blob: 39f2f90a700798c13feb7fbf6ee4aa4373a1ea7a [file] [log] [blame]
// Part of the Crubit project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM
// Exceptions. See /LICENSE for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
/// Asserts that the `input` contains the `pattern` as a subtree.
/// Pattern can use `...` wildcard in a group, then any content of the
/// `proc_macro2::Group` will match the pattern. Wildcards cannot match group
/// delimiters, and that therefore the tokens matched by a wildcard cannot
/// straddle a group boundary. If the wildcard is mixed with regular tokens the
/// wildcard can match 0 or many tokens and the matcher will backtrack and try
/// to find any possible match. Order of regular tokens is significant.
/// Examples where matching succeeds:
/// ```rust
/// assert_cc_matches!(
/// quote!{ void foo() {} },
/// quote!{ void foo() {} });
/// assert_cc_matches!(
/// quote!{ void foo() {} },
/// quote!{ foo() });
/// assert_cc_matches!(
/// quote!{ void foo() { bar(); baz(); qux(); } },
/// quote!{ void foo() { bar(); ... qux(); } });
/// // "backtracking example"
/// assert_cc_matches!(
/// quote!{ void foo() { a(); b(); c(); d(); c(); a(); },
/// quote!{ { a(); ... c(); a(); } });
/// ```
/// Example where matching fails:
/// ```rust
/// assert_cc_matches!(
/// quote!{ void foo() { bar(); baz(); } },
/// quote!{ void foo() { bar(); } });
/// assert_cc_matches!(
/// quote!{ void foo() { bar(); } },
/// quote!{ void ... bar() });
/// ```
macro_rules! assert_cc_matches {
($input:expr, $pattern:expr $(,)*) => {
.expect("input unexpectedly didn't match the pattern");
/// Like `assert_cc_matches!`, but also formats the input in the error message
/// using rustfmt.
macro_rules! assert_rs_matches {
($input:expr, $pattern:expr $(,)*) => {
.expect("input unexpectedly didn't match the pattern");
/// Asserts that the `input` does not contain the `pattern`.
/// Pattern can use `...` wildcard. See `assert_cc_matches` for details.
macro_rules! assert_cc_not_matches {
($input:expr, $pattern:expr $(,)*) => {
/// Like `assert_cc_not_matches!`, but also formats the input in the error
/// message using rustfmt.
macro_rules! assert_rs_not_matches {
($input:expr, $pattern:expr $(,)*) => {
/// Only used to make stuff needed by exported macros available
pub mod internal {
use anyhow::{anyhow, Result};
pub use proc_macro2::TokenStream;
use proc_macro2::TokenTree;
use std::iter;
pub use token_stream_printer::{
cc_tokens_to_formatted_string_for_tests, rs_tokens_to_formatted_string,
enum MatchInfo {
// Successful match with the suffix of the `input` stream that follows the match.
Match { input_suffix: TokenStream },
struct Mismatch {
match_length: usize,
messages: Vec<String>,
impl Mismatch {
fn for_no_partial_match() -> Self {
Mismatch {
match_length: 0,
messages: vec![
"not even a partial match of the pattern throughout the input".to_string(),
fn for_input_ended(
match_length: usize,
pattern_suffix: TokenStream,
pattern: TokenStream,
input: TokenStream,
) -> Self {
Mismatch {
messages: vec![
format!("expected '{}' but the input already ended", pattern_suffix),
format!("expected '{}' got '{}'", pattern, input),
pub fn match_tokens<ToStringFn>(
input: &TokenStream,
pattern: &TokenStream,
to_string_fn: &ToStringFn,
) -> Result<()>
ToStringFn: Fn(TokenStream) -> Result<String>,
// `match_tokens` behaves as if the `pattern` implicitly had a wildcard `...` at
// the beginning and the end. Therefore an empty `pattern` is most
// likely a mistake.
