Moved jenkins.bzl to a subdirectory and split it

Change-Id: I2cfa48cbf6824b3dbd4f7c538fe4b523f5f73a33
diff --git a/jenkins/BUILD b/jenkins/BUILD
index 4124a2e..1fd6b5e 100644
--- a/jenkins/BUILD
+++ b/jenkins/BUILD
@@ -14,12 +14,9 @@
 # Configuration for our Jenkins instance
 load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/docker:docker.bzl", "docker_build")
-load(":jenkins.bzl", "jenkins_node", "jenkins_build", "jenkins_job")
-load(":nodes.bzl", "jenkins_nodes", "jenkins_node_names")
+load("//jenkins/build_defs:jenkins.bzl", "jenkins_node", "jenkins_docker_build", "jenkins_job", "jenkins_nodes", "jenkins_node_names")
 load("//jenkins/jobs:jobs.bzl", "JOBS_SUBSTITUTIONS", "STAGING_JOBS_SUBSTITUTIONS")
 # Nodes
@@ -279,7 +276,7 @@
 # Finally the Jenkins image
     name = "jenkins",
     configs = [
@@ -305,7 +302,7 @@
     visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
     name = "jenkins-staging",
     configs = [
@@ -332,7 +329,7 @@
 # A jenkins image for testing purpose
     name = "jenkins-test",
     configs = [
diff --git a/jenkins/build_defs/BUILD b/jenkins/build_defs/BUILD
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d03353
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jenkins/build_defs/BUILD
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/jenkins/github-jobs-Gerrit.xml.tpl b/jenkins/build_defs/github-jobs-Gerrit.xml.tpl
similarity index 100%
rename from jenkins/github-jobs-Gerrit.xml.tpl
rename to jenkins/build_defs/github-jobs-Gerrit.xml.tpl
diff --git a/jenkins/github-jobs-PR.xml.tpl b/jenkins/build_defs/github-jobs-PR.xml.tpl
similarity index 100%
rename from jenkins/github-jobs-PR.xml.tpl
rename to jenkins/build_defs/github-jobs-PR.xml.tpl
diff --git a/jenkins/github-jobs.bat.tpl b/jenkins/build_defs/github-jobs.bat.tpl
similarity index 100%
rename from jenkins/github-jobs.bat.tpl
rename to jenkins/build_defs/github-jobs.bat.tpl
diff --git a/jenkins/ b/jenkins/build_defs/
similarity index 100%
rename from jenkins/
rename to jenkins/build_defs/
diff --git a/jenkins/github-jobs.test-logs.bat.tpl b/jenkins/build_defs/github-jobs.test-logs.bat.tpl
similarity index 100%
rename from jenkins/github-jobs.test-logs.bat.tpl
rename to jenkins/build_defs/github-jobs.test-logs.bat.tpl
diff --git a/jenkins/ b/jenkins/build_defs/
similarity index 100%
rename from jenkins/
rename to jenkins/build_defs/
diff --git a/jenkins/github-jobs.xml.tpl b/jenkins/build_defs/github-jobs.xml.tpl
similarity index 100%
rename from jenkins/github-jobs.xml.tpl
rename to jenkins/build_defs/github-jobs.xml.tpl
diff --git a/jenkins/build_defs/jenkins.bzl b/jenkins/build_defs/jenkins.bzl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53d45f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jenkins/build_defs/jenkins.bzl
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# Copyright 2017 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Some definition to setup jenkins and build the corresponding docker images
+load(":jenkins_docker_build.bzl", "jenkins_docker_build")
+load(":jenkins_node.bzl", "jenkins_node")
+load(":jenkins_nodes.bzl", "jenkins_nodes", "jenkins_node_names")
+load(":jenkins_job.bzl", "jenkins_job", "bazel_git_job", "bazel_github_job")
diff --git a/jenkins/build_defs/jenkins_docker_build.bzl b/jenkins/build_defs/jenkins_docker_build.bzl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..788b0db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jenkins/build_defs/jenkins_docker_build.bzl
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# Copyright 2015 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Creation of the docker container for the jenkins master.
+load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/docker:docker.bzl", "docker_build")
+load(":templates.bzl", "merge_files")
+load(":vars.bzl", "MAIL_SUBSTITUTIONS")
+def jenkins_docker_build(name, plugins = None, base = "//jenkins/base", configs = [],
+                  jobs = [], substitutions = {}, visibility = None, tars = []):
+  """Build the docker image for the Jenkins instance."""
+  substitutions = substitutions + MAIL_SUBSTITUTIONS
+  # Expands config files in a tar ball
+  merge_files(
+      name = "%s-configs" % name,
+      srcs = configs,
+      directory = "/usr/share/jenkins/ref",
+      strip_prefixes = [
+          "jenkins/config",
+          "jenkins",
+      ],
+      substitutions = substitutions)
+  # Create the structures for jobs
+  merge_files(
+      name = "%s-jobs" % name,
+      srcs = jobs,
+      path_format = "jobs/{basename}/config.xml",
+      directory = "/usr/share/jenkins/ref",
+  )
+  ### FINAL IMAGE ###
+  docker_build(
+      name = name,
+      tars = [
+          ":%s-jobs" % name,
+          ":%s-configs" % name,
+      ] + tars,
+      # Workaround no way to specify owner in pkg_tar
+      # TODO(dmarting): use when it hits a release.
