument("--http_config", type=str)
+    bazel_postsubmit_pipeline.add_argument("--git_repository", type=str)
+    project_pipeline = subparsers.add_parser("project_pipeline")
+    project_pipeline.add_argument("--project_name", type=str)
+    project_pipeline.add_argument("--http_config", type=str)
+    project_pipeline.add_argument("--git_repository", type=str)
+    project_pipeline.add_argument("--use_but", type=bool, nargs="?", const=True)
+    runner = subparsers.add_parser("runner")
+    runner.add_argument("--platform", action="store",
+        choices=list(supported_platforms()))
+    runner.add_argument("--http_config", type=str)
+    runner.add_argument("--git_repository", type=str)
+    runner.add_argument("--use_but", type=bool, nargs="?", const=True)
+    runner.add_argument("--save_but", type=bool, nargs="?", const=True)
+    runner.add_argument("--build_only", type=bool, nargs="?", const=True)
+    runner.add_argument("--test_only", type=bool, nargs="?", const=True)
     args = parser.parse_args()
-    if args.generate_pipeline:
+    if args.subparsers_name == "bazel_postsubmit_pipeline":
         configs = fetch_configs(args.http_config)
-        generate_pipeline(configs.get("platforms", None), args.http_config)
-    elif args.runner:
+        print_bazel_postsubmit_pipeline(configs.get("platforms", None),
+            args.http_config)
+    elif args.subparsers_name == "project_pipeline":
         configs = fetch_configs(args.http_config)
-        bazel_binary = "bazel"
-        if args.bazel_binary is not None:
-            bazel_binary = args.bazel_binary
-        git_repository = configs.get("git_repository", None)
-        if args.platform not in configs["platforms"]:
-            print("No configuration exists for '{0}'".format(args.platform))
-        run(configs["platforms"][args.platform], args.platform, bazel_binary, git_repository)
+        print_project_pipeline(configs.get("platforms", None), args.project_name,
+            args.http_config, args.git_repository, args.use_but)
+    elif args.subparsers_name == "runner":
+        configs = fetch_configs(args.http_config)
+        execute_commands(configs.get("platforms", None)[args.platform],
+            args.platform, args.git_repository, args.use_but, args.save_but,
+            args.build_only, args.test_only)
-        print("Need to specify either --runner or --generate_pipeline")
-        exit(1)
+        parser.print_help()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/buildkite/pipelines/ b/buildkite/pipelines/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9005167..0000000
--- a/buildkite/pipelines/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,451 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import print_function
-import argparse
-import codecs
-import json
-import os.path
-import shutil
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import stat
-import tempfile
-import urllib.request
-from shutil import copyfile
-from urllib.parse import urlparse
-def downstream_projects():
-    return {
-        "BUILD_file_generator" : {
-            "git_repository" : "",
-            "http_config" : ""
-        },
-        "buildtools" : {
-            "git_repository" : "",
-            "http_config" : ""
-        },
-        "examples" : {
-            "git_repository" : "",
-            "http_config" : ""
-        },
-        "migration-tooling" : {
-            "git_repository" : "",
-            "http_config" : ""
-        },
-        "protobuf" : {
-            "git_repository" : "",
-            "http_config" : ""
-        },
-        "re2" : {
-            "git_repository" : "",
-            "http_config" : ""
-        },
-        "rules_appengine" : {
-            "git_repository" : "",
-            "http_config" : ""
-        },
-        "rules_closure" : {
-            "git_repository" : "",
-            "http_config" : ""
-        },
-        "rules_go" : {
-            "git_repository" : "",
-            "http_config" : ""
-        },
-        "rules_groovy" : {
-            "git_repository" : "",
-            "http_config" : ""
-        },
-        "rules_gwt" : {
-            "git_repository" : "",
-            "http_config" : ""
-        },
-        "rules_jsonnet" : {
-            "git_repository" : "",
-            "http_config" : ""
-        },
-        "rules_k8s" : {
-            "git_repository" : "",
-            "http_config" : ""
-        },
-        "rules_nodejs" : {
-            "git_repository" : "",
-            "http_config" : ""
-        },
-        "rules_perl" : {
-            "git_repository" : "",
-            "http_config" : ""
-        },
-        "rules_python" : {
-            "git_repository" : "",
-            "http_config" : ""
-        },
-        "rules_scala" : {
-            "git_repository" : "",
-            "http_config" : ""
-        },
-        "rules_typescript" : {
-            "git_repository" : "",
-            "http_config" : ""
-        },
-        "skydoc" : {
-            "git_repository" : "",
-            "http_config" : ""
-        },
-        "subpar" : {
-            "git_repository" : "",
-            "http_config" : ""
-        }
-    }
-def python_binary():
-    return "python3.6"
-def bazelcipy_url():
-    '''
-    URL to the latest version of this script.
