blob: 8b9fc25861cd37d8ad6d4729a4ed1881102be66e [file] [log] [blame]
// Part of the Crubit project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM
// Exceptions. See /LICENSE for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "rs_bindings_from_cc/type_map.h"
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include "absl/container/flat_hash_map.h"
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "rs_bindings_from_cc/ir.h"
#include "clang/AST/Type.h"
namespace crubit {
namespace {
// A mapping of C++ standard types to their equivalent Rust types.
std::optional<absl::string_view> MapKnownCcTypeToRsType(
absl::string_view cc_type) {
static const auto* const kWellKnownTypes =
new absl::flat_hash_map<absl::string_view, absl::string_view>({
// TODO(lukasza): Try to deduplicate the entries below - for example:
// - Try to unify `std::int32_t` and `int32_t`
// One approach would be to desugar the types before calling
// `MapKnownCcTypeToRsType`, but note that desugaring of type aliases
// may be undesirable (i.e. we may want the bindings to refer to
// `TypeAlias` rather than directly to the type that it desugars to).
// Note that b/254096006 tracks desire to preserve type aliases in
// `cc_bindings_from_rs`.
{"ptrdiff_t", "isize"},
{"intptr_t", "isize"},
{"size_t", "usize"},
{"uintptr_t", "usize"},
{"std::ptrdiff_t", "isize"},
{"std::intptr_t", "isize"},
{"std::size_t", "usize"},
{"std::uintptr_t", "usize"},
{"int8_t", "i8"},
{"int16_t", "i16"},
{"int32_t", "i32"},
{"int64_t", "i64"},
{"std::int8_t", "i8"},
{"std::int16_t", "i16"},
{"std::int32_t", "i32"},
{"std::int64_t", "i64"},
{"uint8_t", "u8"},
{"uint16_t", "u16"},
{"uint32_t", "u32"},
{"uint64_t", "u64"},
{"std::uint8_t", "u8"},
{"std::uint16_t", "u16"},
{"std::uint32_t", "u32"},
{"std::uint64_t", "u64"},
auto it = kWellKnownTypes->find(cc_type);
if (it == kWellKnownTypes->end()) return std::nullopt;
return it->second;
} // namespace
std::optional<MappedType> GetTypeMapOverride(const clang::Type& cc_type) {
std::string type_string = clang::QualType(&cc_type, 0).getAsString();
std::optional<absl::string_view> rust_type =
if (rust_type.has_value()) {
return MappedType::Simple(std::string(*rust_type), type_string);
return std::nullopt;
} // namespace crubit