+      user = "root",
+      entrypoint = [
+          "/bin/tini",
+          "--",
+          "/bin/bash",
+          "-c",
+          "[ -d /opt/lib ] && chown -R jenkins /opt/lib; su jenkins -c /usr/local/bin/",
+      ],
+      # End of workaround
+      base = base,
+      directory = "/",
+      visibility = visibility,
+  )
diff --git a/jenkins/build_defs/jenkins_job.bzl b/jenkins/build_defs/jenkins_job.bzl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4af6990
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jenkins/build_defs/jenkins_job.bzl
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+# Copyright 2017 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Jenkins job creation
+load(":templates.bzl", "expand_template")
+load(":vars.bzl", "MAIL_SUBSTITUTIONS")
+def jenkins_job(name, config, substitutions = {}, deps = [],
+                project='bazel', org='bazelbuild', git_url=None, project_url=None,
+                folder=None, platforms=[], test_platforms=["linux-x86_64"]):
+  """Create a job configuration on Jenkins.
+  Args:
+     name: the name of the job to create
+     config: the configuration file for the job
+     substitutions: additional substitutions to pass to the template generation
+     deps: list of dependencies (templates included by the config file)
+     project: the project name on github
+     org: the project organization on github, default 'bazelbuild'
+     git_url: the URL to the git project, defaulted to the Github URL
+     project_url: the project url, defaulted to the Git URL
+     platforms: platforms on which to run that job, default None,
+     test_platforms: platforms on which to run that job when inside of a
+       dockerized test, by default only 'linux-x86_64'
+  """
+  github_project =  "%s/%s" % (org, project.lower())
+  github_url = "" + github_project
+  if not git_url:
+    git_url = github_url
+  if not project_url:
+    project_url = git_url
+  substitutions = substitutions + {
+      "GITHUB_URL": github_url,
+      "GIT_URL": git_url,
+      "GITHUB_PROJECT": github_project,
+      "PROJECT_URL": project_url,
+      "PLATFORMS": "\n".join(platforms),
+  substitutions["SEND_EMAIL"] = "1"
+  expand_template(
+      name = name,
+      template = config,
+      out = "%s.xml" % name,
+      deps = deps,
+      substitutions = substitutions,
+    )
+  substitutions["SEND_EMAIL"] = "0"
+  expand_template(
+      name = name + "-staging",
+      template = config,
+      out = "%s-staging.xml" % name,
+      deps = deps,
+      substitutions = substitutions,
+    )
+  if test_platforms:
+    substitutions["PLATFORMS"] = "\n".join(test_platforms)
+    expand_template(
+      name = name + "-test",
+      template = config,
+      out = "%s-test.xml" % name,
+      deps = deps,
+      substitutions = substitutions,
+    )
+def bazel_git_job(**kwargs):
+  """Override bazel_github_job to test a project that is not on GitHub."""
+  kwargs["github_enabled"] = False
+  if not "git_url" in kwargs:
+    if not "project_url" in kwargs:
+      fail("Neither project_url nor git_url was specified")
+    kwargs["git_url"] = kwargs
+  bazel_github_job(**kwargs)
+def bazel_github_job(name, platforms=[], branch="master", project=None, org="google",
+                     project_url=None, workspace=".", configure=[], git_url=None,
+                     bazel_versions=["HEAD", "latest"],
+                     tests=["//..."], targets=["//..."], substitutions={},
+                     windows_configure=[],
+                     windows_tests=["//..."], windows_targets=["//..."],
+                     windows_tests_msys=["//..."], windows_targets_msys=["//..."],
+                     test_opts=["--test_output=errors", "--build_tests_only"],
+                     test_tag_filters=["-noci", "-manual"],
+                     build_opts=["--verbose_failures"],
+                     test_platforms=["linux-x86_64"],
+                     enable_trigger=True,
+                     gerrit_project=None,
+                     enabled=True,
+                     pr_enabled=True,
+                     github_enabled=True,
+                     run_sequential=False,
+                     sauce_enabled=False):
+  """Create a generic github job configuration to build against Bazel head."""