-    '''
-    return ""
-def eprint(*args, **kwargs):
-    '''
-    Print to stderr and exit the process.
-    '''
-    print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs)
-    exit(1)
-def supported_platforms():
-    '''
-    Returns a map containing all supported platform names as keys, with the
-    values being the platform name in a human readable format.
-    '''
-    return {
-        "ubuntu1404" : "Ubuntu 14.04",
-        "ubuntu1604" : "Ubuntu 16.04",
-        "macos" : "macOS"
-    }
-def git_clone_path():
-    return "project-under-test"
-def fetch_configs(http_url):
-    '''
-    If specified fetches the build configuration from http_url, else tries to
-    read it from .bazelci/config.json.
-    Returns the json configuration as a python data structure.
-    '''
-    if http_url is None:
-        with open(".bazelci/config.json", "r") as fd:
-            return json.load(fd)
-    with urllib.request.urlopen(http_url) as resp:
-        reader = codecs.getreader("utf-8")
-        return json.load(reader(resp))
-def execute_commands(config, platform, git_repository, use_but, save_but,
-    build_only, test_only):
-    exit_code = -1
-    tmpdir = None
-    bazel_binary = "bazel"
-    try:
-        tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
-        if use_but:
-            source_step = create_label(supported_platforms()[platform], "Bazel",
-                build_only=True, test_only=False)
-            bazel_binary = download_bazel_binary(tmpdir, source_step)
-        if git_repository:
-            clone_git_repository(git_repository)
-            os.chdir(git_clone_path())
-            cleanup(bazel_binary)
-        else:
-            cleanup(bazel_binary)
-        execute_shell_commands(config.get("shell_commands", None))
-        execute_bazel_run(bazel_binary, config.get("run_targets", None))
-        if not test_only:
-            execute_bazel_build(bazel_binary, config.get("build_flags", []),
-                config.get("build_targets", None))
-            if save_but:
-                upload_bazel_binary()
-        if not build_only:
-            bep_file = os.path.join(tmpdir, "build_event_json_file.json")
-            exit_code = execute_bazel_test(bazel_binary, config.get("test_flags", []),
-                config.get("test_targets", None), bep_file)
-            upload_failed_test_logs(bep_file, tmpdir)
-    finally:
-        if git_repository:
-            os.chdir("..")
-            delete_git_checkout()
-        if tmpdir:
-             shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
-        if exit_code > -1:
-            exit(exit_code)
-def upload_bazel_binary():
-    print("\n--- Uploading Bazel under test")
-    fail_if_nonzero(execute_command(["buildkite-agent", "artifact", "upload",
-        "bazel-bin/src/bazel"]))
-def download_bazel_binary(dest_dir, source_step):
-    print("\n--- Downloading Bazel under test")
-    fail_if_nonzero(execute_command(["buildkite-agent", "artifact", "download",
-        "bazel-bin/src/bazel", dest_dir, "--step", source_step]))
-    bazel_binary_path = os.path.join(dest_dir, "bazel-bin/src/bazel")
-    st = os.stat(bazel_binary_path)
-    os.chmod(bazel_binary_path, st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC)
-    return bazel_binary_path
-def clone_git_repository(git_repository):
-    delete_git_checkout()
-    fail_if_nonzero(execute_command(["git", "clone", git_repository,
-        git_clone_path()]))
-def delete_git_checkout():
-    if os.path.exists(git_clone_path()):
-        shutil.rmtree(git_clone_path())
-def cleanup(bazel_binary):
-    print("\n--- Cleanup")
-    if os.path.exists("WORKSPACE"):
-        fail_if_nonzero(execute_command([bazel_binary, "clean", "--expunge"]))
-    delete_git_checkout()
-def delete_git_repository(git_repository):
-    os.chdir("..")
