
Disclaimer: This project is experimental, under heavy development, and should not be used yet.

Invoking the tool

Most rustc cmdline parameters should be supported (e.g. --crate-type).

The following example should work in the current dev environment:

If you're a Googler, set <path_of_rustfmt_executable> to "$(pwd)/../../unsupported_toolchains/rust/toolchains/nightly/bin/rustfmt" and the <path_of_clang_format_executable> to "$(pwd)/../../crosstool/v18/stable/installs/llvm/bin/clang-format"

$ echo > $HOME/scratch/ "
pub extern \"C\" fn public_function() {
fn private_function() {}

$ cd crubit/cc_bindings_from_rs
$ bazel run :cc_bindings_from_rs -- \
    --h-out=$HOME/scratch/test.h \
    --rs-out=$HOME/scratch/ \
    --clang-format-exe-path=<path_of_clang_format_executable> -- \
    --rustfmt-exe-path=<path_of_rustfmt_executable> -- \
    $HOME/scratch/ \
    --crate-type=lib \

$ cat $HOME/scratch/test.h
// Automatically @generated C++ bindings for the following Rust crate:
// test

#pragma once

namespace test {
extern "C" void public_function();


See rs_bindings_from_cc/