+  if not project:
+    project = name
+  substitutions = substitutions + {
+    "WORKSPACE": workspace,
+    "PROJECT_NAME": project,
+    "BRANCH": branch,
+    "CONFIGURE": "\n".join(configure),
+    "WINDOWS_CONFIGURE": "\n".join(windows_configure),
+    "TEST_OPTS": " ".join(test_opts),
+    "TEST_TAG_FILTERS": ",".join(test_tag_filters),
+    "BUILD_OPTS": " ".join(build_opts),
+    "TESTS": " + ".join(tests),
+    "WINDOWS_TESTS": " ".join(windows_tests),
+    # TODO(pcloudy): remove *_MSYS attributes when we don't need MSYS anymore
+    "WINDOWS_TESTS_MSYS": " ".join(windows_tests_msys),
+    "BUILDS": " ".join(targets),
+    "WINDOWS_BUILDS": " ".join(windows_targets),
+    "WINDOWS_BUILDS_MSYS": " ".join(windows_targets_msys),
+    "BAZEL_VERSIONS": "\n".join(bazel_versions),
+    "disabled": str(not enabled).lower(),
+    "enable_trigger": str(enable_trigger and github_enabled).lower(),
+    "github": str(github_enabled),
+    "GERRIT_PROJECT": str(gerrit_project),
+    "RUN_SEQUENTIAL": str(run_sequential).lower(),
+    "SAUCE_ENABLED": str(sauce_enabled).lower(),
+  }
+  jenkins_job(
+      name = name,
+      config = "//jenkins/build_defs:github-jobs.xml.tpl",
+      deps = [
+          "//jenkins/",
+          "//jenkins/build_defs:github-jobs.bat.tpl",
+          "//jenkins/",
+          "//jenkins/build_defs:github-jobs.test-logs.bat.tpl",
+      ],
+      substitutions=substitutions,
+      git_url=git_url,
+      project=project,
+      org=org,
+      project_url=project_url,
+      platforms=platforms,
+      test_platforms=test_platforms)
+  substitutions["BAZEL_VERSIONS"] = "\n".join([
+      v for v in bazel_versions if not v.startswith("HEAD")])
+  if pr_enabled:
+    jenkins_job(
+        name = "PR-" + name,
+        config = "//jenkins/build_defs:github-jobs-PR.xml.tpl",
+        deps = [
+            "//jenkins/",
+            "//jenkins/build_defs:github-jobs.bat.tpl",
+            "//jenkins/",
+            "//jenkins/build_defs:github-jobs.test-logs.bat.tpl",
+        ],
+        substitutions=substitutions,
+        project=project,
+        org=org,
+        project_url=project_url,
+        platforms=platforms,
+        test_platforms=test_platforms)
+  if gerrit_project != None:
+    jenkins_job(
+        name = "Gerrit-" + name,
+        config = "//jenkins/build_defs:github-jobs-Gerrit.xml.tpl",
+        deps = [
+            "//jenkins/",
+            "//jenkins/build_defs:github-jobs.bat.tpl",
+            "//jenkins/",
+            "//jenkins/build_defs:github-jobs.test-logs.bat.tpl",
+        ],
+        substitutions=substitutions,
+        project=project,
+        org=org,
+        project_url=project_url,
+        platforms=platforms,
+        test_platforms=test_platforms)
diff --git a/jenkins/build_defs/jenkins_node.bzl b/jenkins/build_defs/jenkins_node.bzl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c4c8fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jenkins/build_defs/jenkins_node.bzl
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+# Copyright 2017 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Setup jenkins and build the corresponding docker images
+load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/docker:docker.bzl", "docker_build")
+load(":templates.bzl", "expand_template")
+JENKINS_SERVER = "http://jenkins:80"
+def jenkins_node(name, remote_fs = "/home/ci", num_executors = 1, mode = "NORMAL",
+                 labels = [], docker_base = None, preference = 1,
+                 visibility = None):
+  """Create a node configuration on Jenkins, with possible docker image.
+  Args:
+    name: Name of the node on Jenkins.
+    remote_fs: path to the home of the Jenkins user.
+    num_executors: number of executors (i.e. concurrent build) this machine can have.
+    mode: NORMAL for "Utilize this node as much as possible"
+      EXCLUSIVE for "Only build jobs with label restrictions matching this node"
+    labels: list of Jenkins labels for this node (the node name is always added).
+    docker_base: base for the corresponding docker image to create if we should create one
+      (if docker_base is not specified, then a corresponding machine should be configured
+      to connect to the Jenkins master).
+    preference: A preference factor, if a node as a factor of 1 and another a factor of
+      4, then the second one will be scheduled 4 time more jobs than the first one.
+    visibility: rule visibility.