"Empty `pattern` is unexpected, because it always matches. \
(Maybe you used `// comment text` instead of `__COMMENT__ \"comment text\"? \
Or maybe you want to use `TokenStream::is_empty`?)"
let iter = input.clone().into_iter();
let mut best_mismatch = Mismatch::for_no_partial_match();
let mut stack = vec![iter];
while let Some(mut iter) = stack.pop() {
loop {
match match_prefix(iter.clone(), pattern.clone(), false) {
MatchInfo::Match { input_suffix: _ } => return Ok(()),
MatchInfo::Mismatch(mismatch) => {
if best_mismatch.match_length < mismatch.match_length {
best_mismatch = mismatch
if let Some(next) = {
if let TokenTree::Group(ref group) = next {
} else {
let input_string = to_string_fn(input.clone())?;
let mut error = anyhow!(format!("input:\n\n```\n{}\n```", input_string));
for msg in best_mismatch.messages.into_iter().rev() {
error = error.context(msg);
pub fn mismatch_tokens<ToStringFn>(
input: &TokenStream,
pattern: &TokenStream,
to_string_fn: &ToStringFn,
) -> Result<()>
ToStringFn: Fn(TokenStream) -> Result<String>,
if match_tokens(input, pattern, to_string_fn).is_ok() {
let input_string = to_string_fn(input.clone())?;
"input unexpectedly matched the pattern. input:\n\n```\n{}\n```",
} else {
// This implementation uses naive backtracking algorithm that is in the worst
// case O(2^n) in the number of wildcards. In practice this is not so bad
// because wildcards only match their current group, they don't descend into
// subtrees and they don't match outside. Still, it may be possible to
// reimplement this using NFA and end up with simpler, more regular code
// while still providing reasonable error messages on mismatch.
// TODO(hlopko): Try to reimplement matching using NFA.
fn match_prefix(
input: impl Iterator<Item = TokenTree> + Clone,
pattern: TokenStream,
match_inside_group: bool,
) -> MatchInfo {
let mut input_iter = input.clone();
let mut pattern_iter = pattern.clone().into_iter().peekable();
let mut match_counter = 0;
let mut best_mismatch = Mismatch::for_no_partial_match();
let mut update_best_mismatch = |mismatch: Mismatch| {
if mismatch.match_length > best_mismatch.match_length {
best_mismatch = mismatch;
while let Some(actual_token) = {
if is_whitespace_token(&actual_token) {
if starts_with_wildcard(to_stream(&pattern_iter)) {
// branch off to matching the token after the wildcard
match match_after_wildcard(
reinsert_token(input_iter.clone(), actual_token).into_iter(),
) {
MatchInfo::Mismatch(mut mismatch) => {
mismatch.match_length += match_counter;
match_info => {
return match_info;
// and if that didn't work, consume one more token by the wildcard
if let Some(pattern_token) = {
if let MatchInfo::Mismatch(mut mismatch) = match_tree(&actual_token, &pattern_token)
"expected '{}' got '{}'",
mismatch.match_length += match_counter;
return MatchInfo::Mismatch(mismatch);
match_counter += 1;
} else if match_inside_group {
return MatchInfo::Match { input_suffix: reinsert_token(input_iter, actual_token) };
} else {
// If we are not inside a group, seeing the end of the pattern means that we
// have matched the entire pattern.
return MatchInfo::Match { input_suffix: TokenStream::new() };
if pattern_iter.peek().is_none() {
return MatchInfo::Match { input_suffix: TokenStream::new() };
if is_wildcard(to_stream(&pattern_iter)) {
return MatchInfo::Match { input_suffix: TokenStream::new() };
fn match_after_wildcard(
input_iter: impl Iterator<Item = TokenTree> + Clone,
input: impl Iterator<Item = TokenTree> + Clone,
pattern: TokenStream,
match_inside_group: bool,
) -> MatchInfo {
match match_prefix(input_iter.clone(), pattern.clone(), match_inside_group) {
MatchInfo::Match { input_suffix } if input_suffix.is_empty() => {
MatchInfo::Match { input_suffix }
MatchInfo::Match { input_suffix } => {
let match_input_length = input_iter.count() + 1;
let suffix_length = input_suffix.into_iter().count();
match_input_length - suffix_length,
mismatch => mismatch,
fn to_stream(iter: &(impl Iterator<Item = TokenTree> + Clone)) -> TokenStream {
fn reinsert_token(
iter: impl Iterator<Item = TokenTree> + Clone,
token: TokenTree,
) -> TokenStream {
fn is_whitespace_token(token: &TokenTree) -> bool {
matches!(token, TokenTree::Ident(id) if id == "__NEWLINE__" || id == "__SPACE__")
fn is_wildcard(pattern: TokenStream) -> bool {
format!("{}", pattern) == "..."