-    shutil.rmtree(git_clone_path())
-def execute_shell_commands(commands):
-    if not commands:
-        return
-    print("\n--- Shell Commands")
-    shell_command = "\n".join(commands)
-    fail_if_nonzero(execute_command([shell_command], shell=True))
-def execute_bazel_run(bazel_binary, targets):
-    if not targets:
-        return
-    print("\n--- Run Targets")
-    for target in targets:
-        fail_if_nonzero(execute_command([bazel_binary, "run", target]))
-def execute_bazel_build(bazel_binary, flags, targets):
-    if not targets:
-        return
-    print("\n+++ Build")
-    fail_if_nonzero(execute_command([bazel_binary, "build", "--color=yes",
-        "--keep_going"] + flags + targets))
-def execute_bazel_test(bazel_binary, flags, targets, bep_file):
-    if not targets:
-        return 0
-    print("\n+++ Test")
-    return execute_command([bazel_binary, "test", "--color=yes", "--keep_going",
-        "--build_tests_only", "--build_event_json_file=" + bep_file] + flags +
-        targets)
-def fail_if_nonzero(exitcode):
-    if exitcode is not 0:
-        exit(exitcode)
-def upload_failed_test_logs(bep_file, tmpdir):
-    if not os.path.exists(bep_file):
-        return
-    for logfile in failed_logs_from_bep(bep_file, tmpdir):
-        fail_if_nonzero(execute_command(["buildkite-agent", "artifact", "upload",
-            logfile]))
-def failed_logs_from_bep(bep_file, tmpdir):
-    test_logs = []
-    raw_data = ""
-    with open(bep_file) as f:
-        raw_data =
-    decoder = json.JSONDecoder()
-    pos = 0
-    while pos < len(raw_data):
-        json_dict, size = decoder.raw_decode(raw_data[pos:])
-        if "testResult" in json_dict:
-            test_result = json_dict["testResult"]
-            if test_result["status"] != "PASSED":
-                outputs = test_result["testActionOutput"]
-                for output in outputs:
-                    if output["name"] == "test.log":
-                        new_path = label_to_path(tmpdir, json_dict["id"]["testResult"]["label"])
-                        os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(new_path), exist_ok=True)
-                        copyfile(urlparse(output["uri"]).path, new_path)
-                        test_logs.append(new_path)
-        pos += size + 1
-    return test_logs
-def label_to_path(tmpdir, label):
-  # remove leading //
-  path = label[2:]
-  path = path.replace(":", "/")
-  return os.path.join(tmpdir, path + ".log")
-def execute_command(args, shell=False):
-    print(" ".join(args))
-    res =, shell=shell)
-    return res.returncode
-def print_project_pipeline(platform_configs, project_name, http_config,
-    git_repository, use_but):
-    pipeline_steps = []
-    for platform, config in platform_configs.items():
-        step = runner_step(platform, project_name, http_config, git_repository,
-            use_but)
-        pipeline_steps.append(step)
-    print_pipeline(pipeline_steps)
-def runner_step(platform, project_name=None, http_config=None,
-    git_repository=None, use_but=False, save_but=False, build_only=False,
-    test_only=False):
-    command = python_binary() + " runner --platform=" + platform
-    if http_config:
-        command = command + " --http_config=" + http_config
-    if git_repository:
-        command = command + " --git_repository=" + git_repository
-    if use_but:
-        command = command + " --use_but"
-    if save_but:
-        command = command + " --save_but"
-    if build_only:
-        command = command + " --build_only"
-    if test_only:
-        command = command + " --test_only"
-    platform_name = supported_platforms()[platform]
-    label = create_label(platform_name, project_name, build_only, test_only)
-    return """
-  - label: \"{0}\"
-    command: \"{1}\\n{2}\"
-    agents:
-      - \"os={3}\"""".format(label, fetch_bazelcipy_command(), command, platform)
-def print_pipeline(steps):
-    print("steps:")
-    for step in steps:
-        print(step)
-def wait_step():
-  return """
-  - wait"""
-def http_config_flag(http_config):
-    if http_config is not None:
-        return "--http_config=" + http_config
-    return ""
-def fetch_bazelcipy_command():
-    return "curl -s {0} >".format(bazelcipy_url())
-def upload_project_pipeline_step(project_name, git_repository, http_config):
-    pipeline_command = ("{0} project_pipeline --project_name=\\\"{1}\\\" " + 
-        "--use_but --git_repository={2}").format(python_binary(), project_name,
-        git_repository)        
-    if http_config:
-        pipeline_command = pipeline_command + " --http_config=" + http_config
-    pipeline_command = pipeline_command + " | buildkite-agent pipeline upload"
