Add a global pipeline job

This job will be used to trigger a global test suite, suitable
to run a global pre/post-submit of Bazel paving the way for
global pre submit from Gerrit.

This job trigger all jobs in the "Global" folder but that folder
is still empty.

Missing for #55:
  - Add job in the Global folder
  - Trigger from Gerrit
  - Trigger the new Global/pipeline job instead of the legacy pipeline
  - Installation of Bazel releases automatically

Change-Id: I69937b1531061ca1575564777c539bd97edd90db
diff --git a/jenkins/jobs/BUILD b/jenkins/jobs/BUILD
index cae77c6..5039ac9 100644
--- a/jenkins/jobs/BUILD
+++ b/jenkins/jobs/BUILD
@@ -27,7 +27,16 @@
     project_url = "",
     substitutions = JOBS_SUBSTITUTIONS,
     deps = glob(["%s.*.tpl" % job]),
-) for job in BAZEL_JOBS.keys()]
+) for job in BAZEL_JOBS.keys() if job != "Global/pipeline"]
+    name = "Global/pipeline",
+    config = "global.xml.tpl",
+    deps = [
+         ":global.groovy",
+         ":configs/bootstrap.json",
+    ],
 # TODO(dmarting): activate Tensorflow on mac (missing dependencies)
diff --git a/jenkins/jobs/global.groovy b/jenkins/jobs/global.groovy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5517dd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jenkins/jobs/global.groovy
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2017 The Bazel Authors
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// This pipeline control a global test for Bazel:
+//   - Bootstrap bazel and do some basic tests
+//   - Deploy the artifacts (site, releases) and send mails
+//   - Run all downstream job
+stage("Startup global test") {
+  echo "Running global test for branch ${params.BRANCH} (refspec: ${params.REFSPEC})"
+notifyStatus(mail_recipient) {
+  // First we bootstrap bazel on all platform
+  stage("Bootstrap on all platforms") {
+    bootstrapBazelAll(branch: params.BRANCH,
+                      refspec: params.REFSPEC,
+                      email: mail_recipient,
+                      configuration: json_config,
+                      restrict_configuration: restrict_configuration)
+  }
+  // Some basic tests
+  // TODO(dmarting): maybe we want to run it in parallel of other jobs?
+  stage("Test that all sources are in the //:srcs filegroup") {
+    node("linux-x86_64") {
+      recursiveGit(repository: "",
+                   refspec: params.REFSPEC,
+                   branch: params.BRANCH)
+      def bazel = fetchBazel("latest", "linux-x86_64")
+      sh(script: "./ srcs ${bazel}")
+    }
+  }
+// Deployment steps
+if(params.BRANCH.matches('^(.*/)master$')) {
+  stage("Push website") {
+    node("deploy") {
+      recursiveGit(repository: "",
+                   refspec: params.REFSPEC,
+                   branch: params.BRANCH)
+      unstash "bazel--node=linux-x86_64--variation="
+      sh script: '''#!/bin/bash
+. scripts/ci/
+for i in $(find input -name \'*\'); do
+  build_and_publish_site "$i" "$(basename $i .tar)" "build"
+for i in $(find input -name \'*\'); do
+  build_and_publish_site "$i" "$(basename $i .tar.nobuild)" "nobuild"
+    }
+  }
+} else if(params.BRANCH.matches('^refs/((heads/release-)|(tags/)).*$')) {
+  def r_name = ""
+  node("deploy") {
+    r_name = sh(script: "bash -c 'source scripts/release/; get_full_release_name'",
+                returnStdout: true)
+    if (!r_name.isEmpty()) {
+      stage("Push release") {
+        // unstash all the things
+        def conf = BazelConfiguration.flattenConfigurations(
+          BazelConfiguration.parse(json_config), restrict_configuration).keySet().toArray()
+        for (int k = 0; k < entrySet.size; k++) {
+          unstash "bazel--node=${conf[k].node}--variation=${conf[k].variation}"
+        }
+        // Delete files we do not need
+        sh "rm -f node=*/variation=*/bazel node=*/variation=*/**"
+        // Now the actual release
+        withEnv(["GCS_BUCKET=bazel",
+                 "GIT_REPOSITORY_URL="]) {
+          dir("output/ci") { -> }
+          sh '''#!/bin/bash
+# Credentials should not be displayed on the command line
+export APT_GPG_KEY_ID="$(cat "${APT_GPG_KEY_ID_FILE}")"
+source scripts/ci/
+for i in node=*; do
+  for j in $i/variation=*/*; do
+    args+=("$(echo $i | cut -d = -f 2)" "$j")
+bazel_release "${args[@]}"
+echo "${RELEASE_EMAIL_RECIPIENT}" | tee output/ci/recipient
+echo "${RELEASE_EMAIL_SUBJECT}" | tee output/ci/subject
+echo "${RELEASE_EMAIL_CONTENT}" | tee output/ci/content
+          if (r_name.contains("test")) {
+            echo "Test release, skipping announcement mail"
