Unpin for C++ Types

SUMMARY: A C++ type is Unpin if it is trivially relocatable (e.g., a trivial type, or a nontrivial type which is [[clang::trivial_abi]]), and is final. Any such type can be used by value or plain reference/pointer in interop, all non-Unpin types must instead be used behind pinned pointers and references.

A C++ type T is Unpin (always safe to manipulate through &mut T) if it is known to be a trivially relocatable type (move+destroy is logically equivalent to memcpy+release) with insignificant padding (it does not matter if the padding is included in that memcpy).

Unpin C++ types can be used like any other normal Rust type: they are always safe to access by reference or by value. Non-Unpin types, in contrast, can only be accessed behind pins such as Pin<&mut T>, or Pin<Box<T>>, because it may not be safe to directly mutate. These types are never used directly by value in Rust, because value-like assignment has incorrect semantics: it fails to run C++ special members for non-trivially-relocatable types, it can overwrite padding for types with significant padding.

Trivially Relocatable Types

In C++, moving a value between locations in memory involves executing code to either initialize (move-construct) or overwrite (move-assign) the new location. The old location still exists, but is in a moved-from state, and must still be destroyed to release resources.

(For example, std::string x = std::move(y); will run the move constructor, so that x contains the same value that y used to have before the move. The variable y will still be a valid string, but might be empty, or might contain some garbage value. The destructors for both x and y will run when they go out of scope.)

Rust does not have move constructors or move assignment. In fact, there is no way to customize what happens during moving or assignment: in Rust, moving or swapping an object means changing its location in memory, as if by memcpy without running the destructor logic in the old location. Another way of looking at it is that it's as if an object moved around in memory over time: it is constructed in one place, and then further operations and eventual destruction might happen in other places. We call such a Rust-like move a “trivial relocation” operation.

Despite C++ moves using explicit construction and destruction calls, many C++ types could also have used the Rust movement model. We call such types trivially relocatable types.

For example, a C++ std::unique_ptr, implemented in the obvious way, is trivially relocatable: its actual location in memory does not matter. In contrast, a self-referential type is not trivially relocatable, because to relocate it, you must also update the pointer it has to itself. This is done inside the move constructor in C++, but cannot be done in the Rust model, where the move operation is not customizable.

For more background, see P1144.

Which types are trivially relocatable?

For the purpose of Rust/C++ interop, we define a type to be trivially relocatable if, and only if, it is “trivial for calls” in Clang. That is, either:

  1. It is actually trivial, or
  2. It uses [[clang::trivial_abi]] to make itself trivial for calls

This definition is conservative: some types that could be considered trivially relocatable are not trivial for calls. (For example, std::unique_ptr uses [[clang::trivial_abi]] only in the unstable libc++ ABI; the stable libc++ ABI predates this attribute, and adding it now is ABI-breaking.)

This definition is, however, sound: all types which are trivial for calls are trivially relocatable, because a type which is trivial for calls is trivially-relocated when passed by value as a function argument.

Expanding trivial relocatability

We are working to extend libc++ and Clang to trivially relocate these types in even more circumstances, which would make [[clang::trivial_abi]] more compelling and more widely used, enhancing both performance and Rust-compatibility for our C++ core libraries.

A future change to C++ or Clang in the vein of P1144 could make types trivially relocatable without requiring ABI changes as [[clang::trivial_abi]] does, although in the short term this doesn't seem very likely.

Insignificant Padding

If a type has padding, then even if the type is trivially relocatable and therefore safe to write as if by memcpy, Rust will memcpy an incorrect number of bytes: Rust will include the padding, though C++ would not. Trivially relocatable types where the padding potentially has semantic meaning can still be handled by value, but are !Unpin, and all mutable references Rust receives from C++ must be Pin<&mut T>. Only trivially relocatable types where the padding has no significance can be Unpin and safe to deal with via &mut.

Significant padding occurs via inheritance -- derived types may reuse the padding for other objects -- and from the [[no_unique_address]] attribute (which declares the padding to be reusable).

For the purposes of C++/Rust interop, [[no_unique_address]] is an unsafe feature, and any type which cannot be inherited from (via e.g. final) is considered to have insignificant padding.

When is padding significant?

In C++, if you take a mutable reference to a base class subobject, and pass it around, this is ultimately pretty safe. If you assign to it, it is a bit bad -- it will assign to only the base class subobject (if it‘s nonvirtual), not just the subclass -- but it’s possible for this to make sense, and if it were truly dangerous they'd probably have deleted assignment or not inherited from the base class.

In Rust, this is extremely dangerous, because the size of the base class subobject can extend to include fields from the derived class. For example, take this class hierarchy:

class Base {
  int64_t x_;
  int32_t y_;
  /* ...methods... */

class Derived : public Base {
  int32_t size_;
  char* data_;
  /* ...methods... */

Here we have a class Derived with some string data, which inherits from Base. But something unfortunate happens: because Base has an extra 32 bits of tail padding, and is not POD for the purpose of layout, the size_ member of the derived class is stored inside the tail padding for Base. This is allowed by the C++ standard, and actually taken advantage of in the Itanium ABI.

In C++, this presents no problems, as C++ assignment doesn't do something like memcpy sizeof(x) bytes, even when the class is trivially assignable. It only copies the real data size, excluding padding. And so this code will not accidentally overwrite the size_ field:

Derived& d = ...;
Base& b1 = d;
Base& b2 = ...;
std::swap(b1, b2);

But the seemingly equivalent Rust code absolutely will:

let d : &mut Derived = ...;
let b1 : &mut Base = d.into();
let b2 : &mut Base = ...;
// This overwrites size_ from the derived class with uninitialized memory from
// b2.
std::mem::swap(b1, b2); // Catastrophically bad.

As a consequence, types like Base should not be exposed as &mut references: they might refer to a base class subobject, in which case assignment in Rust will do the wrong thing. Even if they are trivially relocatable and assignment is equivalent to a memcpy, Rust will memcpy the wrong number of bytes.



The exact same behavior can occur with [[no_unique_address]]. There are three options:

  1. Live with the unsafety of [[no_unique_address]], and make it buyer beware. This is similar to how we treat packed struct fields.

  2. Forbid [[no_unique_address]] in the C++ style guide, except for zero-sized types (which we can probably handle fine).

  3. Switch approaches: rather than only allowing it for final classes and the like, only allow it for classes whose data size is guaranteed to be the same as their stride, possibly using something like a [[pod_layout]] attribute.

For now, we take approach #1: [[no_unique_address]] is considered an unsafe feature, which can render padding significant on any type which has padding.


TODO: implement this.

Lambdas are class types, are not final, and cannot be marked final. Most likely, we need to simply pretend that they are final -- it is not very useful to inherit from a lambda, and this should not break people in practice.

How common is this?

Only ~4% of classes at Google are base classes to some other type.

This means the number of classes that should be pinned due to potentially significant padding is low, and the number of classes that should be marked final is high. Mixed blessings: more boilerplate in C++, but less annoyance in Rust, as the vast majority of classes can be marked final via LSC.

However, 4% doesn‘t quite seem small enough that we can pretend the issue doesn’t exist.