Add BazelConfiguration groovy class

This is just a convenience class to read configuration from
hierarchical json descriptor and return a list of configuration
to execute. Each configuration contains a descriptor (key=value pair,
e.g. the node label to run on) and a set of configuration parameters.

This change also add a BUILD file and some test to the groovy library
so we need to change the way we ship the library inside the docker

Change-Id: I5d6a2090b4360a0497b96e466df65ee52d19bbdb
index a868c1f..8c704fd 100644
@@ -103,3 +103,29 @@
     remote = "",
     tag = "python-gflags-2.0",
+# Testing Jenkins pipeline library
+# TODO(dmarting): the groovy support is really rudimentary we should fix it:
+#   - Need for adding more dependency
+#   - Groovy test absolutely want you to declare a specific structure
+#   - The release is not working with latest bazel
+#   - Repository overrely on bind() and does not respect naming conventions
+    name = "io_bazel_rules_groovy",
+    url = "",
+    sha256 = "0e7a425e3ebcc649c4fac9876ebbfdb3948bf97c47954ffda3e15b32a5bf4b6e",
+    strip_prefix = "rules_groovy-1256063915da0e46c229ce93489175f0d084f0cb",
+load("@io_bazel_rules_groovy//groovy:groovy.bzl", "groovy_repositories")
+# For groovy tests
+    name = "org_codehaus_groovy_all",
+    artifact = "org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-all:jar:2.4.4",
+    name = "org_hamcrest",
+    artifact = "org.hamcrest:hamcrest-all:jar:1.3",
diff --git a/jenkins/BUILD b/jenkins/BUILD
index 727fea9..4124a2e 100644
--- a/jenkins/BUILD
+++ b/jenkins/BUILD
@@ -301,6 +301,7 @@
         "PUBLIC_JENKINS_URL": "",
+    tars = ["//jenkins/lib"],
     visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
@@ -325,6 +326,7 @@
         "PUBLIC_JENKINS_URL": "",
+    tars = ["//jenkins/lib"],
     visibility = ["//gcr:__pkg__"],
@@ -345,6 +347,7 @@
         "SECURITY_CONFIG": "<useSecurity>false</useSecurity>",
+    tars = ["//jenkins/lib"],
diff --git a/jenkins/jenkins.bzl b/jenkins/jenkins.bzl
index 30ec2c8..6410d31 100644
--- a/jenkins/jenkins.bzl
+++ b/jenkins/jenkins.bzl
@@ -400,7 +400,7 @@
 def jenkins_build(name, plugins = None, base = "//jenkins/base", configs = [],
-                  jobs = [], substitutions = {}, visibility = None):
+                  jobs = [], substitutions = {}, visibility = None, tars = []):
   """Build the docker image for the Jenkins instance."""
   substitutions = substitutions + MAILS_SUBSTITUTIONS
   # Expands config files in a tar ball
@@ -422,22 +422,13 @@
       directory = "/usr/share/jenkins/ref",
-  # Create a tar of the library files
-  pkg_tar(
-     name = "%s-lib" % name,
-     files = native.glob(["lib/**"]),
-     strip_prefix = "lib",
-     package_dir = "/opt/lib",
-  )
   ### FINAL IMAGE ###
       name = name,
       tars = [
           ":%s-jobs" % name,
           ":%s-configs" % name,
-          ":%s-lib" % name,
-      ],
+      ] + tars,
       # Workaround no way to specify owner in pkg_tar
       # TODO(dmarting): use when it hits a release.
       user = "root",
diff --git a/jenkins/lib/BUILD b/jenkins/lib/BUILD
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b15b2f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jenkins/lib/BUILD
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+package(default_visibility = ["//jenkins:__subpackages__"])
+load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/pkg:pkg.bzl", "pkg_tar")
+load("@io_bazel_rules_groovy//groovy:groovy.bzl", "groovy_library")
+    name = "lib",
+    files = glob([
+        "src/build/**",
+        "vars/**",
+    ]),
+    package_dir = "/opt/lib",
+    strip_prefix = ".",
+    name = "BazelConfigurationTests",
+    srcs = [
+        "src/build/bazel/ci/BazelConfiguration.groovy",
+        "tests/build/bazel/ci/BazelConfigurationTests.groovy",
+    ],
+    name = "BazelConfigurationTests-test",
+    size = "small",
+    runtime_deps = [
+        "@org_codehaus_groovy_all//jar",
+        "@org_hamcrest//jar",
+        ":BazelConfigurationTests",
+    ],
+    test_class = "",
diff --git a/jenkins/lib/src/build/bazel/ci/BazelConfiguration.groovy b/jenkins/lib/src/build/bazel/ci/BazelConfiguration.groovy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..148dadb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jenkins/lib/src/build/bazel/ci/BazelConfiguration.groovy
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2017 The Bazel Authors
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
+import groovy.json.JsonParserType
+ * A class that stores configuration for a Bazel job.