-    return """
-  - label: \"Setup {0}\"
-    command: \"{1}\\n{2}\"
-    agents:
-      - \"pipeline=true\"""".format(project_name, fetch_bazelcipy_command(),
-        pipeline_command)
-def create_label(platform_name, project_name=None, build_only=False,
-    test_only=False):
-    label = ""
-    if build_only:
-        label = "Build "
-    if test_only:
-        label = "Test "
-    if project_name:
-        label = label + "{0} ({1})".format(project_name, platform_name)
-    else:
-        label = label + platform_name
-    return label
-def bazel_build_step(platform_name, platform, project_name, http_config=None,
-    build_only=False, test_only=False):
-    pipeline_command = python_binary() + " runner"
-    if build_only:
-        pipeline_command = pipeline_command + " --build_only --save_but"
-    if test_only:
-        pipeline_command = pipeline_command + " --test_only"
-    if http_config:
-        pipeline_command = pipeline_command + " --http_config=" + http_config
-    label = create_label(platform_name, project_name, build_only=build_only,
-        test_only=test_only)
-    pipeline_command = pipeline_command + " --platform=" + platform
-    return """
-  - label: \"{0}\"
-    command: \"{1}\\n{2}\"
-    agents:
-      - \"os={3}\"""".format(label, fetch_bazelcipy_command(),
-        pipeline_command, platform)
-def print_bazel_postsubmit_pipeline(configs, http_config):
-    if not configs:
-        eprint("Bazel postsubmit pipeline configuration is empty.")
-    if set(configs.keys()) != set(supported_platforms().keys()):
-        eprint("Bazel postsubmit pipeline needs to build Bazel on all " +
-            "supported platforms.")
-    pipeline_steps = []
-    for platform, config in configs.items():
-        platform_name = supported_platforms()[platform]
-        pipeline_steps.append(bazel_build_step(platform_name, platform, "Bazel",
-            http_config, build_only=True))
-    pipeline_steps.append(wait_step())
-    for platform, config in configs.items():
-        platform_name = supported_platforms()[platform]
-        pipeline_steps.append(bazel_build_step(platform_name, platform, "Bazel",
-            http_config, test_only=True))
-    for project, config in downstream_projects().items():
-        git_repository = config["git_repository"]
-        http_config = config.get("http_config", None)
-        pipeline_steps.append(upload_project_pipeline_step(project,
-            git_repository, http_config))
-    print_pipeline(pipeline_steps)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Bazel Continuous Integration Script')
-    subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest="subparsers_name")
-    bazel_postsubmit_pipeline = subparsers.add_parser("bazel_postsubmit_pipeline")
-    bazel_postsubmit_pipeline.add_argument("--http_config", type=str)
-    bazel_postsubmit_pipeline.add_argument("--git_repository", type=str)
-    project_pipeline = subparsers.add_parser("project_pipeline")
-    project_pipeline.add_argument("--project_name", type=str)
-    project_pipeline.add_argument("--http_config", type=str)
-    project_pipeline.add_argument("--git_repository", type=str)
-    project_pipeline.add_argument("--use_but", type=bool, nargs="?", const=True)
-    runner = subparsers.add_parser("runner")
-    runner.add_argument("--platform", action="store",
-        choices=list(supported_platforms()))
-    runner.add_argument("--http_config", type=str)
-    runner.add_argument("--git_repository", type=str)
-    runner.add_argument("--use_but", type=bool, nargs="?", const=True)
-    runner.add_argument("--save_but", type=bool, nargs="?", const=True)
-    runner.add_argument("--build_only", type=bool, nargs="?", const=True)
-    runner.add_argument("--test_only", type=bool, nargs="?", const=True)
-    args = parser.parse_args()
-    if args.subparsers_name == "bazel_postsubmit_pipeline":
-        configs = fetch_configs(args.http_config)
-        print_bazel_postsubmit_pipeline(configs.get("platforms", None),
-            args.http_config)
-    elif args.subparsers_name == "project_pipeline":
-        configs = fetch_configs(args.http_config)
-        print_project_pipeline(configs.get("platforms", None), args.project_name,
-            args.http_config, args.git_repository, args.use_but)
-    elif args.subparsers_name == "runner":
-        configs = fetch_configs(args.http_config)
-        execute_commands(configs.get("platforms", None)[args.platform],
-            args.platform, args.git_repository, args.use_but, args.save_but,
-            args.build_only, args.test_only)
-    else:
-        parser.print_help()
\ No newline at end of file