+  """
+  native.genrule(
+      name = name,
+      cmd = """cat >$@ <<'EOF'
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+  <name>%s</name>
+  <description></description>
+  <remoteFS>%s</remoteFS>
+  <numExecutors>%s</numExecutors>
+  <mode>%s</mode>
+  <retentionStrategy class="hudson.slaves.RetentionStrategy$$Always"/>
+  <launcher class="hudson.slaves.JNLPLauncher"/>
+  <label>%s</label>
+  <nodeProperties>
+    <jp.ikedam.jenkins.plugins.scoringloadbalancer.preferences.BuildPreferenceNodeProperty plugin="scoring-load-balancer@1.0.1">
+      <preference>%s</preference>
+    </jp.ikedam.jenkins.plugins.scoringloadbalancer.preferences.BuildPreferenceNodeProperty>
+  </nodeProperties>
+""" % (name, remote_fs, num_executors, mode, " ".join([name] + labels), preference),
+      outs = ["nodes/%s/config.xml" % name],
+      visibility = visibility,
+      )
+  if docker_base:
+    # Generate docker image startup script
+    expand_template(
+        name = name + ".docker-launcher",
+        out = name + "",
+        template = "",
+        substitutions = {
+            "NODE_NAME": name,
+            "HOME_FS": remote_fs,
+            },
+        executable = True,
+        )
+    # Generate docker image
+    docker_build(
+        name = name + ".docker",
+        base = docker_base,
+        volumes = [remote_fs],
+        files = ["" % name],
+        data_path = ".",
+        entrypoint = [
+            "/bin/bash",
+            "/" % name,
+        ],
+        visibility = visibility,
+        )
diff --git a/jenkins/nodes.bzl b/jenkins/build_defs/jenkins_nodes.bzl
similarity index 97%
rename from jenkins/nodes.bzl
rename to jenkins/build_defs/jenkins_nodes.bzl
index 7704d87..80a805f 100644
--- a/jenkins/nodes.bzl
+++ b/jenkins/build_defs/jenkins_nodes.bzl
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 # limitations under the License.
 # Macros to ease the creation of machines
-load(":jenkins.bzl", "jenkins_node")
+load(":jenkins_node.bzl", "jenkins_node")
 def jenkins_node_names(name, count):
   """Returns the names for `count` production jenkins node prefixed by `name`."""
diff --git a/jenkins/build_defs/templates.bzl b/jenkins/build_defs/templates.bzl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a25d84b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jenkins/build_defs/templates.bzl
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+# Copyright 2017 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Rules for templating / files layout
+def _expand_template_impl(ctx):
+  """Simply spawn the template-engine in a rule."""
+  variables = [
+      "--variable=%s=%s" % (k, ctx.attr.substitutions[k])
+      for k in ctx.attr.substitutions
+  ]
+  imports = [
+      "--imports=%s=%s" % (ctx.attr.deps[i].label, ctx.files.deps[i].path)
+      for i in range(0, len(ctx.attr.deps))
+  ]
+  ctx.action(
+      executable = ctx.executable._engine,
+      arguments = [
+        "--executable" if ctx.attr.executable else "--noexecutable",
+        "--template=%s" % ctx.file.template.path,
+        "--output=%s" % ctx.outputs.out.path,
+      ] + variables + imports,
+      inputs = [ctx.file.template] + ctx.files.deps,
+      outputs = [ctx.outputs.out],
+      )
+expand_template = rule(
+    attrs = {
+        "template": attr.label(
+            mandatory = True,
+            allow_files = True,
+            single_file = True,
+        ),
+        "deps": attr.label_list(default = [], allow_files = True),
+        "substitutions": attr.string_dict(mandatory = True),
+        "out": attr.output(mandatory = True),
+        "executable": attr.bool(default = True),
+        "_engine": attr.label(
+            default = Label("//templating:template_engine"),
+            executable = True,
+            cfg="host"),
+    },
+    implementation = _expand_template_impl,
+"""Expand a jinja2 template file.
+This rules expands the file given in template, into the file given by out.
+  template: The template file to expand.
+  deps: additional files to expand, they will be accessible as imports[label]
+      in the template environment. If a file ends with .tpl, it is considered
+      a template itself and will be expanded.
+  deps_aliases: a dictionary of name to label. Each label in that dictionary
+      should be present in the deps attribute, and will be make accessible as
+      imports[name] in the template environment.
+  substitutions: a dictionary of key => values that will appear as variables.key
+      in the template environment.
+  out: the name of the output file to generate.
+  executable: mark the result as excutable if set to True.
+def _strip_prefix(path, prefixes):
+  for prefix in prefixes:
+    if path.startswith(prefix):
+      return path[len(prefix):]
+  return path
+def _strip_suffix(path, suffixes):
+  for suffix in suffixes:
+    if path.endswith(suffix):
+      return path[:-len(suffix)]
+  return path
+def _dest_path(f, strip_prefixes, strip_suffixes):
+  """Returns the short path of f, stripped of strip_prefixes and strip_suffixes."""
+  return _strip_suffix(_strip_prefix(f.short_path, strip_prefixes), strip_suffixes)
+def _format_path(path_format, path):
+  dirsep = path.rfind("/")
+  dirname = path[:dirsep] if dirsep > 0 else ""
+  basename = path[dirsep+1:] if dirsep > 0 else path
+  extsep = basename.rfind(".")
+  extension = basename[extsep+1:] if extsep > 0 else ""
+  basename = basename[:extsep] if extsep > 0 else basename
+  return path_format.format(
+      path=path,
+      dirname=dirname,
+      basename=basename,
+      extension=extension
+  )
+def _append_inputs(args, inputs, f, path, path_format):
+  args.append("--file=%s=%s" % (
+      f.path,
+      _format_path(path_format, path)
+  ))
+  inputs.append(f)
+def _merge_files_impl(ctx):
+  """Merge a list of config files in a tar ball with the correct layout."""
