Move the `cc_std` target to `crubit/support/cc_std` directory.

PiperOrigin-RevId: 511338669
diff --git a/support/cc_std/BUILD b/support/cc_std/BUILD
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05611b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/cc_std/BUILD
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+# Part of the Crubit project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM
+# Exceptions. See /LICENSE for license information.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+    "//rs_bindings_from_cc/bazel_support:toolchain_headers.bzl",
+    "bindings_for_toolchain_headers",
+package(default_applicable_licenses = ["//third_party/crubit:license"])
+    name = "extra_rs_srcs_for_cc_std",
+    srcs = glob([
+        "*.rs",
+    ]),
+    "algorithm",
+    "any",
+    "array",
+    "atomic",
+    "bitset",
+    "cassert",
+    "cctype",
+    "cerrno",
+    "cfenv",
+    "cfloat",
+    "charconv",
+    "chrono",
+    "cinttypes",
+    "climits",
+    "cmath",
+    "condition_variable",
+    "csetjmp",
+    "csignal",
+    "cstdarg",
+    "cstddef",
+    "cstdint",
+    "cstdio",
+    "cstdlib",
+    "cstring",
+    "ctime",
+    "cuchar",
+    "cwchar",
+    "cwctype",
+    "deque",
+    "exception",
+    "forward_list",
+    "functional",
+    "initializer_list",
+    "ios",
+    "limits",
+    "list",
+    "map",
+    "memory",
+    "mutex",
+    "new",
+    "numeric",
+    "optional",
+    "queue",
+    "ratio",
+    "set",
+    "scoped_allocator",
+    "stack",
+    "stdexcept",
+    "streambuf",
+    "string",
+    "string_view",
+    "system_error",
+    "tuple",
+    "type_traits",
+    "typeindex",
+    "typeinfo",
+    "unordered_map",
+    "unordered_set",
+    "utility",
+    "variant",
+    # "vector", # TODO(b/248542210): include vector when we can conditionally import methods.
+    name = "llvm_unstable",
+    values = {
+        "crosstool_top": "//nowhere/llvm:everything",
+    },
+    name = "toolchain_headers",
+    srcs = select({
+        ":llvm_unstable": ["//nowhere/llvm:cc-std-headers"],
+        "//conditions:default": ["//nowhere/llvm:cc-std-headers"],
+    }) + [
+        "//third_party/grte/v5_x86/release/usr/grte/v5:compile",
+    ],
+    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
+    name = "cc_std",
+    hdrs = ":toolchain_headers",
+    extra_rs_srcs = [":extra_rs_srcs_for_cc_std"],
+    public_libc_hdrs = LIBC_HEADERS,
+    public_libcxx_hdrs = LIBCXX_HEADERS,
+    visibility = ["//visibility:public"],