
Note: the first bazel build is going to stall for some time while building the base images on docker without any output due to bazelbuild/bazel#1289.



  • You will need at least 25GB of free disk space.
  • Follow the instructions on Ask Ubuntu for adding your user to the “docker” group.


  • You may need to authenticate and set the current project. To do so, run:
gcloud auth login
gcloud set project bazel-public


The classical worflow when modfiying is to first test the change on, so a complete cycle would looks like:

  1. Do a change
  2. Eventually, add a few jobs to test to jenkins/jobs/jobs.bzl.
  3. Start the staging instance with ./gce/ start staging.
  4. Run bazel run //gcr:deploy-staging to deploy the change to the staging instance.
  5. Restart the staging jenkins instance by going to
  6. Run a job by identifying on [] and clicking on the play button.
  7. If 6 fails, go back to 1, skipping step 3.
  8. Send the change to review, reverting the change in 3.
  9. Once LGTM, deploy to production with bazel run //gcr:deploy.
  10. Finally, restart the prod jenkins instance by going to If you are not logged in, you may get a stack trace. Log in and try again.

Setting up for local testing

There is a way to run a local jenkins instance with a docker executor node, by running

bazel run //jenkins:test [-- -p port]

It will setup a Jenkins instance without security on port port (8080 by default) and one node running Ubuntu Wily in Docker. This should be enough for local testing. To stop the instance, goes to http://localhost:8080/safeExit and this will shutdown cleanly.

You can connect additional instance by modifying the UI to test for other platforms. This does not enable to test:

  • Synchronization between Gerrit and Github,
  • Adding execution nodes,
  • Interaction with Github or Gerrit.