+  output = ctx.outputs.out
+  build_tar = ctx.executable._build_tar
+  inputs = []
+  args = [
+      "--output=" + output.path,
+      "--directory=" +,
+      "--mode=0644",
+      ]
+  variables = [
+      "--variable=%s=%s" % (k, ctx.attr.substitutions[k])
+      for k in ctx.attr.substitutions
+  ]
+  for f in ctx.files.srcs:
+    path = _dest_path(f, ctx.attr.strip_prefixes, ctx.attr.strip_suffixes)
+    if path.endswith(ctx.attr.template_extension):
+      path = path[:-4]
+      f2 = ctx.new_file( + "/" + path)
+      ctx.action(
+          executable = ctx.executable._engine,
+          arguments = [
+            "--template=%s" % f.path,
+            "--output=%s" % f2.path,
+            "--noescape_xml",
+          ] + variables,
+          inputs = [f],
+          outputs = [f2],
+      )
+      _append_inputs(args, inputs, f2, path, ctx.attr.path_format)
+    else:
+      _append_inputs(args, inputs, f, path, ctx.attr.path_format)
+  ctx.action(
+      executable = build_tar,
+      arguments = args,
+      inputs = inputs,
+      outputs = [output],
+      mnemonic="MergeFiles"
+      )
+merge_files = rule(
+    attrs = {
+        "srcs": attr.label_list(allow_files=True),
+        "template_extension": attr.string(default=".tpl"),
+        "directory": attr.string(default="/"),
+        "strip_prefixes": attr.string_list(default=[]),
+        "strip_suffixes": attr.string_list(default=["-staging", "-test"]),
+        "substitutions": attr.string_dict(default={}),
+        "path_format": attr.string(default="{path}"),
+        "_build_tar": attr.label(
+            default=Label("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/pkg:build_tar"),
+            cfg="host",
+            executable=True,
+            allow_files=True),
+        "_engine": attr.label(
+            cfg="host",
+            default = Label("//templating:template_engine"),
+            executable = True),
+    },
+    outputs = {"out": "%{name}.tar"},
+    implementation = _merge_files_impl,
+"""Merge a set of files in a single tarball.
+This rule merge a set of files into one tarball, each file will appear in the
+tarball as a file determined by path_format, strip_prefixes and directory.
+  <name>.tar: the tarball containing all the files in srcs.
+  srcs: The list of files to merge. If a file is ending with ".tpl" (see
+      template_extension), it will get expanded like a template passed to
+      expand_template.
+  template_extension: extension of files to be considered as template, ".tpl"
+      by default.
+  directory: base directory for all the files in the resulting tarball.
+  strip_prefixes: list of prefixes to strip from the path of the srcs to obtain
+      the final path (see path_format).
+  strip_suffixes: list of suffixes to strip from the path of the srcs to obtain
+      the final path (see path_format).
+  substitutions: map of substitutions to make available during template
+      expansion. Values of that map will be available as "" in
+      the template environment.
+  path_format: format of the final files. Each file will appear in the final
+      tarball under "{directory}/{path_format}" where the following string of
+      path_format are replaced:
+          {path}: path of the input file, removed from prefixes and suffixes,
+          {dirname}: directory name of path,
+          {basename}: base filename of path,
+          {extension}: extension of path
diff --git a/jenkins/build_defs/vars.bzl b/jenkins/build_defs/vars.bzl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3892447
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jenkins/build_defs/vars.bzl
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# Copyright 2017 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Global constants for jenkins jobs substitutions
+    "SENDER_EMAIL": "",
diff --git a/jenkins/jenkins.bzl b/jenkins/jenkins.bzl
deleted file mode 100644
index 6410d31..0000000
--- a/jenkins/jenkins.bzl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,446 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2015 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# Some definition to setup jenkins and build the corresponding docker images
-load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/docker:docker.bzl", "docker_build")
-load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/pkg:pkg.bzl", "pkg_tar")
-JENKINS_HOST = "jenkins"
-    "SENDER_EMAIL": "",
-def expand_template_impl(ctx):
-  """Simply spawn the template-engine in a rule."""
-  variables = [
-      "--variable=%s=%s" % (k, ctx.attr.substitutions[k])
-      for k in ctx.attr.substitutions
-  ]
-  imports = [
-      "--imports=%s=%s" % (ctx.attr.deps[i].label, ctx.files.deps[i].path)
-      for i in range(0, len(ctx.attr.deps))
-  ]
-  ctx.action(
-      executable = ctx.executable._engine,
-      arguments = [
-        "--executable" if ctx.attr.executable else "--noexecutable",
-        "--template=%s" % ctx.file.template.path,
-        "--output=%s" % ctx.outputs.out.path,
-      ] + variables + imports,
-      inputs = [ctx.file.template] + ctx.files.deps,
-      outputs = [ctx.outputs.out],
-      )
-expand_template = rule(
-    attrs = {
-        "template": attr.label(
-            mandatory = True,
-            allow_files = True,
-            single_file = True,
-        ),
-        "deps": attr.label_list(default = [], allow_files = True),
-        "substitutions": attr.string_dict(mandatory = True),
-        "out": attr.output(mandatory = True),
-        "executable": attr.bool(default = True),
-        "_engine": attr.label(
-            default = Label("//templating:template_engine"),
-            executable = True,
-            cfg="host"),
-    },
-    implementation = expand_template_impl,
-def _dest_path(f, strip_prefixes):
-  """Returns the short path of f, stripped of strip_prefix."""