+          } else {
+            stage("Announcement mail") {
+              mail(subject: readFile("output/ci/subject"),
+                   to: readFile("output/ci/recipient"),
+                   replyTo: "",
+                   body: readFile("output/ci/content"))
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // TODO(dmarting): trigger bazel install everywhere in case of release.
+// Then we run all the job in the Global folder but myself
+stage("Test downstream jobs") {
+  runAll(folder: "Global",
+         parameters: [
+           [$class: 'TextParameterValue',
+            name: 'EXTRA_BAZELRC',
+            value: "${params.EXTRA_BAZELRC}"],
+           [$class: 'StringParameterValue',
+            name: 'BRANCH',
+            value: "${params.BRANCH}"],
+           [$class: 'StringParameterValue',
+            name: 'REFSPEC',
+            value: "${params.REFSPEC}"]
+         ])
diff --git a/jenkins/jobs/global.xml.tpl b/jenkins/jobs/global.xml.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dcd7e5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jenkins/jobs/global.xml.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+  <actions/>
+  <description>Global pipeline to bootstrap bazel and runs all downstream jobs</description>
+  <keepDependencies>false</keepDependencies>
+  <properties>
+    <>
+    <com.coravy.hudson.plugins.github.GithubProjectProperty>
+      <projectUrl></projectUrl>
+      <displayName></displayName>
+    </com.coravy.hudson.plugins.github.GithubProjectProperty>
+    <hudson.model.ParametersDefinitionProperty>
+      <parameterDefinitions>
+        <hudson.model.StringParameterDefinition>
+          <name>BRANCH</name>
+          <description>The branch to build</description>
+          <defaultValue>master</defaultValue>
+        </hudson.model.StringParameterDefinition>
+        <hudson.model.StringParameterDefinition>
+          <name>REFSPEC</name>
+          <description>The refspec to fetch</description>
+          <defaultValue>+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*</defaultValue>
+        </hudson.model.StringParameterDefinition>
+        <hudson.model.TextParameterDefinition>
+          <name>EXTRA_BAZELRC</name>
+          <description>To inject new option to the .bazelrc file in downstream projects.</description>
+          <defaultValue></defaultValue>
+        </hudson.model.TextParameterDefinition>
+      </parameterDefinitions>
+    </hudson.model.ParametersDefinitionProperty>
+    <>
+      <triggers/>
+    </>
+  </properties>
+  <definition class="org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.CpsFlowDefinition">
+    <script>
+json_config = '''{{ raw_imports['//jenkins/jobs:configs/bootstrap.json'].replace('\\', '\\\\').replace("'", "\\'") }}'''
+restrict_configuration = {{ variables.RESTRICT_CONFIGURATION }}
+mail_recipient = "{{ variables.BAZEL_BUILD_RECIPIENT }}"
+{{ imports['//jenkins/jobs:global.groovy'] }}</script>
+    <sandbox>true</sandbox>
+  </definition>
+  <triggers/>
diff --git a/jenkins/jobs/jobs.bzl b/jenkins/jobs/jobs.bzl
index 0b30083..8b8c431 100644
--- a/jenkins/jobs/jobs.bzl
+++ b/jenkins/jobs/jobs.bzl
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@
     "Github-Trigger": UNIX_PLATFORMS,
+    "Global/pipeline": [],
     "Bazel-Install": [],
     "Bazel-Install-Trigger": [],
diff --git a/templating/ b/templating/
index e8b960a..c3da715 100644
--- a/templating/
+++ b/templating/
@@ -68,11 +68,13 @@
     return source, self.path, lambda: mtime == os.path.getmtime(self.path)
-def expand_template(template, variables, imports):
+def expand_template(template, variables, imports, raw_imports=None):
   """Expand a template."""
+  if raw_imports is None:
+    raw_imports = imports
   env = jinja2.Environment(loader=OneFileLoader(template))
   template = env.get_template(template)
-  return template.render(imports=imports, variables=variables)
+  return template.render(imports=imports, variables=variables, raw_imports=raw_imports)
 def quote_xml(d):
   """Returns a copy of d where all values where escaped for XML."""
@@ -99,10 +101,11 @@
     variables[kv[0]] = kv[1]
   imports = construct_imports(variables, flags.imports)
+  raw_imports = imports
   if flags.escape_xml:
     imports = quote_xml(imports)
     variables = quote_xml(variables)
-  result = expand_template(flags.template, variables, imports)
+  result = expand_template(flags.template, variables, imports, raw_imports)
   with open(flags.output, "w") as f:
   if flags.executable: