Support for function pointer types.

PiperOrigin-RevId: 429608696
diff --git a/rs_bindings_from_cc/ b/rs_bindings_from_cc/
index a6c0d73..7c846de 100644
--- a/rs_bindings_from_cc/
+++ b/rs_bindings_from_cc/
@@ -231,13 +231,9 @@
     let lifetime_to_name = HashMap::<LifetimeId, String>::from_iter(
         func.lifetime_params.iter().map(|l| (,,
-    let return_type_fragment = if func.return_type.rs_type.is_unit_type() {
-        quote! {}
-    } else {
-        let return_type_name = format_rs_type(&func.return_type.rs_type, ir, &lifetime_to_name)
+    let return_type_fragment = RsTypeKind::new(&func.return_type.rs_type, ir)
+            .and_then(|t| t.format_as_return_type_fragment(ir, &lifetime_to_name))
             .with_context(|| format!("Failed to format return type for {:?}", func))?;
-        quote! { -> #return_type_name }
-    };
     let param_idents =
         func.params.iter().map(|p| make_rs_ident(&p.identifier.identifier)).collect_vec();
@@ -1065,6 +1061,7 @@
 enum RsTypeKind<'ir> {
     Pointer { pointee: Box<RsTypeKind<'ir>>, mutability: Mutability },
     Reference { referent: Box<RsTypeKind<'ir>>, mutability: Mutability, lifetime_id: LifetimeId },
+    FuncPtr { abi: &'ir str, return_type: Box<RsTypeKind<'ir>>, param_types: Vec<RsTypeKind<'ir>> },
     Record(&'ir Record),
     TypeAlias { type_alias: &'ir TypeAlias, underlying_type: Box<RsTypeKind<'ir>> },
@@ -1132,7 +1129,21 @@
                     mutability: Mutability::Const,
                     lifetime_id: get_lifetime()?,
-                name => RsTypeKind::Other { name, type_args: get_type_args()? },
+                name => {
+                    let mut type_args = get_type_args()?;
+                    match name.strip_prefix("#funcPtr ") {
+                        None => RsTypeKind::Other { name, type_args },
+                        Some(abi) => {
+                            // TODO(b/217419782): Consider enforcing `'static` lifetime.
+                            ensure!(!type_args.is_empty(), "No return type in fn type: {:?}", ty);
+                            RsTypeKind::FuncPtr {
+                                abi,
+                                return_type: Box::new(type_args.remove(type_args.len() - 1)),
+                                param_types: type_args,
+                            }
+                        },
+                    }
+                },
@@ -1155,6 +1166,14 @@
                 let nested_type = referent.format(ir, lifetime_to_name)?;
                 quote! {& #lifetime #mutability #nested_type}
+            RsTypeKind::FuncPtr { abi, return_type, param_types } => {
+                let return_frag = return_type.format_as_return_type_fragment(ir, lifetime_to_name)?;
+                let param_types = param_types
+                        .iter()
+                        .map(|t| t.format(ir, lifetime_to_name))
+                        .collect::<Result<Vec<_>>>()?;
+                quote!{ extern #abi fn( #( #param_types ),* ) #return_frag }
+            },
             RsTypeKind::Record(record) => rs_type_name_for_target_and_identifier(
@@ -1180,6 +1199,20 @@
+    pub fn format_as_return_type_fragment(
+        &self,
+        ir: &IR,
+        lifetime_to_name: &HashMap<LifetimeId, String>,
+    ) -> Result<TokenStream> {
+        match self {
+            RsTypeKind::Unit => Ok(quote! {}),
+            other_type => {
+                let return_type = other_type.format(ir, lifetime_to_name)?;
+                Ok(quote! { -> #return_type })
+            }
+        }
+    }
     /// Formats this RsTypeKind as `&'a mut MaybeUninit<SomeStruct>`. This is
     /// used to format `__this` parameter in a constructor thunk.
     pub fn format_mut_ref_as_uninitialized(
@@ -1249,6 +1282,7 @@
         match self {
             RsTypeKind::Unit => true,
             RsTypeKind::Pointer { .. } => true,
+            RsTypeKind::FuncPtr { .. } => true,
             RsTypeKind::Reference { mutability: Mutability::Const, .. } => true,
             RsTypeKind::Reference { mutability: Mutability::Mut, .. } => false,
             RsTypeKind::Record(record) => should_derive_copy(record),
@@ -1334,6 +1368,10 @@
                     RsTypeKind::Pointer { pointee, .. } => self.todo.push(pointee),
                     RsTypeKind::Reference { referent, .. } => self.todo.push(referent),
                     RsTypeKind::TypeAlias { underlying_type: t, .. } => self.todo.push(t),
+                    RsTypeKind::FuncPtr { return_type, param_types, .. } => {
+                        self.todo.push(return_type);
+                        self.todo.extend(param_types.iter().rev());
+                    },
                     RsTypeKind::Other { type_args, .. } => self.todo.extend(type_args.iter().rev()),
@@ -2044,6 +2082,117 @@
+    fn test_func_ptr_where_params_are_primitive_types() -> Result<()> {
+        let ir = ir_from_cc(r#" int (*get_ptr_to_func())(float, double); "#)?;
+        let rs_api = generate_rs_api(&ir)?;
+        let rs_api_impl = generate_rs_api_impl(&ir)?;
+        assert_rs_matches!(
+            rs_api,
+            quote! {
+                #[inline(always)]
+                pub fn get_ptr_to_func() -> Option<extern "C" fn (f32, f64) -> i32> {
+                    unsafe { crate::detail::__rust_thunk___Z15get_ptr_to_funcv() }
+                }
+            }
+        );
+        assert_rs_matches!(
+            rs_api,
+            quote! {
+                mod detail {
+                    #[allow(unused_imports)]
+                    use super::*;
+                    extern "C" {
+                        #[link_name = "_Z15get_ptr_to_funcv"]
+                        pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk___Z15get_ptr_to_funcv()
+                        -> Option<extern "C" fn(f32, f64) -> i32>;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        );
+        // Verify that no C++ thunk got generated.
