gcloud compute instances delete \ --project bazel-public \ --zone us-central1-a \ --quiet \ buildkite-agent-metrics gcloud compute instances create \ --project bazel-public \ --boot-disk-size 20GB \ --machine-type n1-standard-1 \ --zone us-central1-a \ --image-project=ubuntu-os-cloud \ --image-family=ubuntu-1804-lts \ --scopes cloud-platform \ --service-account buildkite-agent-metrics@bazel-public.iam.gserviceaccount.com \ --metadata-from-file=startup-script=start.sh \ buildkite-agent-metrics
The service account used for the VM must have at least the following permissions:
Cloud KMS Decryption
for the Buildkite agent tokens.Logging > Logs Writer
to write logs to Stackdriver Logging.Monitoring > Monitoring Metric Writer
to write to the Stackdriver Metrics.