blob: 850a7cab8ce662f7a1a83b6d4a364267f464f5c8 [file] [log] [blame]
# Part of the Crubit project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM
# Exceptions. See /LICENSE for license information.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
"""Utility module for sharing logic between rules and aspects that generate Rust bindings from C++.
# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
load("@rules_rust//rust/private:providers.bzl", "DepVariantInfo")
# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
load("@bazel_skylib//lib:structs.bzl", "structs")
def _get_crate_info(providers):
for provider in providers:
if hasattr(provider, "name"):
return provider
fail("Couldn't find a CrateInfo in the list of providers")
def _get_dep_info(providers):
for provider in providers:
if hasattr(provider, "direct_crates"):
return provider
fail("Couldn't find a DepInfo in the list of providers")
def _get_cc_info(providers):
for provider in providers:
if hasattr(provider, "linking_context"):
return provider
fail("Couldn't find a CcInfo in the list of providers")
def compile_rust(ctx, attr, src, extra_srcs, deps, crate_name, include_coverage):
"""Compiles a Rust source file.
ctx: The rule context.
attr: The current rule's attributes.
src: The source file to be compiled.
extra_srcs: Additional source files to include in the crate.
deps: List[DepVariantInfo]: A list of dependencies needed.
crate_name: (string) crate name for naming the output files (.rlib, .rmeta...))
include_coverage: (bool) Whether or not coverage information should be generated.
A DepVariantInfo provider.
toolchain = ctx.toolchains["@rules_rust//rust:toolchain_type"]
output_hash = repr(hash(src.path))
lib_name = "{prefix}{name}-{lib_hash}{extension}".format(
prefix = "lib",
name = crate_name,
lib_hash = output_hash,
extension = ".rlib",
rmeta_name = "{prefix}{name}-{lib_hash}{extension}".format(
prefix = "lib",
name = crate_name,
lib_hash = output_hash,
extension = ".rmeta",
lib = ctx.actions.declare_file(lib_name)
rmeta = ctx.actions.declare_file(rmeta_name)
# TODO(b/336367148): We should inherit almost nothing from `attr`, but for now, at least, we
# should omit the rustc_flags.
attr_args = structs.to_dict(attr)
attr_args["rustc_flags"] = []
providers = rustc_compile_action(
ctx = ctx,
attr = struct(**attr_args),
toolchain = toolchain,
crate_info_dict = dict(
name = crate_name,
type = "rlib",
root = src,
srcs = depset([src] + extra_srcs),
deps = depset(deps),
proc_macro_deps = depset([]),
aliases = {},
output = lib,
metadata = rmeta,
edition = "2018",
is_test = False,
rustc_env = {},
compile_data = depset([]),
compile_data_targets = depset([]),
owner = ctx.label,
rust_flags = ["-Zallow-features=custom_inner_attributes,impl_trait_in_assoc_type,register_tool,negative_impls,vec_into_raw_parts,extern_types,arbitrary_self_types"] +
# TODO(b/349776381): remove.
output_hash = output_hash,
force_all_deps_direct = True,
include_coverage = include_coverage,
return DepVariantInfo(
crate_info = _get_crate_info(providers),
dep_info = _get_dep_info(providers),
cc_info = _get_cc_info(providers),
build_info = None,