+ *
+ * A configuration is composed of a descriptor and a list of parameters.
+ * A descriptor is a key-value map describing the configuration itself and
+ * parameters are parameters for the job common to all configurations but for
+ * which the value is configuration specific. E.g. test options or targets to
+ * build.
+ *
+ * A configuration can contains several other configurations. In which case the
+ * child configurations get factored with the parent configuration to create N
+ * configurations that inherit the parameters and descriptor of the parent
+ * configuration. If a child configuration specify a value already present in the
+ * parent configuration, the parent configuration value will be ignored and the child
+ * configuration value will be used.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * BazelConfiguration(["descriptor": "yeah"],
+ *                    ["params1": false],
+ *                    [BazelConfiguration(["descriptor2": "a"], [], [params2: true]),
+ *                     BazelConfiguration(["descriptor2": "b"], [], [params1: true, params2: false])])
+ *
+ * would expand to the following configurations:
+ *
+ * BazelConfiguration(["descriptor": "yeah", "descriptor2": "a"], [params1: false, params2: true])])
+ * BazelConfiguration(["descriptor": "yeah", "descriptor2": "b"], [params1: true, params2: false])])
+ */
+class BazelConfiguration implements {
+  private Map<String, String> descriptor
+  private Map<String, Object> parameters
+  private List<BazelConfiguration> configurations
+  static public interface ConfigurationContainer {
+    def addConfiguration(BazelConfiguration)
+  }
+  private static List<BazelConfiguration> parseJson(Object json) {
+    List<BazelConfiguration> result = []
+    for (Object o in json) {
+      result.add(new BazelConfiguration(o))
+    }
+    return result
+  }
+  private static Object toSerializable(Object jsonObject) {
+    // JsonSlurper map and list are not serializable, which make them unsuitable for
+    // usage inside a Jenkins pipeline, convert them to HashMap and ArrayList
+    if (jsonObject instanceof Map) {
+      def result = [:]
+      for (e in jsonObject) {
+        result[e.key] = toSerializable(e.value)
+      }
+      return result
+    } else if (jsonObject instanceof List) {
+      def result = []
+      for (it in jsonObject) {
+        result.add(toSerializable(it))
+      }
+      return result
+    } else {
+      return jsonObject
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Parse a list of configurations for a JSON string.
+   * A JSON configuration is an object whose key -> values are the entries
+   * of the configuration descriptor, except for "configurations" and "parameters"
+   * keys which correspond respectively to the child configurations and the parameters.
+   */
+  public static List<BazelConfiguration> parse(String jsonString) {
+    // There is a subtle bug in the parser so skip the first comment line
+    while (jsonString.trim().startsWith("//")) {
+      def pos = jsonString.indexOf("\n")
+      jsonString = pos < 0 ? "" : jsonString.substring(pos + 1)
+    }
+    def jsonObject = new JsonSlurper().setType(JsonParserType.LAX).parseText(jsonString);
+    return parseJson(toSerializable(jsonObject))
+  }
+  /** Parse a list of configurations from a JSON file. */
+  public static List<BazelConfiguration> parse(File jsonFile) {
+    return parse(jsonFile.text)
+  }
+  /**
+   * Flatten a list of configurations into a map of descriptor -> parameters.
+   *
+   * Restrictions can be applied to configuration to select only configuration compatible with
+   * the environment we run on (e.g. testing environment inside docker has only linux slave available).
+   * The restrictions are specified by a map of descriptor key-values. A configuration will be selected
+   * only if, for any key k in the descriptor, either the k is not a key of configurationRestrictions
+   * or the value of the descriptor is in configurationRestrictions[k].
+   *
+   * Examples:
+   * - configurationRestrictions = ["a": ["a", "b"], "b": []] would match descriptor
+   *   ["a": "a"], ["a": "b"], ["c": "whatever"] but not ["a": "c"] nor ["b": "whatever"]
+   * - configurationRestrictions = ["node": ["linux-x86_64"]] would match only the descriptors that
+   *   point to an execution on a linux node.
