`rstd::Char::from_u32` that checks character validity.

Before this CL, `rstd::Char` had constructors that could implicitly and
infallibly convert `char`, `char16_t`, or `char32_t` into `rstd::Char`.
This CL deletes these constructors and replaces them a factory method:
`from_u32` that can fail the conversion (returning `std::nullopt` for
invalid bit patterns).

This CL also introduces a well-defined default constructor.  This is
a bit opportunistic (i.e. not required for implementing the factory
methods described in the previous paragraph).  This is mostly motivated
by the desire to use `value_or` in tests (and avoid having explicit
`has_value()` checks for scenarios where tests know that the factory
method will succeed).

PiperOrigin-RevId: 503520624
3 files changed
tree: f3af410869e5201c106224a6f629cafb4239cb19
  1. .bazelci/
  2. bazel/
  3. cc_bindings_from_rs/
  4. cc_import/
  5. cc_template/
  6. common/
  7. docs/
  8. lifetime_analysis/
  9. lifetime_annotations/
  10. migrator/
  11. nullability_verification/
  12. rs_bindings_from_cc/
  13. support/
  14. .bazelrc
  15. .gitignore
  16. BUILD
  17. Cargo.Bazel.lock
  21. README.md

Crubit: C++/Rust Bidirectional Interop Tool

Build status

Extremely experimental interop tooling for C++ and Rust.

Please don‘t use, this is an experiment and we don’t yet know where will it take us. There will be breaking changes without warning. Unfortunately, we can't take contributions at this point.

Building Crubit

$ apt install clang lld bazel
$ git clone git@github.com:google/crubit.git
$ cd crubit
$ bazel build --linkopt=-fuse-ld=/usr/bin/ld.lld //rs_bindings_from_cc:rs_bindings_from_cc_impl

Using a prebuilt LLVM tree

$ git clone https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project
$ cd llvm-project
$ CC=clang CXX=clang++ cmake -S llvm -B build -DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS='clang' -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=install
$ cmake --build build -j
$ # wait...
$ cmake --install build
$ cd ../crubit
$ LLVM_INSTALL_PATH=../llvm-project/install bazel build //rs_bindings_from_cc:rs_bindings_from_cc_impl