fn starts_with_wildcard(pattern: TokenStream) -> bool {
format!("{}", pattern).starts_with("...")
fn skip_wildcard(pattern: impl Iterator<Item = TokenTree> + Clone) -> TokenStream {
fn match_tree(actual_token: &TokenTree, pattern_token: &TokenTree) -> MatchInfo {
match (actual_token, pattern_token) {
(TokenTree::Group(ref actual_group), TokenTree::Group(ref pattern_group)) => {
if actual_group.delimiter() != pattern_group.delimiter() {
return MatchInfo::Mismatch(Mismatch {
match_length: 0,
messages: vec![format!(
"expected delimiter {:?} for group '{}' but got {:?} for group '{}'",
let match_info =
match_prefix(,, true);
match match_info {
MatchInfo::Match { input_suffix } => {
if input_suffix
.filter(|token| !is_whitespace_token(token))
!= 0
MatchInfo::Mismatch(Mismatch {
match_length: 0,
messages: vec![format!(
"matched the entire pattern but the input still contained '{}'",
} else {
MatchInfo::Match { input_suffix: TokenStream::new() }
mismatch => mismatch,
(ref actual, ref pattern) => {
let actual_src = format!("{}", actual);
let pattern_src = format!("{}", pattern);
if actual_src == pattern_src {
MatchInfo::Match { input_suffix: TokenStream::new() }
} else {
MatchInfo::Mismatch(Mismatch {
match_length: 0,
messages: vec![format!("expected '{}' but got '{}'", pattern, actual)],
mod tests {
use super::internal::*;
use super::*;
use quote::quote;
macro_rules! assert_rs_cc_matches {
($input:expr, $pattern:expr $(,)*) => {
$crate::assert_cc_matches!($input, $pattern);
$crate::assert_rs_matches!($input, $pattern);
fn test_optional_trailing_comma() {
assert_rs_matches!(quote! {x}, quote! {x});
assert_rs_matches!(quote! {x}, quote! {x},);
assert_cc_matches!(quote! {x}, quote! {x});
assert_cc_matches!(quote! {x}, quote! {x},);
assert_rs_not_matches!(quote! {x}, quote! {y});
assert_rs_not_matches!(quote! {x}, quote! {y},);
assert_cc_not_matches!(quote! {x}, quote! {y});
assert_cc_not_matches!(quote! {x}, quote! {y},);
fn test_assert_not_matches_accepts_not_matching_pattern() {
assert_cc_not_matches!(quote! { fn foo() {} }, quote! { fn bar() {} });
assert_rs_not_matches!(quote! { fn foo() {} }, quote! { fn bar() {} });
#[should_panic(expected = r#"input unexpectedly matched the pattern. input:
fn foo() {}
fn test_assert_cc_not_matches_panics_on_match() {
assert_cc_not_matches!(quote! { fn foo() {} }, quote! { fn foo() {} });
#[should_panic(expected = "input:\n\n```\nfn foo() {}\n\n```")]
fn test_assert_rs_not_matches_panics_on_match() {
assert_rs_not_matches!(quote! { fn foo() {} }, quote! { fn foo() {} });
fn test_assert_cc_matches_accepts_matching_pattern() {
assert_rs_cc_matches!(quote! { fn foo() {} }, quote! { fn foo() {} });
fn test_assert_cc_matches_panics_on_mismatch() {
assert_cc_matches!(quote! { fn foo() {} }, quote! { fn bar() {} });
fn test_assert_rs_matches_panics_on_mismatch() {
assert_rs_matches!(quote! { fn foo() {} }, quote! { fn bar() {} });
fn test_accept_siblings() {
assert_rs_cc_matches!(quote! {a b c d}, quote! {a b c d});
assert_rs_cc_matches!(quote! {a b c d}, quote! {a b});
assert_rs_cc_matches!(quote! {a b c d}, quote! {b c});
assert_rs_cc_matches!(quote! {a b c d}, quote! {c d});
fn test_accept_subtrees() {
assert_rs_cc_matches!(quote! {impl SomeStruct { fn foo() {} }}, quote! {fn foo() {}});
