Update nullability verification framework to adapt to the new diagnoser API in the clang dataflow framework

The new API (PHAB_REVIEW=https://reviews.llvm.org/D139868) allows diagnosers to take in `State` objects instead of `Environment` objects as argument. A `State` contains both an `Environment` and a `Lattice` element. This change will allow the pointer nullability diagnosis to use information from the dataflow lattice, which can be helpful for testing and debugging purposes. For example, the diagnoser can now access the nullability vectors computed for a given expression, which are stored in a map in the lattice.

PiperOrigin-RevId: 495350578
4 files changed
tree: 9bb125c89b182124e357399547295cc95c7774a6
  1. .bazelci/
  2. bazel/
  3. cc_bindings_from_rs/
  4. cc_import/
  5. cc_template/
  6. common/
  7. docs/
  8. lifetime_analysis/
  9. lifetime_annotations/
  10. migrator/
  11. nullability_verification/
  12. rs_bindings_from_cc/
  13. .bazelrc
  14. .gitignore
  15. BUILD
  16. Cargo.Bazel.lock
  20. README.md

Crubit: C++/Rust Bidirectional Interop Tool

Build status

Extremely experimental interop tooling for C++ and Rust.

Please don‘t use, this is an experiment and we don’t yet know where will it take us. There will be breaking changes without warning. Unfortunately, we can't take contributions at this point.

Building Crubit

$ apt install clang lld bazel
$ git clone git@github.com:google/crubit.git
$ cd crubit
$ bazel build --linkopt=-fuse-ld=/usr/bin/ld.lld //rs_bindings_from_cc:rs_bindings_from_cc_impl

Using a prebuilt LLVM tree

$ git clone https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project
$ cd llvm-project
$ CC=clang CXX=clang++ cmake -S llvm -B build -DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS='clang' -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=install
$ cmake --build build -j
$ # wait...
$ cmake --install build
$ cd ../crubit
$ LLVM_INSTALL_PATH=../llvm-project/install bazel build //rs_bindings_from_cc:rs_bindings_from_cc_impl