$ docker build -t gcr.io/bazel-public/gitsync . $ docker push gcr.io/bazel-public/gitsync
$ gcloud compute instances delete --project bazel-public gitsync $ gcloud compute instances create-with-container \ --project bazel-public \ --boot-disk-size 200GB \ --container-image gcr.io/bazel-public/gitsync:latest \ --machine-type n1-standard-2 \ --zone us-central1-a \ --image-project cos-cloud \ --image-family cos-stable \ --metadata cos-metrics-enabled=true \ --scopes cloud-platform \ --service-account gitsync@bazel-public.iam.gserviceaccount.com \ gitsync
The service account used for the container must have at least the following permissions:
Cloud KMS Decryption
for the gitcookies and SSH key files only.Logging > Logs Writer
to write the Docker logs to Google Cloud Logging.You can view the Docker logs by navigating to the VM in GCE and then by either clicking on “Stackdriver logging” or ssh-ing into the machine and running docker logs