Finish the migration to Windows Server 2016

Change-Id: Idf8b4b0813797d1e325d8fc7a755c298c164a021
diff --git a/gce/jenkins-slave-windows.ps1 b/gce/jenkins-slave-windows.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index 1853257..0000000
--- a/gce/jenkins-slave-windows.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-# This script is executed on every boot. Even though we lack even basic error
-# reporting and handling, at least make sure that it is not executed twice.
-if (Test-Path "c:\bazel_ci\install_completed.txt") {
-  Exit
-# Stop on action error.
-# TODO(dmarting): for executable, we need to check for $LastExitCode each time.
-$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
-if (-Not (Test-Path c:\bazel_ci)) {
-  New-Item c:\bazel_ci -type directory
-Set-Location c:\bazel_ci
-# Install Chocolatey
-Invoke-Expression ((New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString(""))
-# Initialize msys
-# Finally initialize and upgrade MSYS2 according to
-Write-Host "Initializing MSYS2..."
-$msysShell = Join-Path $msysRoot msys2_shell.bat
-Start-Process -Wait $msysShell -ArgumentList '-c', exit
-$command = 'pacman --noconfirm --needed -Sy bash pacman pacman-mirrors msys2-runtime'
-Write-Host "Updating system packages with '$command'..."
-Start-Process -Wait $msysShell -ArgumentList '-c', "'$command'"
-$command = 'pacman --noconfirm -Su'
-Write-Host "Upgrading full system with '$command'..."
-Start-Process -Wait $msysShell -ArgumentList '-c', "'$command'"
-# Download and install Python
-New-Item c:\temp -type directory
-(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile("",
-                                        "c:\temp\python-2.7.11.amd64.msi")
-& msiexec /qn TARGETDIR=c:\python_27_amd64\files\ /i c:\temp\python-2.7.11.amd64.msi
-[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", $env:Path + ";c:\python_27_amd64\files",
-                                      [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)
-# Download and install Anaconda3, because python3 is required by TensorFlow on Windows
-$anaconda3_tmp_folder = "c:\temp\anaconda3"
-New-Item $anaconda3_tmp_folder -type directory -force
-$anaconda3_installer = $anaconda3_tmp_folder + "\Anaconda3-4.2.0-Windows-x86_64.exe"
-(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile("", $anaconda3_installer)
-Start-Process -Wait $anaconda3_installer -ArgumentList "/AddToPath=0? /InstallationType=AllUsers /S /D='C:\Program Files\Anaconda3'"
-# Install pyreadline (Windows-compatible Python GNU readline library) and portpicker.
-# Required by TensorFlow Python tests (tfdbg).
-& "C:\Program Files\Anaconda3\Scripts\pip.exe" install pyreadline portpicker
-# Install autograd (needed by TensorFlow)
-& "C:\Program Files\Anaconda3\Scripts\pip.exe" install autograd
-# Install protobuf (needed by TensorFlow)
-& "C:\Program Files\Anaconda3\Scripts\pip.exe" install protobuf
-# Install all the Windows software we need:
-#   - JDK, because, Bazel is written in Java
-#   - NSSM, because that's the easiest way to create services
-#   - Chrome, because the default IE setup is way too crippled by security measures
-& choco install nssm -y --allow-empty-checksums
-& choco install jdk8 -y --allow-empty-checksums
-& choco install googlechrome -y --allow-empty-checksums
-# Fetch the instance ID from GCE
-$webclient=(New-Object Net.WebClient)
-$webclient.Headers.Add("Metadata-Flavor", "Google")
-# Save the Jenkins slave.jar to a suitable location.
-Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile slave.jar
-# Install the necessary packages in msys2
-pacman -Syyu --noconfirm
-pacman -S --noconfirm git curl gcc zip unzip zlib-devel isl tar patch
-Write-Output $bash_installer | Out-File -Encoding ascii
-# -l is required so that PATH in bash is set properly
-& c:\tools\msys64\usr\bin\bash -l /c/bazel_ci/
-# Find the JDK. The path changes frequently, so hardcoding it is not enough.
-$java=Get-ChildItem "c:\Program Files\Java\jdk*" | Select-Object -Index 0 | foreach { $_.FullName }
-# Get the latest release version number of Bazel
-$url = ""
-$res = $req.getresponse();
-# Download the latest bazel
-New-Item $folder -type directory -force
-(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile("${url}", "${folder}\bazel.exe")
-# Create a junction to the latest release
-# The CI machines have Powershell 4 installed, so we cannot use New-Item to
-# create a junction, so shell out to mklink.