+        assert_cc_not_matches!(rs_api_impl, quote! { __rust_thunk___Z15get_ptr_to_funcv });
+        // TODO(b/217419782): Add another test for more exotic calling conventions /
+        // abis.
+        // TODO(b/217419782): Add another test for pointer to a function that
+        // takes/returns non-trivially-movable types by value. See also
+        // <internal link>
+        Ok(())
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_func_ptr_with_non_static_lifetime() -> Result<()> {
+        let ir = ir_from_cc(
+            r#"
+            [[clang::annotate("lifetimes = -> a")]]
+            int (*get_ptr_to_func())(float, double); "#,
+        )?;
+        let rs_api = generate_rs_api(&ir)?;
+        assert_rs_matches!(
+            rs_api,
+            quote! {
+                // Error while generating bindings for item 'get_ptr_to_func':
+                // Return type is not supported: Function pointers with non-'static lifetimes are not supported: int (*)(float, double)
+            }
+        );
+        Ok(())
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_func_ptr_where_params_are_raw_ptrs() -> Result<()> {
+        let ir = ir_from_cc(r#" const int* (*get_ptr_to_func())(const int*); "#)?;
+        let rs_api = generate_rs_api(&ir)?;
+        let rs_api_impl = generate_rs_api_impl(&ir)?;
+        assert_rs_matches!(
+            rs_api,
+            quote! {
+                #[inline(always)]
+                pub fn get_ptr_to_func() -> Option<extern "C" fn (*const i32) -> *const i32> {
+                    unsafe { crate::detail::__rust_thunk___Z15get_ptr_to_funcv() }
+                }
+            }
+        );
+        assert_rs_matches!(
+            rs_api,
+            quote! {
+                mod detail {
+                    #[allow(unused_imports)]
+                    use super::*;
+                    extern "C" {
+                        #[link_name = "_Z15get_ptr_to_funcv"]
+                        pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk___Z15get_ptr_to_funcv()
+                        -> Option<extern "C" fn(*const i32) -> *const i32>;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        );
+        // Verify that no C++ thunk got generated.
+        assert_cc_not_matches!(rs_api_impl, quote! { __rust_thunk___Z15get_ptr_to_funcv });
+        // TODO(b/217419782): Add another test where params (and the return
+        // type) are references with lifetimes.  Something like this:
+        //     #pragma clang lifetime_elision
+        //     const int& (*get_ptr_to_func())(const int&, const int&); "#)?;
+        // 1) Need to investigate why this fails - seeing raw pointers in Rust
+        //    seems to indicate that no lifetimes are present at the ``
+        //    level. Maybe lifetime elision doesn't support this scenario? Unclear
+        //    how to explicitly apply [[clang::annotate("lifetimes = a, b -> a")]]
+        //    to the _inner_ function.
+        // 2) It is important to have 2 reference parameters, so see if the problem
+        //    of passing `lifetimes` by value would have been caught - see:
+        //    cl/428079010/depot/rs_bindings_from_cc/
+        //
+        // TODO(b/217419782): Decide what to do if the C++ pointer is *not*
+        // annotated with a lifetime - emit `unsafe fn(...) -> ...` in that
+        // case?
+        Ok(())
+    }
+    #[test]
     fn test_item_order() -> Result<()> {
         let ir = ir_from_cc(
             "int first_func();
@@ -3078,6 +3227,26 @@
+    fn test_rs_type_kind_dfs_iter_ordering_for_func_ptr() {
+        // Set up a test input representing: fn(A, B) -> C
+        let f = {
+            let a = RsTypeKind::Other { name: "A", type_args: vec![] };
+            let b = RsTypeKind::Other { name: "B", type_args: vec![] };
+            let c = RsTypeKind::Other { name: "C", type_args: vec![] };
+            RsTypeKind::FuncPtr { abi: "blah", param_types: vec![a, b], return_type: Box::new(c) }
+        };
+        let dfs_names = f
+            .dfs_iter()
+            .map(|t| match t {
+                RsTypeKind::FuncPtr { .. } => "fn",
+                RsTypeKind::Other { name, .. } => *name,
+                _ => unreachable!("Only FuncPtr and Other kinds are used in this test"),
+            })
+            .collect_vec();
+        assert_eq!(vec!["fn", "A", "B", "C"], dfs_names);
+    }
+    #[test]
     fn test_rs_type_kind_lifetimes() -> Result<()> {
         let ir = ir_from_cc(