Bazel CI workflow




  • You may need to authenticate and set the current project. To do so, run:

    gcloud auth login
    gcloud config set project bazel-public
    gcloud config set zone europe-west1-d

Pushing changes

The process typically looks like:

  1. Make your change.

  2. Deploy to production with bazel run //gcr:deploy.

  3. Gracefully restart the Jenkins instance:

    If Jenkins doesn't exit fast enough, ensure that no important jobs are running and then:

Setting up local testing

You can run a local Jenkins instance with a Docker executor node, by running:

bazel run //jenkins/test [-- -p port]

It will spin up a Jenkins instance:

  • without security
  • on port port (8080 by default)
  • with one node running Ubuntu Wily in Docker

This setup should suffice for local testing.

To stop the instance, go to http://localhost:8080/exit. This will shut down Jenkins cleanly.

You can connect additional instance by modifying the UI to test for other platforms. However this does not enable to test:

  • Synchronization between Gerrit and Github
  • Adding execution nodes
  • Interaction with Github or Gerrit

Faster testing cycle

If you only need to modify Groovy code under jenkins/lib, you can update that in the running container without restarting Jenkins.

  1. Start the container:

    bazel run //jenkins/test
  2. Make your changes to .groovy files.

  3. Transfer the lib folder to the running container:
