blob: 660294812a742d74444ff71f4d51bf2166e09a7c [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<flow-definition plugin="workflow-job">
<description>Test Gerrit code review for {{ variables.PROJECT_NAME }}.
This job is for testing changes submitted to the Gerrit project: {{ variables.GERRIT_PROJECT }}.
{% if variables.RUN_SEQUENTIAL == "true" %}
{% endif %}
<strategy class="hudson.tasks.LogRotator">
{% if variables.github == "True" %}
<projectUrl>{{ variables.GITHUB_URL }}</projectUrl>
{% endif %}
<description>Refs to pull</description>
<description>Branch to build</description>
<description>Number of the change being tested, for information only.</description>
<definition class="org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.CpsFlowDefinition" plugin="workflow-cps">
"Bazel CI <>",
params.BRANCH) {
repository: "{{ variables.GERRIT_PROJECT }}",
branch: params.BRANCH,
refspec: params.REFSPEC,
bazel_version: "latest",
configuration: '''{{ raw_imports['JSON_CONFIGURATION'].replace('\\', '\\\\').replace("'", "\\'") }}''',
workspace: "{{ variables.WORKSPACE }}",
{% if variables.SAUCE_ENABLED == "true" %}
sauce: "61b4846b-279d-4369-ae20-31e9d8b9bc66",
{% endif %}
run_sequentially: {{ variables.RUN_SEQUENTIAL }}
<disabled>{{ variables.disabled }}</disabled>