-cmd.exe /C mklink /j C:\bazel_ci\installs\latest $folder
-# Also use the latest release for bootstrapping
-cmd.exe /C mklink /j C:\bazel_ci\installs\bootstrap $folder
-# Download the Android SDK
-New-Item $android_sdk -type directory -force
-(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($android_sdk_url, $android_sdk_tools_zip)
-Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression.FileSystem
-[System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory($android_sdk_tools_zip, $android_sdk)
-# Accept the Android SDK license agreement
-New-Item "${android_sdk}\licenses" -type directory -force
-Add-Content -Value "`n8933bad161af4178b1185d1a37fbf41ea5269c55" -Path "${android_sdk}\licenses\android-sdk-license" -Encoding ASCII
-Add-Content -Value "`n84831b9409646a918e30573bab4c9c91346d8abd`n504667f4c0de7af1a06de9f4b1727b84351f2910" -Path "${android_sdk}\licenses\android-sdk-preview-license" -Encoding ASCII
-# Install the necessary pieces of the SDK for the tests
-& "${android_sdk}\tools\bin\sdkmanager.bat" "platform-tools"
-& "${android_sdk}\tools\bin\sdkmanager.bat" "build-tools;26.0.1"
-& "${android_sdk}\tools\bin\sdkmanager.bat" "platforms;android-24"
-& "${android_sdk}\tools\bin\sdkmanager.bat" "platforms;android-25"
-& "${android_sdk}\tools\bin\sdkmanager.bat" "platforms;android-26"
-& "${android_sdk}\tools\bin\sdkmanager.bat" "extras;android;m2repository"
-# Create the service that runs the Jenkins slave
-# We can't execute Java directly because then it mysteriously fails with
-# "Sockets error: 10106: create", so we redirect through Powershell
-# The path change is needed because Jenkins cannot execute a different git
-# binary on different nodes, so we need to simply use "git"
-$jnlpUrl = "${jenkins_node}/slave-agent.jnlp"
-cd c:\bazel_ci
-# A path name with c:\ in the JNLP URL makes Java hang. I don't know why.
-# Jenkins tries to reconnect to the wrong port if the server is restarted.
-# -noReconnect makes the agent die, and it is then subsequently restarted by
-# Windows because it is a service, and then all is well.
-& "${java}\bin\java" -jar c:\bazel_ci\slave.jar -jnlpUrl $jnlpUrl -noReconnect
-Write-Output $agent_script | Out-File -Encoding ascii agent_script.ps1
-& nssm install bazel_ci powershell c:\bazel_ci\agent_script.ps1
-& nssm set bazel_ci AppStdout c:\bazel_ci\stdout.log
-& nssm set bazel_ci AppStderr c:\bazel_ci\stderr.log
-& nssm start bazel_ci
-Write-Output "DONE" | Out-File -Encoding ascii "c:\bazel_ci\install_completed.txt"
diff --git a/gce/ b/gce/
index 9af2d5f..62926c3 100755
--- a/gce/
+++ b/gce/
@@ -50,8 +50,6 @@
     "freebsd-12-slave-1 freebsd-12-1 europe-west1-d default"
     "freebsd-12-slave-2 freebsd-12-2 europe-west1-d default"
     # Fow Windows, we use a custom image with pre-installed MSVC.
-    # "windows-slave-1 windows-server-2012-r2-dc-v20160112-vs2015-cpp-python-msys windows-x86_64-1 europe-west1-d default windows-startup-script-ps1=jenkins-slave-windows.ps1"
-    # "windows-slave-2 windows-server-2012-r2-dc-v20160112-vs2015-cpp-python-msys windows-x86_64-2 europe-west1-d default windows-startup-script-ps1=jenkins-slave-windows.ps1"
     "windows-slave-1 windows-server-2016-dc-bazel-ci-v20180115 windows-x86_64-1 europe-west1-d default windows-startup-script-ps1=jenkins-slave-windows-2016.ps1"
     "windows-slave-2 windows-server-2016-dc-bazel-ci-v20180115 windows-x86_64-2 europe-west1-d default windows-startup-script-ps1=jenkins-slave-windows-2016.ps1"
@@ -82,7 +80,7 @@
     "freebsd-11-slave-staging freebsd-11-staging europe-west1-d staging"
     "freebsd-12-slave-staging freebsd-12-staging europe-west1-d staging"
     # Fow Windows, we use a custom image with pre-installed MSVC.
-    "windows-slave-staging windows-server-2012-r2-dc-v20160112-vs2015-cpp-python-msys windows-x86_64-staging europe-west1-d staging windows-startup-script-ps1=jenkins-slave-windows.ps1"
+    "windows-slave-staging windows-server-2016-dc-bazel-ci-v20180115 windows-x86_64-staging europe-west1-d staging windows-startup-script-ps1=jenkins-slave-windows-2016.ps1"
     # Remote Cache
     "remote-cache-staging ubuntu-1604-lts remote-cache-staging europe-west1-d staging"
@@ -156,11 +154,6 @@
   if [[ $IMAGE == ubuntu-* ]]; then
     IMAGE_FLAG="--image-project=ubuntu-os-cloud --image-family=$IMAGE"
     LOCAL_SSD="--local-ssd interface=nvme"
-  elif [[ $IMAGE == windows-server-2012-* ]]; then
-    CPU_PLATFORM="Intel Haswell"
-    MACHINE_TYPE="n1-standard-16"
-    IMAGE_FLAG="--image $IMAGE"
-    LOCAL_SSD=""
     IMAGE_FLAG="--image $IMAGE"
     LOCAL_SSD="--local-ssd interface=scsi"