
Three categories of jobs run on bootstrap/maintenance, projects, and hidden jobs.

Bootstrap and maintenance

Five jobs control the bootstrap and maintenance of Bazel:

  • Github-Trigger: A job that is automatically triggered (by a GitHub webhook) every time someone or something pushes commits to the GitHub master branch, to a GitHub release branch, or to a GitHub release tag. This job then triggers the Global/pipeline job.
  • Bazel-Benchmark and Bazel-Push-Benchmark-Output: jobs running continously to produce benchmarks of Bazel published at
  • Global/pipeline: a job that handles the global tests as well as the release process
  • install-bazel: a job that install Bazel release on all the slaves.

All those jobs have custom configuration files that can be found in jenkins/jobs/*.xml.tpl.


All the other jobs are defined by the bazel_github_job template that simply run Bazel on a github repository. The templates are in jenkins/*.tpl and the definitions in jenkins/jobs/BUILD and jenkins/jobs/jobs.bzl.

The JOBS definition in jenkins/jobs/jobs.bzl is the list of jobs actually running on On the staging, to make the full build faster, we use the STAGING_JOBS definition, which is a strip down version of the JOBS definition.

Hidden jobs

  • CR/gerrit-verifier is a job to detect pending reviews on Gerrit that need validation (that have been marked as Presubmit-Ready).
  • PR/_project_ is a copy of the job for project that validates a GitHub pull request on project with the latest release of Bazel.
  • CR/_project_ is the same as PR-_project_ but for validating Gerrit review request.
  • Global/_project_ is another copy of the job but for use by the global presubmit test.