blob: ce35a0f0b089b771f3c946cd1162a33caecd3612 [file] [log] [blame]
// Part of the Crubit project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM
// Exceptions. See /LICENSE for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
int return_value();
int* return_pointer();
int& return_reference();
void take_pointer(int* i);
void take_reference(int& i);
const int* forward_pointer(const int* i);
const int& forward_reference(const int& i);
int multiply(int x, int y);
int multiply_with_unnamed_parameters(int, int);
int multiply_with_keyword_named_parameters(int self, int crate, int super);
// declare foo as function returning pointer to function (int, int) returning
// int
int (*get_pointer_to_multiply_function())(int, int);
// Same as above, but returning a *reference* to a function.
int (&get_reference_to_multiply_function())(int, int);
inline int (*inline_get_pointer_to_multiply_function())(int, int) {
return multiply;
inline int apply_binary_op(int x, int y, int (*op)(int, int)) {
return op(x, y);
// TODO(b/217419782): Add testcases for pointers to functions that take or
// return takes/returns non-trivially-movable types by value. In particular,
// some function signatures might require going through a C++ thunk - such
// function pointers can't work without a thunk. See also
// <internal link>