-  for strip_prefix in strip_prefixes:
-    if f.short_path.startswith(strip_prefix):
-      return f.short_path[len(strip_prefix):]
-  return f.short_path
-def _format_path(path_format, path):
-  dirsep = path.rfind("/")
-  dirname = path[:dirsep] if dirsep > 0 else ""
-  basename = path[dirsep+1:] if dirsep > 0 else path
-  extsep = basename.rfind(".")
-  extension = basename[extsep+1:] if extsep > 0 else ""
-  basename = basename[:extsep] if extsep > 0 else basename
-  flavor = ""
-  if basename.endswith("-staging"):
-    basename = basename[:-8]
-    flavor = "staging"
-  elif basename.endswith("-test"):
-    basename = basename[:-5]
-    flavor = "test"
-  return path_format.format(
-      path=path,
-      dirname=dirname,
-      basename=basename,
-      flavor=flavor,
-      extension=extension
-  )
-def _append_inputs(args, inputs, f, path, path_format):
-  args.append("--file=%s=%s" % (
-      f.path,
-      _format_path(path_format, path)
-  ))
-  inputs.append(f)
-def _merge_files_impl(ctx):
-  """Merge a list of config files in a tar ball with the correct layout."""
-  output = ctx.outputs.out
-  build_tar = ctx.executable._build_tar
-  inputs = []
-  args = [
-      "--output=" + output.path,
-      "--directory=" +,
-      "--mode=0644",
-      ]
-  variables = [
-      "--variable=%s=%s" % (k, ctx.attr.substitutions[k])
-      for k in ctx.attr.substitutions
-  ]
-  for f in ctx.files.srcs:
-    path = _dest_path(f, ctx.attr.strip_prefixes)
-    if path.endswith(".tpl"):
-      path = path[:-4]
-      f2 = ctx.new_file( + "/" + path)
-      ctx.action(
-          executable = ctx.executable._engine,
-          arguments = [
-            "--template=%s" % f.path,
-            "--output=%s" % f2.path,
-            "--noescape_xml",
-          ] + variables,
-          inputs = [f],
-          outputs = [f2],
-      )
-      _append_inputs(args, inputs, f2, path, ctx.attr.path_format)
-    else:
-      _append_inputs(args, inputs, f, path, ctx.attr.path_format)
-  ctx.action(
-      executable = build_tar,
-      arguments = args,
-      inputs = inputs,
-      outputs = [output],
-      mnemonic="MergeFiles"
-      )
-_merge_files = rule(
-    attrs = {
-        "srcs": attr.label_list(allow_files=True),
-        "template_extension": attr.string(default=".tpl"),
-        "directory": attr.string(default="/"),
-        "strip_prefixes": attr.string_list(default=[]),
-        "substitutions": attr.string_dict(default={}),
-        "path_format": attr.string(default="{path}"),
-        "_build_tar": attr.label(
-            default=Label("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/pkg:build_tar"),
-            cfg="host",
-            executable=True,
-            allow_files=True),
-        "_engine": attr.label(
-            cfg="host",
-            default = Label("//templating:template_engine"),
-            executable = True),
-    },
-    outputs = {"out": "%{name}.tar"},
-    implementation = _merge_files_impl,
-def jenkins_job(name, config, substitutions = {}, deps = [],
-                project='bazel', org='bazelbuild', git_url=None, project_url=None,
-                platforms=[], test_platforms=["linux-x86_64"]):
-  """Create a job configuration on Jenkins.
