Disclaimer: This project is experimental, under heavy development, and should not be used yet.
Most rustc
cmdline parameters should be supported (e.g. --crate-type
The following example should work in the current dev environment:
$ cd crubit/cc_bindings_from_rs $ bazel build :cc_bindings_from_rs ... $ CC_BINDINGS_FROM_RS_BINARY=$(find `bazel info bazel-bin` -name cc_bindings_from_rs -type f) $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$PWD/../../unsupported_toolchains/rust/toolchains/nightly/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib $ echo > test.rs " pub fn public_function() { private_function() } fn private_function() {} " $ $CC_BINDINGS_FROM_RS_BINARY --h-out=test.h -- test.rs --crate-type=lib \ --sysroot $(pwd)/../../unsupported_toolchains/rust/toolchains/nightly $ cat test.h // Automatically @generated C++ bindings for the following Rust crate: // test // Error while generating bindings for `public_function` defined at [...]/scratch/test.rs:1:1: 1:25: Nothing works yet!