+   */
+  public static Map<Map<String, String>, Map<String, Object>> flattenConfigurations(
+      List<BazelConfiguration> configurations,
+      Map<String, List<String>> configurationRestrictions = [:]) {
+    def result = [:]
+    for (conf in configurations) {
+      result += conf.flatten(configurationRestrictions)
+    }
+    return result
+  }
+  private BazelConfiguration(Object json) {
+    this.parameters = ("parameters" in json) ? json["parameters"] : [:]
+    this.configurations = ("configurations" in json) ?
+        json["configurations"].collect { it -> new BazelConfiguration(it) } : []
+    this.descriptor = json.findAll { k, v -> k != "configurations" && k != "parameters" }
+  }
+  public BazelConfiguration(Map<String, String> descriptor,
+                            Map<String, Object> parameters,
+                            List<BazelConfiguration> configurations = []) {
+    this.descriptor = descriptor
+    this.parameters = parameters
+    this.configurations = configurations
+  }
+  def getDescriptor() {
+    return descriptor
+  }
+  def getParameters() {
+    return parameters
+  }
+  def getConfigurations() {
+    return configurations
+  }
+  private Map<Map<String, String>, Map<String, Object>> flatten(Map<String, List<String>> configurationRestrictions = [:]) {
+    Map<Map<String, String>, Map<String, Object>> result = [:]
+    if (descriptor.any {
+          k, v -> (k in configurationRestrictions) && !(v in configurationRestrictions[k]) }) {
+      return result
+    }
+    if (configurations.isEmpty()) {
+      if (!descriptor.isEmpty()) {
+        result[descriptor] = parameters
+      }
+      return result
+    } else {
+      for (conf in configurations) {
+        def configs = conf.flatten(configurationRestrictions)
+        for (e in configs) {
+          def descr2 = [:]
+          descr2.putAll(descriptor)
+          descr2.putAll(e.key)
+          result[descr2] = [:]
+          result[descr2].putAll(parameters)
+          result[descr2].putAll(e.value)
+        }
+      }
+      if (result.isEmpty() && !descriptor.isEmpty()) {
+        result[descriptor] = parameters
+      }
+      return result
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/jenkins/lib/tests/build/bazel/ci/BazelConfigurationTests.groovy b/jenkins/lib/tests/build/bazel/ci/BazelConfigurationTests.groovy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a670a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jenkins/lib/tests/build/bazel/ci/BazelConfigurationTests.groovy
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2017 The Bazel Authors
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+import org.junit.Test
+/** Tests for {@link BazelConguration} */
+class BazelConfigurationTests {
+  static final String JSON_TEST = '''
+// This is a test
+// Double comment to test the workaround the parser issue
+// more comment
+// And now the initial bazel tests
+    {
+        // This is a configuration that have 3 subconfiguration: linux, ubuntu and darwin
+        // Each of those configuration have 4 bazel variations: HEAD, HEAD-jdk7, latest,
+        // and latest-jdk7
+        "configurations": [
+            {
+                "node": "linux-x86_64",
+                "configurations": [
+                    // XXX(dmarting): Remove HEAD from here.
+                    {"variation": "HEAD"},
+                    {"variation": "HEAD-jdk7"},
+                    {"variation": "latest"},
+                    {"variation": "latest-jdk7"}
+                ]
+            },
+            {
+                "node": "ubuntu_16.04-x86_64",
+                "configurations": [
+                    {"variation": "HEAD"},
+                    {"variation": "HEAD-jdk7"},
+                    {"variation": "latest"},
+                    {"variation": "latest-jdk7"}
+                ]
+            },
+            {
+                "node": "darwin-x86_64",
+                "configurations": [
+                    {"variation": "HEAD"},
+                    {"variation": "HEAD-jdk7"},
+                    {"variation": "latest"},
+                    {"variation": "latest-jdk7"}
+                ]
+            }
+        ],
+        // And specify the parameters for these configurations.
+        "parameters": {
+            "configure": [
+                "source scripts/ci/",
+                "setup_android_repositories"
+            ],
+            "test_opts": ["-k", "--build_tests_only"],
+            "tests": [
+                "//scripts/...",
+                "//src/...",
+                "//third_party/ijar/..."
+            ],
+            "targets": []
+        }
+    }, {
+        "toolchain": "msvc",
+        "configurations": [{
+            // XXX(dmarting): MSVC is a misnommer, it should have been called win32
+            // (for win32 native binary).