-  Args:
-     name: the name of the job to create
-     config: the configuration file for the job
-     substitutions: additional substitutions to pass to the template generation
-     deps: list of dependencies (templates included by the config file)
-     project: the project name on github
-     org: the project organization on github, default 'bazelbuild'
-     git_url: the URL to the git project, defaulted to the Github URL
-     project_url: the project url, defaulted to the Git URL
-     platforms: platforms on which to run that job, default None,
-     test_platforms: platforms on which to run that job when inside of a
-       dockerized test, by default only 'linux-x86_64'
-  """
-  github_project =  "%s/%s" % (org, project.lower())
-  github_url = "" + github_project
-  if not git_url:
-    git_url = github_url
-  if not project_url:
-    project_url = git_url
-  substitutions = substitutions + {
-      "GITHUB_URL": github_url,
-      "GIT_URL": git_url,
-      "GITHUB_PROJECT": github_project,
-      "PROJECT_URL": project_url,
-      "PLATFORMS": "\n".join(platforms),
-  substitutions["SEND_EMAIL"] = "1"
-  expand_template(
-      name = name,
-      template = config,
-      out = "%s.xml" % name,
-      deps = deps,
-      substitutions = substitutions,
-    )
-  substitutions["SEND_EMAIL"] = "0"
-  expand_template(
-      name = name + "-staging",
-      template = config,
-      out = "%s-staging.xml" % name,
-      deps = deps,
-      substitutions = substitutions,
-    )
-  if test_platforms:
-    substitutions["PLATFORMS"] = "\n".join(test_platforms)
-    expand_template(
-      name = name + "-test",
-      template = config,
-      out = "%s-test.xml" % name,
-      deps = deps,
-      substitutions = substitutions,
-    )
-def bazel_git_job(**kwargs):
-  """Override bazel_github_job to test a project that is not on GitHub."""
-  kwargs["github_enabled"] = False
-  if not "git_url" in kwargs:
-    if not "project_url" in kwargs:
-      fail("Neither project_url nor git_url was specified")
-    kwargs["git_url"] = kwargs
-  bazel_github_job(**kwargs)
-def bazel_github_job(name, platforms=[], branch="master", project=None, org="google",
-                     project_url=None, workspace=".", configure=[], git_url=None,
-                     bazel_versions=["HEAD", "latest"],
-                     tests=["//..."], targets=["//..."], substitutions={},
-                     windows_configure=[],
-                     windows_tests=["//..."], windows_targets=["//..."],
-                     windows_tests_msys=["//..."], windows_targets_msys=["//..."],
-                     test_opts=["--test_output=errors", "--build_tests_only"],
-                     test_tag_filters=["-noci", "-manual"],
-                     build_opts=["--verbose_failures"],
-                     test_platforms=["linux-x86_64"],
-                     enable_trigger=True,
-                     gerrit_project=None,
-                     enabled=True,
-                     pr_enabled=True,
-                     github_enabled=True,
-                     run_sequential=False,
-                     sauce_enabled=False):
-  """Create a generic github job configuration to build against Bazel head."""
-  if not project:
-    project = name
-  substitutions = substitutions + {
-    "WORKSPACE": workspace,
-    "PROJECT_NAME": project,
-    "BRANCH": branch,
-    "CONFIGURE": "\n".join(configure),
-    "WINDOWS_CONFIGURE": "\n".join(windows_configure),
-    "TEST_OPTS": " ".join(test_opts),
-    "TEST_TAG_FILTERS": ",".join(test_tag_filters),
-    "BUILD_OPTS": " ".join(build_opts),
-    "TESTS": " + ".join(tests),
-    "WINDOWS_TESTS": " ".join(windows_tests),
-    # TODO(pcloudy): remove *_MSYS attributes when we don't need MSYS anymore
-    "WINDOWS_TESTS_MSYS": " ".join(windows_tests_msys),
-    "BUILDS": " ".join(targets),
-    "WINDOWS_BUILDS": " ".join(windows_targets),
-    "WINDOWS_BUILDS_MSYS": " ".join(windows_targets_msys),
-    "BAZEL_VERSIONS": "\n".join(bazel_versions),
-    "disabled": str(not enabled).lower(),
-    "enable_trigger": str(enable_trigger and github_enabled).lower(),
-    "github": str(github_enabled),
-    "GERRIT_PROJECT": str(gerrit_project),
-    "RUN_SEQUENTIAL": str(run_sequential).lower(),
-    "SAUCE_ENABLED": str(sauce_enabled).lower(),
-  }
-  jenkins_job(
-      name = name,
-      config = "//jenkins:github-jobs.xml.tpl",
-      deps = [
-          "//",
-          "//jenkins:github-jobs.bat.tpl",
-          "//",
-          "//jenkins:github-jobs.test-logs.bat.tpl",
-      ],
-      substitutions=substitutions,
-      git_url=git_url,
-      project=project,
-      org=org,
-      project_url=project_url,
-      platforms=platforms,
-      test_platforms=test_platforms)
-  substitutions["BAZEL_VERSIONS"] = "\n".join([
-      v for v in bazel_versions if not v.startswith("HEAD")])
-  if pr_enabled:
-    jenkins_job(
-        name = "PR-" + name,
-        config = "//jenkins:github-jobs-PR.xml.tpl",
-        deps = [
-            "//",
-            "//jenkins:github-jobs.bat.tpl",
-            "//",
-            "//jenkins:github-jobs.test-logs.bat.tpl",
-        ],
-        substitutions=substitutions,
-        project=project,
-        org=org,
-        project_url=project_url,
-        platforms=platforms,
-        test_platforms=test_platforms)
-  if gerrit_project != None:
-    jenkins_job(
-        name = "Gerrit-" + name,
-        config = "//jenkins:github-jobs-Gerrit.xml.tpl",
-        deps = [
-            "//",
-            "//jenkins:github-jobs.bat.tpl",
-            "//",
-            "//jenkins:github-jobs.test-logs.bat.tpl",
-        ],
-        substitutions=substitutions,
-        project=project,
-        org=org,
-        project_url=project_url,
-        platforms=platforms,
-        test_platforms=test_platforms)
-def jenkins_node(name, remote_fs = "/home/ci", num_executors = 1, mode = "NORMAL",
-                 labels = [], docker_base = None, preference = 1,
-                 visibility = None):
-  """Create a node configuration on Jenkins, with possible docker image.