fn test_cc_reject_partial_subtree() {
assert_cc_matches!(quote! {fn foo() {a(); b();}}, quote! {fn foo() { a(); }});
fn test_rs_reject_partial_subtree() {
assert_rs_matches!(quote! {fn foo() {a(); b();}}, quote! {fn foo() { a(); }});
fn test_cc_error_message() {
&quote! {struct A { int a; int b; };},
&quote! {struct B},
.expect_err("unexpected match")
r#"expected 'B' but got 'A'
Caused by:
0: expected 'struct B' got 'struct A { int a ; int b ; } ;'
1: input:
struct A {
int a;
int b;
fn test_rustfmt_in_rs_error_message() {
&quote! {struct A { a: i64, b: i64 }},
&quote! {struct B},
.expect_err("unexpected match")
"expected 'B' but got 'A'
Caused by:
0: expected 'struct B' got 'struct A { a : i64 , b : i64 }'
1: input:\n \n ```
struct A {
a: i64,
b: i64,
}\n \n ```"
fn test_reject_unfinished_pattern() {
&quote! {fn foo() {}},
&quote! {fn foo() {} struct X {}},
.expect_err("unexpected match")
r#"expected 'struct X { }' but the input already ended: expected 'fn foo () { } struct X { }' got 'fn foo () { }': input:
fn foo() {}
fn test_reject_different_delimiters() {
&quote! {fn foo() {}},
&quote! {fn foo() ()},
.expect_err("unexpected match")
r#"expected delimiter Parenthesis for group '()' but got Brace for group '{ }': expected 'fn foo () ()' got 'fn foo () { }': input:
fn foo() {}
fn test_reject_mismatch_inside_group() {
&quote! {fn foo() { let a = 1; let b = 2; }},
&quote! {fn foo() { let a = 1; let c = 2; }},
.expect_err("unexpected match")
"expected 'c' but got 'b': \
expected 'let a = 1 ; let c = 2 ;' got 'let a = 1 ; let b = 2 ;': \
expected 'fn foo () { let a = 1 ; let c = 2 ; }' \
got 'fn foo () { let a = 1 ; let b = 2 ; }': \
input:\n\n```\nfn foo() {\n let a = 1;\n let b = 2;\n}\n\n```"
fn test_accept_wildcard_in_group() {
quote! {fn foo() -> bool { return false; }},
quote! {fn foo() -> bool {...}}
fn test_ignore_newlines() {
quote! {__NEWLINE__ fn __NEWLINE__ foo __NEWLINE__ (
__NEWLINE__ a __NEWLINE__ : __NEWLINE__ usize __NEWLINE__) {}},
quote! {fn foo(a: usize) {}}
fn test_ignore_space() {
quote! {__SPACE__ fn __SPACE__ foo __SPACE__ (
__SPACE__ a __SPACE__ : __SPACE__ usize __SPACE__) {}},
quote! {fn foo(a: usize) {}}
fn test_reject_unfinished_input_inside_group() {
&quote! {impl Drop { fn drop(&mut self) { drop_impl(); }}},
&quote! {fn drop(&mut self) {}},
.expect_err("unexpected match")
r#"matched the entire pattern but the input still contained 'drop_impl () ;': expected 'fn drop (& mut self) { }' got 'fn drop (& mut self) { drop_impl () ; }': input:
impl Drop {
fn drop(&mut self) {
&quote! {impl Drop { fn drop(&mut self) { drop_impl1(); drop_impl2(); }}},
&quote! {fn drop(&mut self) { drop_impl1(); }},
.expect_err("unexpected match")
r#"matched the entire pattern but the input still contained 'drop_impl2 () ;': expected 'fn drop (& mut self) { drop_impl1 () ; }' got 'fn drop (& mut self) { drop_impl1 () ; drop_impl2 () ; }': input:
impl Drop {
fn drop(&mut self) {
fn test_accept_unfinished_input_with_only_newlines() {
assert_rs_cc_matches!(quote! {fn foo() { __NEWLINE__ }}, quote! {fn foo() {}});
assert_rs_cc_matches!(quote! {fn foo() { a(); __NEWLINE__ }}, quote! {fn foo() { a(); }});
fn test_wildcard_in_the_beginning_of_the_group() {
assert_rs_cc_matches!(quote! { [ a b c ] }, quote! { [ ... c ] });
