
Two categories of job run on bootstrap/maintenance and projects.

Bootstrap and maintenance

3 jobs control the bootstrap and maintenance of Bazel:

  • Github-Trigger: a control job, launched by a Github webhook, that triggers the Global/pipeline job if there is push to the master branch, to a release branch or to a release tag.
  • Bazel-Bechmark and Bazel-Push-Benchmark-Output: are job running continously to
  • Global/pipeline handles the global tests as well as the release process

All those jobs have custom configuration files that can be found in jenkins/jobs/*.xml.tpl.


All the other jobs are defined by the bazel_github_job template that simply run Bazel on a github repository. The templates are in jenkins/*.tpl and the definitions in jenkins/jobs/BUILD and jenkins/jobs/jobs.bzl.

The JOBS definition in jenkins/jobs/jobs.bzl is the list of jobs actually running on On the staging, to make the full build faster, we use the STAGING_JOBS definition, which is a strip down version of the JOBS definition.

Hidden jobs

In addition to those jobs, some more “hidden jobs” exists on the ci:

  • CR/gerrit-verifier is a custom job to detect pending reviews on gerrit that need validation (that have been marked as Presubmit-Ready).
  • PR/_project_ is a copy of the job for project that validates a Github Pull Request on project with the latest release of Bazel. A pull request is validated when an pull request admin comments test this please or retest this please. It also auto-triggers this job when an admin pushes a pull request.
    • Admins for pull request are the people from either the bazelbuild organization or the google organization.
    • Jenkins identifies those people as admins whose visibility is public. To make someone public, go to the Bazel organization page (or the Google organization page respectively), look for the person's name, and change their visibility to public.
  • CR/_project_ is the same as PR-_project_ but for validating Gerrit review request.
  • Global/_project_ is another copy of the job but for use by the global presubmit test.