-  Args:
-    name: Name of the node on Jenkins.
-    remote_fs: path to the home of the Jenkins user.
-    num_executors: number of executors (i.e. concurrent build) this machine can have.
-    mode: NORMAL for "Utilize this node as much as possible"
-      EXCLUSIVE for "Only build jobs with label restrictions matching this node"
-    labels: list of Jenkins labels for this node (the node name is always added).
-    docker_base: base for the corresponding docker image to create if we should create one
-      (if docker_base is not specified, then a corresponding machine should be configured
-      to connect to the Jenkins master).
-    preference: A preference factor, if a node as a factor of 1 and another a factor of
-      4, then the second one will be scheduled 4 time more jobs than the first one.
-    visibility: rule visibility.
-  """
-  native.genrule(
-      name = name,
-      cmd = """cat >$@ <<'EOF'
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-  <name>%s</name>
-  <description></description>
-  <remoteFS>%s</remoteFS>
-  <numExecutors>%s</numExecutors>
-  <mode>%s</mode>
-  <retentionStrategy class="hudson.slaves.RetentionStrategy$$Always"/>
-  <launcher class="hudson.slaves.JNLPLauncher"/>
-  <label>%s</label>
-  <nodeProperties>
-    <jp.ikedam.jenkins.plugins.scoringloadbalancer.preferences.BuildPreferenceNodeProperty plugin="scoring-load-balancer@1.0.1">
-      <preference>%s</preference>
-    </jp.ikedam.jenkins.plugins.scoringloadbalancer.preferences.BuildPreferenceNodeProperty>
-  </nodeProperties>
-""" % (name, remote_fs, num_executors, mode, " ".join([name] + labels), preference),
-      outs = ["nodes/%s/config.xml" % name],
-      visibility = visibility,
-      )
-  if docker_base:
-    # Generate docker image startup script
-    expand_template(
-        name = name + ".docker-launcher",
-        out = name + "",
-        template = "",
-        substitutions = {
-            "NODE_NAME": name,
-            "HOME_FS": remote_fs,
-            "JENKINS_SERVER": "http://%s:%s" % (JENKINS_HOST, JENKINS_PORT),
-            },
-        executable = True,
-        )
-    # Generate docker image
-    docker_build(
-        name = name + ".docker",
-        base = docker_base,
-        volumes = [remote_fs],
-        files = ["" % name],
-        data_path = ".",
-        entrypoint = [
-            "/bin/bash",
-            "/" % name,
-        ],
-        visibility = visibility,
-        )
-def jenkins_build(name, plugins = None, base = "//jenkins/base", configs = [],
-                  jobs = [], substitutions = {}, visibility = None, tars = []):
-  """Build the docker image for the Jenkins instance."""
-  substitutions = substitutions + MAILS_SUBSTITUTIONS
-  # Expands config files in a tar ball
-  _merge_files(
-      name = "%s-configs" % name,
-      srcs = configs,
-      directory = "/usr/share/jenkins/ref",
-      strip_prefixes = [
-          "jenkins/config",
-          "jenkins",
-      ],
-      substitutions = substitutions)
-  # Create the structures for jobs
-  _merge_files(
-      name = "%s-jobs" % name,
-      srcs = jobs,
-      path_format = "jobs/{basename}/config.xml",
-      directory = "/usr/share/jenkins/ref",
-  )
-  ### FINAL IMAGE ###
-  docker_build(
-      name = name,
-      tars = [
-          ":%s-jobs" % name,
-          ":%s-configs" % name,
-      ] + tars,
-      # Workaround no way to specify owner in pkg_tar
-      # TODO(dmarting): use when it hits a release.
-      user = "root",
-      entrypoint = [
-          "/bin/tini",
-          "--",
-          "/bin/bash",
-          "-c",
-          "[ -d /opt/lib ] && chown -R jenkins /opt/lib; su jenkins -c /usr/local/bin/",
-      ],
-      # End of workaround
-      base = base,
-      directory = "/",
-      visibility = visibility,
-  )
diff --git a/jenkins/jobs/BUILD b/jenkins/jobs/BUILD
index d53d133..ca5a5ef 100644
--- a/jenkins/jobs/BUILD
+++ b/jenkins/jobs/BUILD
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-load("//jenkins:jenkins.bzl", "jenkins_job", "bazel_github_job", "bazel_git_job")
+load("//jenkins/build_defs:jenkins.bzl", "jenkins_job", "bazel_github_job", "bazel_git_job")