assert_rs_cc_matches!(quote! { [ a a b b c c ] }, quote! { [ ... c c ] });
fn test_wildcard_in_the_middle_of_the_group() {
assert_rs_cc_matches!(quote! { [ a b c ] }, quote! { [ a ... c ] });
assert_rs_cc_matches!(quote! { [ a a b b c c ] }, quote! { [ a a ... c c ] });
fn test_wildcard_in_the_end_of_the_group() {
assert_rs_cc_matches!(quote! { [ a b c ] }, quote! { [ a ... ] });
assert_rs_cc_matches!(quote! { [ a a b b c c ] }, quote! { [ a a ... ] });
fn test_pattern_with_wildcards_must_cover_entire_group() {
// pattern `[]` would not match the input
assert_rs_cc_matches!(quote! { [ a a b b c c ] }, quote! { [ ... ] });
// pattern `[... b]` would not match the input
assert_rs_cc_matches!(quote! { [ a a b b c c ] }, quote! { [ ... c ] });
// pattern `[b ...]` would not match the input
assert_rs_cc_matches!(quote! { [ a a b b c c ] }, quote! { [ a ... ] });
fn test_wildcard_not_consuming_anything_in_group() {
assert_rs_cc_matches!(quote! { [ a b c ] }, quote! { [ ... a b c ] });
assert_rs_cc_matches!(quote! { [ a b c ] }, quote! { [ a ... b c ] });
assert_rs_cc_matches!(quote! { [ a b c ] }, quote! { [ a b ... c ] });
assert_rs_cc_matches!(quote! { [ a b c ] }, quote! { [ a b c ... ] });
fn test_multiple_wildcards() {
assert_rs_cc_matches!(quote! { [ a b c d e f g ] }, quote! { [ a ... b ... c ... f ... ] });
assert_rs_cc_matches!(quote! { [ a b c d e f g ] }, quote! { [ a ... b ... f ... g ] });
fn test_error_message_shows_the_longest_match_with_wildcards() {
&quote! { [ a b b ] },
&quote! { [ a ... c ]},
&|tokens: TokenStream| Ok(tokens.to_string())
.expect_err("unexpected match")
// the error message shows "longer match" with more tokens consumed by the wildcard
"expected 'c' but got 'b': \
expected 'c' got 'b b': \
expected '[a ... c]' got '[a b b]': \
input:\n\n```\n[a b b]\n```"
&quote! {[ a b b ]},
&quote! { [ a ... b c ]},
&|tokens: TokenStream| Ok(tokens.to_string())
.expect_err("unexpected match")
// the error message shows "longer match" with branching off the wildcard earlier
"expected 'c' but got 'b': \
expected 'b c' got 'b b': \
expected '[a ... b c]' got '[a b b]': \
input:\n\n```\n[a b b]\n```"
#[should_panic(expected = "Empty `pattern` is unexpected, because it always matches. \
(Maybe you used `// comment text` instead of `__COMMENT__ \"comment text\"? \
Or maybe you want to use `TokenStream::is_empty`?)")]
fn test_assert_cc_matches_panics_when_pattern_is_empty() {
quote! { foo bar },
quote! {
// This comment will be stripped by `quote!`, but some test assertions
// mistakenly used the comment syntax instead of `__COMMENT__ "text"`
#[should_panic(expected = "Empty `pattern` is unexpected, because it always matches. \
(Maybe you used `// comment text` instead of `__COMMENT__ \"comment text\"? \
Or maybe you want to use `TokenStream::is_empty`?)")]
fn test_assert_rs_matches_panics_when_pattern_is_empty() {
quote! { foo bar },
quote! {
// This comment will be stripped by `quote!`, but some test assertions
// mistakenly used the comment syntax instead of `__COMMENT__ "text"`
fn test_assert_rs_matches_does_not_need_trailing_wildcard() {
quote! {
fn f() -> f32 {}
fn g() {}
quote! {
fn ...() -> f32 {}
fn test_assert_rs_matches_no_trailing_wildcard_inside_group() {
quote! {
fn f() -> f32 { return 1.0; }
quote! {
fn f() -> f32 {}