blob: d44ce85ae50d56f65fa6f7dac20e8b0c26ce0fa7 [file] [log] [blame]
# Part of the Crubit project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM
# Exceptions. See /LICENSE for license information.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
The tool creates Rust source code with the C++ API projection as well as implementation of the API
projection. See <internal link> and <internal link> for
more context.
load("//third_party/protobuf/bazel/common:proto_info.bzl", "ProtoInfo")
# <internal link>/127#naming-header-files-h-and-inc recommends declaring textual headers either in the
# `textual_hdrs` attribute of the Bazel C++ rules, or using the `.inc` file extension. Therefore
# we are omitting ["inc"] from the list below.
_hdr_extensions = ["h", "hh", "hpp", "ipp", "hxx", "h++", "inl", "tlh", "tli", "H", "tcc"]
def _is_hdr(input):
return input.path.split(".")[-1] in _hdr_extensions
def _filter_hdrs(input_list):
return [hdr for hdr in input_list if _is_hdr(hdr)]
# Targets which do not receive rust bindings at all.
targets_to_remove = [
# Specific headers, in specific targets, which do not receive Rust bindings.
# This is mainly for if the same header is in two different targets, only one of which is canonical.
public_headers_to_remove = {
private_headers_to_remove = {
def _collect_hdrs(ctx):
public_hdrs = _filter_hdrs(ctx.rule.files.hdrs)
private_hdrs = _filter_hdrs(ctx.rule.files.srcs) if hasattr(ctx.rule.attr, "srcs") else []
label = str(ctx.label)
public_hdrs = [
for h in public_hdrs
if h.short_path not in public_headers_to_remove.get(label, [])
private_hdrs = [
for h in private_hdrs
if h.short_path not in private_headers_to_remove.get(label, [])
all_standalone_hdrs = depset(public_hdrs + private_hdrs).to_list()
return public_hdrs, all_standalone_hdrs
def _is_proto_library(target):
return ProtoInfo in target
def _is_cc_proto_library(rule):
return rule.kind == "cc_proto_library"
def retain_proto_dot_h_headers(headers):
return [h for h in headers if h.path.endswith("proto.h")]
def _rust_bindings_from_cc_aspect_impl(target, ctx):
# We use a fake generator only when we are building the real one, in order to avoid
# dependency cycles.
if ctx.executable._generator.basename == "fake_rust_bindings_from_cc":
return []
# If this target already provides bindings, we don't need to run the bindings generator.
if RustBindingsFromCcInfo in target:
return []
# We generate bindings for these headers via the
# support/cc_std:cc_std target.
if target.label == Label("//third_party/stl:stl"):
return [ctx.attr._std[RustBindingsFromCcInfo]]
# This is not a C++ rule
if CcInfo not in target:
return []
if _is_cc_proto_library(ctx.rule):
# This is cc_proto_library, we are interested in RustBindingsFromCcInfo provider of the
# proto_library.
return [ctx.rule.attr.deps[0][RustBindingsFromCcInfo]]
if str(ctx.label) in targets_to_remove:
return []
extra_cc_compilation_action_inputs = []
extra_rule_specific_deps = []
public_hdrs = []
all_standalone_hdrs = []
if hasattr(ctx.rule.attr, "hdrs"):
public_hdrs, all_standalone_hdrs = _collect_hdrs(ctx)
elif _is_proto_library(target):
#TODO(b/232199093): Ideally we would get this information from a proto-specific provider,
# but ProtoCcFilesProvider is private currently. Use it once public.
public_hdrs = retain_proto_dot_h_headers(target[CcInfo].compilation_context.direct_headers)
all_standalone_hdrs = public_hdrs
extra_rule_specific_deps = [ctx.rule.attr._cc_lib]
elif ctx.rule.kind == "cc_embed_data" or ctx.rule.kind == "upb_proto_library":
public_hdrs = target[CcInfo].compilation_context.direct_public_headers
all_standalone_hdrs = target[CcInfo].compilation_context.direct_headers
if not public_hdrs:
# This target doesn't have public headers, so there are no bindings to generate. However we
# still need to propagate dependencies since not every C++ target is layering check clean.
# Since there is no existing API to merge Rust providers besides calling
# `rustc_compile_action`, we decided to create an empty file and compile it.
empty_header_file = ctx.actions.declare_file( + ".empty_source_no_public_headers.h")
"// File intentionally left empty, its purpose is to satisfy rules_rust APIs.",
public_hdrs = [empty_header_file]
all_standalone_hdrs = public_hdrs
extra_cc_compilation_action_inputs = public_hdrs
all_deps = getattr(ctx.rule.attr, "deps", []) + extra_rule_specific_deps + [
# TODO(b/217667751): This contains a huge list of headers_and_targets; pass them as a file
# instead.
# At execution time we convert this depset to a json array that gets passed to our tool through
# the --target_args flag.
# We can improve upon this solution if:
# 1. we use a library for parsing command line flags that allows repeated flags.
# 2. instead of json string, we use a struct that will be expanded to flags at execution time.
# This requires changes to Bazel.
direct_target_args = {}
features = find_crubit_features(target, ctx)
if all_standalone_hdrs:
direct_target_args["h"] = [h.path for h in all_standalone_hdrs]
if features:
direct_target_args["f"] = features
if direct_target_args:
direct_target_args["t"] = str(ctx.label)
direct = [json.encode(direct_target_args)]
direct = []
target_args = depset(
direct = direct,
transitive = [
for t in all_deps
if RustBindingsFromCcInfo in t
header_includes = []
for hdr in public_hdrs:
# Use full `path`, instead of `short_path`, so that generated headers (e.g.,
# `empty_source_no_public_headers.h`) can be found.
return generate_and_compile_bindings(
compilation_context = target[CcInfo].compilation_context,
public_hdrs = public_hdrs,
header_includes = header_includes,
action_inputs = depset(
direct = public_hdrs + ctx.files._builtin_hdrs,
transitive = [
target_args = target_args,
extra_rs_srcs = get_additional_rust_srcs(target, ctx),
deps_for_cc_file = [target[CcInfo]] + [
for dep in all_deps
if RustBindingsFromCcInfo in dep and
] + ctx.attr._deps_for_bindings[DepsForBindingsInfo].deps_for_cc_file,
deps_for_rs_file = [
for dep in all_deps
if RustBindingsFromCcInfo in dep
] + ctx.attr._deps_for_bindings[DepsForBindingsInfo].deps_for_rs_file,
extra_cc_compilation_action_inputs = extra_cc_compilation_action_inputs,
extra_rs_bindings_from_cc_cli_flags = collect_rust_bindings_from_cc_cli_flags(target, ctx),
rust_bindings_from_cc_aspect = aspect(
implementation = _rust_bindings_from_cc_aspect_impl,
attr_aspects = [
# for cc_library and similar rules
# for cc_proto_aspect implicit deps
required_aspect_providers = [CcInfo],
attrs = dict(bindings_attrs.items() + {
"_std": attr.label(
default = "//support/cc_std",
toolchains = [
fragments = ["cpp", "google_cpp"],