+            // XXX(dmarting): really MSVC/Win32 should be a bazel variation, not part of
+            // the node.
+            "node": "windows-msvc-x86_64",
+            "configurations": [{"variation": "HEAD"},{"variation": "latest"}]
+        }, {
+            "node": "windows-x86_64",
+            "configurations": [{"variation": "HEAD"},{"variation": "latest"}]
+        }],
+        "parameters": {
+            "test_opts": ["-k", "--build_tests_only"],
+            "tests": [
+                "//src/test/java/...",
+                "//src/test/cpp/...",
+                "//src/test/naive:all_tests"
+            ],
+            "targets": ["//src:bazel"]
+        }
+    }, {
+        "toolchain": "msys",
+        "configurations": [{
+            "node": "windows-msvc-x86_64",
+            "configurations": [{"variation": "HEAD"},{"variation": "latest"}]
+        }, {
+            "node": "windows-x86_64",
+            "configurations": [{"variation": "HEAD"},{"variation": "latest"}]
+        }],
+        "parameters": {
+            "test_opts": ["-k", "--build_tests_only"],
+            "tests": ["//src/tst/shell/bazel:bazel_windows_example_test"],
+            "targets": []
+        }
+    }
+// Ending comment
+  private void assertConfigurationCorrect(confs) {
+    assert confs.size() == 3
+    assert confs[0].descriptor.size() == 0
+    assert confs[0].parameters.size() == 4
+    assert confs[0].parameters["configure"] == [
+      "source scripts/ci/",
+      "setup_android_repositories"
+    ]
+    assert confs[0].configurations.size() == 3
+    assert confs[0].configurations.every {
+      v -> v.configurations.size() == 4 && v.parameters.size() == 0 && v.descriptor.size() == 1 }
+    assert confs[1].descriptor.size() == 1
+    assert confs[1].parameters.size() == 3
+    assert confs[1].configurations.size() == 2
+    assert confs[1].configurations.every {
+      v -> v.configurations.size() == 2 && v.parameters.size() == 0 && v.descriptor.size() == 1 }
+    assert confs[2].descriptor.size() == 1
+    assert confs[2].parameters.size() == 3
+    assert confs[2].configurations.size() == 2
+    assert confs[2].configurations.every {
+      v -> v.configurations.size() == 2 && v.parameters.size() == 0 && v.descriptor.size() == 1 }
+  }
+  @Test
+  void testParseJsonString() {
+    assertConfigurationCorrect(BazelConfiguration.parse(JSON_TEST))
+  }
+  @Test
+  void testSerialization() {
+    // Just test that the object from parsing JSON is serializable
+    new ObjectOutputStream(new ByteArrayOutputStream()).writeObject(BazelConfiguration.parse(JSON_TEST));
+  }
+  @Test
+  void testParseJsonFile() {
+    def tempDir = System.getenv("TEST_TMPDIR")
+    def tempDirFile = null
+    if (tempDir != null) {
+      tempDirFile = new File(tempDir)
+    }
+    def testFile = File.createTempFile('temp', '.json', tempDirFile)
+    try {
+      testFile.write(JSON_TEST)
+      assertConfigurationCorrect(BazelConfiguration.parse(testFile))
+    } finally {
+      testFile.delete()
+    }
+  }
+  @Test
+  void testFlatten() {
+    def result = BazelConfiguration.flattenConfigurations(BazelConfiguration.parse(JSON_TEST))
+    def allKeys = result.collect {
+      k, v -> k.collect { k1, v1 -> "${k1}=${v1}" }.toSorted().join(",") }.toSorted()
+    // Once flatten there are 20 configurations
+    assert allKeys.size() == 20
+    assert allKeys.join("\n") == '''node=darwin-x86_64,variation=HEAD
+  }
+  @Test
+  void testFlattenWithRestriction() {
+    def result = BazelConfiguration.flattenConfigurations(
+      BazelConfiguration.parse(JSON_TEST),
+      [node: ["linux-x86_64", "windows-x86_64"], variation: ["HEAD", "HEAD-jdk7"]])
+    def allKeys = result.collect {
+      k, v -> k.collect { k1, v1 -> "${k1}=${v1}" }.toSorted().join(",") }.toSorted()
+    assert allKeys.size() == 4
+    assert allKeys.join("\n") == '''node=linux-x86_64,variation=HEAD
+  }