Fix transfer script to staging

  - Correct the default zone for staging
  - Fix the directory layout

Change-Id: I8be36e18d7b3203864e10f49b535e6324db79302
diff --git a/jenkins/ b/jenkins/
index 82f3330..b86c7fa 100755
--- a/jenkins/
+++ b/jenkins/
@@ -17,10 +17,13 @@
 # just run it and it should transfer the lib to jenkins staging.
 : "${JENKINS_SERVER:=jenkins-staging}"
-: "${JENKINS_ZONE:=europe-west1-d}"
+: "${JENKINS_ZONE:=europe-west2-a}"
 : "${}"
 cd "$(dirname "$0")"
-gcloud compute copy-files "--zone=${JENKINS_ZONE}" lib/{src,vars} "${JENKINS_SERVER}":
+gcloud compute ssh "--zone=${JENKINS_ZONE}" "${JENKINS_SERVER}" \
+  --command "mkdir -p lib"
+gcloud compute scp --recurse "--zone=${JENKINS_ZONE}" lib/{src,vars} "${JENKINS_SERVER}":lib
+gcloud compute scp "--zone=${JENKINS_ZONE}" "${JENKINS_SERVER}":
 gcloud compute ssh "--zone=${JENKINS_ZONE}" "${JENKINS_SERVER}" \
   --command "sudo bash -c 'IMAGE_NAME=${IMAGE_NAME} ./'"